In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Honestly, I think you let people get to you too easily. First, it’s just a game and second, it’s your money you can do whatever it is you want to do with your money. The fact is they would probably do it too if they had the money or maybe they want to but they don’t want to be called out. WHO CARES at the end of the day do what makes you happy enjoy what you bought and keep moving on.

If this happened, then:

  • Right-click on name
  • Choose Ignore
  • Take a drink from your coffee or beer (or whatever).
  • Move on with your life.

I wish this actually happened, then I’d finally get some social interaction in this game.

Tolerance is an interesting thing.

We have to tolerate opinions we disagree with.

Greatfully, there is an ignore function in WoW.

Mostly jealousy. Many players are very jealous with what others do with their money. Many players don’t have money to toss around, they live paycheck to paycheck, so they are angry that others have disposable income.

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Because you have something they dont its been like that since the dawn of time

Can’t say I’d be interested in buying em.

Give me something cool like a Khorne Juggernaught.

Neither is life… get over stuff being fair…

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If someone is harassing you report them and hopefully the toxic neck beards will get a ban

Maybe you complain too little.

If you aren’t too blissful to be bothered, complain about whatever is in the way of that.

I don’t care as long as I get some cool solo stuff to do. They can stop making raids entirely and I’d be fine with it.

If my kink is being exploited by corporations, who are they to judge?

No we don’t. We can be like, “I REFUSE TO TOLERATE YOUR OPINION.”

I do that a lot, actually.

That’s not tolerating an opinion, that’s negating it. I support negating bad opinions 100%.

They should make more frivolous choices. Bills are due? Screw it. Buy the 12 month sub and live with the power off. When you finally get caught up and the lights come back on, you’ll log in to find the mount.

People are jealous because they don’t have the conviction to suffer for the things that they desire. You don’t have to be rich to get this bundle. You just have to prioritize it.

100%. In public, it’s mostly the opposite. Consumerism at extreme levels is praised.

I think it is funny when people message you to be toxic about a mount because it shows how sour grapes they are. I mean, I have no intention of quitting WoW for a year (and beyond) so why not pay less per month than the $15 and get free stuff for it?

It is also funny how people get all butt hurt over others paying for the 6mo/12mo in a game they are currently playing and likely will be for another 6mo/12mo etc.

/e spits on %t.

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whats going on dude! where are the controversial highly baiting posts! feed me!

Someone whispered me that my bug mount was cute but I was getting a fat bowl of cereal and missed them, that’s been my only interaction about it.

I could care less what mount people use. In fact I mainly use my faction mount

Sorry but why would anyone ever whisper “Cool Mount” to the owner of a mount that is being announced on the launcher? Why would I believe you about the supposed toxicity when you start your post with such an outlandish scenario?

ignore those people that whisper salty messages. 9/10 they are just jealous of your mount and your financial freedom to pay 12 month sub at once

Sad reality that this is a thing. I mean you’re supposed to report them but even the fact that they feel comfortable enough to harass people says a lot. This community isn’t as polite and friendly as some folks make it out to be.

Blame it on blizzard. To save expense and drive up revenue they fired all in fame GMs and most support staff. Every think why it takes a good 10 days at least for a support to reply to your ticket? Or how repeated reports of the same person yet they are still playing after months and months for botting?

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