In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Right? :dracthyr_shrug: I’m not a fan of them taking stuff out of the game and throwing it into the shop but this is basically just committing to a subscription which most people (I imagine) already do to some extent.


What others said just don’t even let such people weigh on your mind at all. Ignore them.

Also if someone knows they will play the game regularly over the next year it’s financially wise because of the discount plus you get the mounts and whatever.

I’m not doing it because my game play desire comes in waves 6 month is a stretch as it is and I’ll break for a while. If you are prone to take month long breaks the deal isn’t financially a good value.

Which is fair, this isn’t the same thing though. Store mounts? Sure, that’s one thing, but I have to be subbed to play. This is me buying something I was going to be buying anyway up front for a cheaper price.

I’d agree if it was anything other than a subscription/xpac I was going to have to buy to continue playing anyway. OW2 skins are a good example of garbage, predatory monetization. I just don’t agree that a 12 month sub is in the same ballpark.

If I’m honest, I gave up my leverage as a consumer when I started playing Classic again. If at any point I decide I’m not having fun in Dragonflight I’ll switch back to Classic and continue having fun there.

Because there are zero consequences for being a turd on the internet and being a turd gets people to pay attention to you, for good or ill.

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just remember that they probably got stuffed in a locker in school or something and taking it out on others that can’t throttle them

so pity them or know they’d just call you “sir” in person and ignore their sillyness.

I can’t disagree.

Who cares? You’re an adult, you came to the conclusion you wanted the package. Ignore the haters and move on.

Perhaps those people should get the heck over themselves and stop worrying about how others spend their money.

If I know I’m going to be playing for the next year - and I do - not taking the 12 month sub and saving money (cheaper per month + mounts I would otherwise buy at 25/ea) would be stupid.

I’m not going to make a stupid financial decision because some entitled, conceited moron on the internet thinks their opinion on my financial decisions holds any weight.

Install BadBoy and BadBoy: Filter Whispers By Level; I never see whispers except Friends (and guild mates if I was in a guild).

I have not experienced this at all.

I’ve ran around with the new mounts and if someone whispered me something along those lines, I wouldn’t even respond. I would put them on ignore then right click report them for harassing behavior.

what you and the rest of the hive aren’t getting is your money effects everyone else. blizz can have a disastrous year and it won’t matter because their players already paid up. what incentive do they have when their paypigs don’t care about what they do for the game, how they value their money? but no, this is all about you.


what part of “I am going to play anyway” do you not get?

it’s only 6 words, I’m sure you can understand them. I have been subbed 100% of the time since I started playing in vanilla. I’m confident that I’m going to continue to play - even if you decide you don’t like the game - throughout the next year.

again - get over yourself and your feeling that your opinion holds any weight in someone else’s purchasing decisions.

yes my dude, my purchasing decisions for my entertainment dollars are in fact all about me.


I know it’s not easy to but best thing to do when that happens is just to add to ignore list

I don’t believe this


Why does no one ever whisper me mean things. :frowning:

I really want that murloc mount. I’m not sure how long I can resist

He is the best thing ever. 100% why I changed my sub to 1yr.

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It’s a completely made up scenario created by a known troll with the intention of riling up forum users. No one is harassing anyone about their sub mounts. Most players don’t give a darn about them at all.


gimmie your bnet, I got you covered :wink:

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Man, those two weeks flew by.

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