In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

my best recommendation then is for people to not get bent over what a faceless person on the internet says.

life’s gonna suck if you can’t manage that. I would recommend staying away from online interactions because people? people are jerks.

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So everyone? Pretty much everybody I know afks there on whatever mount usually bronto

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1 post history, name checks out. Sus


I would argue that is no longer the ‘typical’ and that makes me sad.
Kinda feels like we have shifted into a much less friendly and positive ‘we all gamers here’ mentality.
Division is lame, and anyone trying to make more of it should be discouraged. I just hope it doesnt truly become the normal.
Because the trouble with normal is it always gets worse

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i haven’t had that at all. i had one person whisper me in oribos asking me to show them the /mountspecial. i had one person in a key ask me if i needed a gf (so i could buy them the 12-month sub). no negative comments or emotes.

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It’s because they are making it up for attention. OP is a known forum troll. Created controversy is why we can’t have nice things on this forum.


That was no girl :rofl:


Listen. I don’t personally care myself, but the answer is obvious.

Its the same reason people hate preorder bonuses and store mounts. Your enabling the developer to use shady marketing practices.

Many folks want to pay their $15 a month and get access to everything like they did in the past, and that’s a fairly reseonable expectation, and as long as people buy into all these preorder gimmicks, developers will continue to gate ingame items behind paywalls.

Your also paying blizzard for a product that hasn’t been delivered. What if dragonflight is garbage? They’ve already got your money, what leverage do you as a player have to push back and make them improve it? None, you gave up your leverage as a consumer for a mount.


nobody cares about the mount. what they do care about is people blindly throwing money at blizzard.


But if its a year sub that doesnt count the cost of the mount, how is it blindly throwing money at blizz

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Nobody cares about this. The trolls who are pretending to care are obnoxious though. Why would anyone care what someone else does with their time or money? It’s absurd. The 12 month sub is cheaper than month-to-month anyway as well. If people choose to play for a year that is their business.


Just jealous cause mom and dad won’t pay for it

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No they don’t! You’ve angered me!

calling b.s. ignore button works. and this is clearly just u being u and making more “hot topic” takes lol. once a humanbeak always a humanbeak.


They didn’t even spell it right this time. This is the foreign knock-off brand.


This is exactly how I see it. If I hadn’t just re-upped my 6 months I would be looking at the year option - they don’t offer a pro-rated amount for ‘upgrading’ from 6 to 12 though so I won’t be getting the Grrloc :expressionless:

ouch bad timing sorry this happened Latsyrc :frowning_face:

As a side note, some of us dont spend a large amount of time in the forums to be aware of who is known troll and who isnt.
I take the OP at face value as someone who was personally spit on for using that viridian phase mount, which was a gift from someone i care about.

Everyone reading this thread should make a simple effort to be kind to someone once today. It really does make a difference! :heart:

none of you ever unsub actually anyways lol. yeah gate a cosmetic item behind a cost saving measure lol. you folk always leave out the convenient part of the equation where you the consumer save money by purchasing larger blocks at a time…

Except they’re not “blindly” throwing money at Blizzard, they’re betting a product that’s been around for 18 years will be around for another year and odds are they’d be paying that sub cost no matter what so might as well get something extra from it.


I haven’t been subbed since the end of season 1, I only came back after they stripped out all the borrowed power nonsense in dragonflight. That’s the power of a consumers money over a developer

Swing and a miss kiddo.