In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

It sounds more like an objective observation to me

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imagine being that much of a dick. just slap them on ignore. hahaha it’s envy which is even sadder

I haven’t either, and I generally sit in the major cities most of the time.

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I can kind of understand the anger tbh. Its very similar to pre ordering an unfinished product. If blizzard sells enough 6/12 month sub bundles, they arent as motivated to pump out a polished product during that time because they already got people’s money.

Also as a whole it’s been proven to them that they can slack and make subpar content and people will still keep playing.

It’s up to you to decide if that’s reason enough to be upset with people who do support that kind of business practice.

Idc one way or another. Blizzard will find ways to diminish their own product regardless of these bundles lol

so… how do you define who is who?

people “afk” while they wait for queues, while they wait for groups to fill, while they wait for… whatever.
the game has a lot of legitimate waiting around.
when anyone gets a new mount, they want to show it off.
it’ll be their “go to” mount until they get their next new shiny mount.

Why do people deserve anything for just minding their own business?

I think something with your thought process is broken.


It’s a discount though? If somebody knows they’ll be raiding, or just playing the game for that time, It’s actually the wiser move, and a much better value. People are mad because they can’t afford it. I bed the guy OP was mentioning was just jelly, and took out his frustration on him.

I don’t think it’s wise to pay for unfinished and unpolished content. But that’s just my opinion on the matter. In 6-12 months we should be hitting 10.1 at the very least and we have no idea what that’s gonna be like.

So telling blizzard you are gonna be here for that long regardless what they do, doesn’t really motivate them to do a better job.

But like I said, idc cause blizzard will find ways to irk my own enjoyment of the game like they always do, and I’ll either find ways to have fun or let my sub run out like I always do. I even have the last six months bundle mount they did. So it’s not like I’m completely against the bundle. I just think it’s a lot more than “people are mad cause poor”

Fun fact: People are just toxic with others in this game. I remember someone tried to vote kick me from a random dungeon for having the cat shop mount. I didn’t even buy it, a friend gifted it to me. Thankfully the other people didn’t agree to kick.

I have all of them.


Reminds me of the other forum topic about why people hide from their mains because harassment. This also happened when the Fairy looking outfit came, I remember a dude getting bashed so hard he has to leave the game for a bit. When the special mounts came to Classic, people spitting on them lmao. Crazy stuff.

Thank goodness it doesn’t matter what you think, read the Code of Conduct - calling someone “Dumb” is against it. All that matters is if you do it, you will be reported. Based on your posts, it seems as if you are salty towards people that are not struggling…get over yourself is my only advice to you.

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Do you know it’s unfinished and unpolished? Also, besides the discount to the sub fee. 4 mounts would be another hundred dollars saved as well. I do get not paying for what you don’t know is happening yet, but there’s just some people that keep their sub on indefinitely. They might as well take the deal, it’s good for them.


This game is full of people who demand to be heard through their screen names and hold protests in game to protest things like “gender choices being changed to body type because genders are offensive” all while paying for the game they are protesting… it’s pretty comical. Just turn your chat off and enjoy the cool looking mount hahaha

The issue isn’t “people who arent struggling” it’s supporting Blizzard’s shady offer before an expansion drop and then expecting to be met with praise and positivity.

They can report people who say something, but we’ll all be judging and laughing at anyone who bought this mount

Ah, and here we are at the true premise of yet another troll post…I remember the days when you use to comment back to users pretending to be a customer service rep…or whatever it was you were roleplaying “sir”

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Humanbeak at it again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Judge away, listen for your information my posts were in regard to the OP. Let me tell you something about myself. I could care less about what anyone else says, does or thinks about me.

No one pays my mortgage, vacations, bills, food, clothes etc. - so what someone thinks about what I do with my money (of course my wife is the only one that can tell me what to do in case she is reading this), is wasting their time because as I said above - I couldn’t give a flip flop.

You can continue to blame the world for your problems and argue with differing opinions for the rest of your life but one day you will grow up and realize, you need to change things on your own - don’t blame others for your situation.

Yeah and this time I got dragged into it too.


Until technology give us the ability to punch someone in the face over the internet, people are going to be jerks in the safety of their dwellings.

I haven’t been harassed yet. Looking forward too it.

Did you watch Ready Player One? Imagine if we were in that time lol.