In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

There’s no extra discount for moving from 6 months to 12 months.

they are subbed to the game too — they are just bent that they cannot afford the bulk sub cost to get the mounts too. :slight_smile: best to /ignore or send them on their way!

Jealousy. Ignore it.

We paid that for each expansion. Subs are for the privilege of being able to ACTUALLY play the game we bought.

so then you don’t have to. the people complaining are the people who are only subbing month to month. how does 6 to 12 month subs differ have anything to do with th fact that either option saves you money over month to month. whats even the point of this comment. nice try cherry picking and trying to look smart. next time read before you post.

first of streamers don’t MAKE anyone do anything. the community is toxic because human beings behind anonymous avatars tend to do that as history has taught us. it’s almost just as toxic for people like you saying dumb crap like the streamers made them do it as an excuse for crappy behavior lol

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Awe we agree on something, how cute.

well there goes my day. delete this entire thread no proof can remain.

not to flex my poor financial decisions but between the game, the cash shop and all the collectible clothes / statues I’ve collected, i would hate to think what these people would say when they realized i spent probably closer to 5 figures on this game in aggregate.

Already took screenshot and put it on reddit.

tell my kids i loved them.

Psh… I mean, yes, I’ll do just that.

I love the mounts and signed up right away. Zero regret!

That should have been a murloc pet to go with it.

Let me give you some advice. When people are being toxic to you, be virulent to them. As an example…

“I do not have to have an Only Fans like your mom to pay for your sub.”

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Nobody likes to see players re-affirming crappy business practices. It is what it is.

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Like most things, I’m sure they’re exaggerated online. Just like the FF14 perfect mmo narrative, just like I didn’t get my drop because 20 other mythic raiders stole it for Tmog, ect.

The reason they do that is because they know a significant amount of people are going to quit before that 12 months is up. They know they are getting people to pay for something they won’t end up using. It makes them more money. That’s why they don’t give the mount to players that sub consecutively. They know they already have their money.

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That applies to any company with the gym membership model. Which is basically all companies at this point.