In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

You’d at least try to get some solace knowing that its just 13 year old juveniles behaving like 13 year old juveniles…but you’d be wrong.

Sure you did. Sureeeeee you did. Convenient whenever people like you talk about how you jussssst came back or sub ends in 9 days are alwayssssss on low lvl alts posting lol.



you should tell them to have mommy break out her credit card and buy them one, lmao

Sucks that people can be toxic, but people will be toxic about everything.

what is exactly is the point of creating all these fresh alt accounts? Old forum toons keep getting banned or something? Lol

It was “Humanbeak” last week, suddenly it’s a fresh toon “Hunanbeak”. I wonder what’s going on, unless it’s an impersonator situation :thinking:

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Because it’s full of people who started playing in 2006 and never changed. For them this is their place to hide from their sad lives and anxieties and a lot of them are not doing so great mentally and/or financially and can’t afford to drop that much money for something as unimportant as a video game, so they deflect all of their RL issues into the game, they lash out at players via whispers or at the devs by dropping toxic posts in the forums. They get unreasonably angry and offended about mounts and drop rates and game changes and they funnel every ounce of poisen that is pooling up from their unaddressed real life issues into it, feeling protected by their anonymity. They probably don’t realize it, but they’ve turned a thing that once gave them joy in the world into their digital rage room.

they do actually.

I despise the idea of store-bought mounts, because I feel like a game with a base cost + monthly subscription should have all rewards / cosmetics earnable in-game. I did however subscribe for 12 because I’d already be subscribed so why not?

That said, a lot of it is envy. They can’t afford it so they’re angry. Don’t be mad at them, put your pinky up with your fine wine glass and look at them with a condescending gaze.

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kinda weird this stuff always happens to this dude :thinking:


You care about what other people do with their time and money? Okay :roll_eyes:

It’s all bait. But sometimes it’s fun to bite the hook…

haha oh i know, he asked “or a bf”

we all had fun with it, idk where all this “m+ is toxic” nonsense comes from :slight_smile:

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I have all of the six-month-sub stuff and have never received one negative remark or /emote directed towards me in the game.

They got scared of a warrior named Nomercy :rofl:

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But Im a lover!

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Well I can post on my main that’s still in 95% season 1 gear other than the handful of pieces I picked up in the last two weeks prepping and testing my UI for DF, but you’ll just make another excuse won’t you?

maybe ill buy it then but you are the vast minority then.

“How dare you get free stuff for paying for your sub in advance you were already going to pay for! Bobby’s Yacht, copium, and umm uhh sheep! Yeah, you’re lucky I can’t /spit on you anymore!”


Didn’t you know? Saving money on a subscription and getting free stuff is being a whale. :upside_down_face:

The people trash talking over that are the ones who will be out on the street when they retire, destitute, because they have no sense of saving money.