In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Joanna#1419 BRING THE HATE.

I am so sad. Every time people talk about getting nasty whispers or being spit on or etc etc for shop stuff I always get ignored. I brushed my teeth, honest.

I hate when they whisper something mean and then block me. That drives me nuts

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I think that would amuse me even more. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see things the same way.

I personally dislike pure store mounts / cosmetics in games like WoW that have a box price AND a sub on top of that we need to pay. Hating on 6/12 month sub mounts is just silly and makes no sense to me as you get them for no extra cost when buying discounted game time in bulk.

I should be able to spit on people who don’t have my year sub mount. :rage:

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I knew someone would reply with this… No not everyone, just those that obviously do it for attention when the flavor of the month mount is released…

What is funny with this is they are admitting they can’t spend $150 with expendable income and still pay bills. It admits they don’t make as much money and are jealous

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Yep, this is why social media should be discontinued. It’s bad for society.


I have the bear mount from the anniversary package a couple years ago, some store mounts, etc… and no one, literally no one has ever said anything to me about them. It’s so bizarre that some people say they it happens a lot (not saying it’s not true).

either way, it’s ripe for the ignore button.


I think people are tired of seeing blizzard use these gimmicks in effort to offset bad pr news and/or poorly received development. They lock you into an agreement before the potential loss were to come.

And many players reward them for this tactic and you become the nearest outlet to express frustration. Yeah, how you spend your money is your business but when there is this massive wall between players and devs, the players that reward the devs become the accessible outlet.


lmaooo i hope you arent taking that to heart kid

Hard to call it a gimmick when they do it every single time for a 6 month sub…and now doing it for a 12 month sub. It’s just a reward for an extended sub, pretty simple.

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It is a gimmick because they use it to buff quarterly reports after losses.

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Unless you can show me a bad quarterly loss announcement followed by every single mount with a 6 sub announcement, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you.

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yes and they have been doing this for a long time now, Tyrael’s Charger with the D3 release.

You can disagree. That’s fine. But in the future, just pay attention to the timing. Businesses don’t just give things away without a motive.

And right now, this prepatch hasn’t been well received with the bugs and bait and switch decisions. And here comes the close of the quarter in 5 days. Call it “pre-potting” for the stockholder raid.

I will take things that never happened for 1000 bill.

I don’t disagree with business trying to capture earnings for a quarter, it just doesn’t make sense here for Blizzard/Activision. Overwatch 2 and MW2 launched this quarter, along with Dragonflight coming – they are going to crush the earnings this quarter.

They are just reporting quarterly earnings on 11/7…they were earned during the 7/1-9/30 quarter. Now we are in the 10/1-12/31 quarter of earnings that will be reported sometime in February.

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I see the motive.

LOL you do realize you are playing WORLD OF REDDIT?

They parrot what their leader says to others. For example: