In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Never had this happen at all, all i been asked is “where i get the mount followed by cool”

That’s how I feel. My sub is up in a few weeks but I’m thinking I might just toss the year on for the heck of it. $156 isn’t huge money and that murloc mount is cool as hell.

I already pay for LoTRO @ $100 a year. WoW and LoTRO costing me $22ish a month is a no-brainer, even with the box costs added on.


Mabye it’s the server havent seen anything like that.

But it’s not. It’s what protects you from potentially dangerous people coming over and finding you or actually affecting your life somehow. Some people just saying mean things does not mean Anonymity is bad.

And before you say it, it’s not as easy as “Don’t say horrible things”, when ANYBODY from ANYWHERE can consider what you’ve said is horrible, even if you think it’s is totally harmless. And given the fact there’s a huge cultural shift towards politics and social culture being ingrained in everything even if it’s unwarranted, that’s more true then ever.

I bet it’s so heinous, you didn’t link it.

Not would it matter considering i would wager 1 copper that it would be biased towards removing such a thing and just go on about how the removal of it is “positive”, without thinking the negatives of it for even a second.

Ask yourself this. do you really want strangers, strangers, to know who you are and where do you live… on some game forum? Because only honest people are stopped from the lack of anonymity.

This is not even going into the fact that we have a rare few pro doxxers who are giddy with the idea of RealID.

People need to honestly learn not to be bothered by something silly as people saying mean words towards somebody’s spending decision, instead of trying to make things objectively worse for everybody else.

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Yeah… if you want sunshine and roses go play ff.

If you want to get into the mud with the grunts… thats what WoW was originally designed for… but was butchered into a

Dance dance revolution boss battle… my little bronie… social hug fest.

dont let the non murloc riders beat u down, as ur now superior compared to their murloc-less mount :saluting_face:

It does indeed protect you (to a lesser degree than you believe) from this. The point isn’t that anonymity is bad, the point is that anonymity, like many things, is not morally charged at all. It is used for many reasons, and many people do demonstrably use it to vent frustrations, to get laughs at someone else’s expense, etc.

Not sure what gave you the impression I would say this. Or why it matters to what you’re saying here.

If it doesn’t matter I won’t do your research for you. Especially since you continue to have this bizarre idea that I think anonymity should be taken away from people. I sure as hell value my anonymity.

Well what is the lesser degree you’re mentioning here?

And i think the point people need to understand is just because some people used it maliciously, doesn’t mean it’s a malicious tool by itself. Same with some people using it for good doesn’t mean it’s a good tool by itself.

“Don’t say horrible things” is often used as a rebuttal, ignoring the fact it’s not that as easy or black/white as their positioning it as such given my reason explained in that sentence, outright allowing that user to just dismiss any argument this way.

I say that because i’m assuming you’re talking about those who just look at things with only a positive angle and never consider the negatives that come without it. If that’s not what you are talking about and If those studies aren’t biased, or showcases both the negatives/positives, then Mea Culpa. I would like to see them please.

My initial comment was how people in general, not just you or the other person, are often viewing it as a bad thing. And you’ve said “There’s lots of studies to back this up” as a response to my first response to Vaeena’s comment.

Normally, if you’re(Not you you, in general) positioning a thing you find to be bad as said, you generally don’t want it to be sticking around.

But I’l give you the benefit of the doubt that you misspoke on some parts and i will assume you want me to take away the message of … while you see more cons to it then pros, you don’t want it gone since you understand the pro is what protects us.

Data is summarily stolen on a daily basis from a wide variety of “anonymous” websites. Anonymity isn’t a catch-all.

I didn’t misspeak. Anonymity does result in behavioral changes in people. That doesn’t mean anonymity should be removed. It’s that simple.

In either case people need to be less toxic in this game.

What do you expect Blizzard to do about it?

i buy 12 month subs multiple times for the mounts but also to sub as well. in the end nobody messages me and i usually use the mount for a while.

non of their concern what i do with my hard earned money. unless they paying for my subs they have no say. in the end it saves me money if i plan to play consistently as well why would i spend more buying smaller subs if i plan to play for a year? i still end up getting my money worth as well dont even need to be playing daily for that.

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But you do play on the side with more adults, just sayin’.

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Bro, I don’t want to hear about toxic right now lol. I sat through a BFA dungeon as a disc priest healing a tank who couldn’t grab aggro, and didn’t know anything about what they were doing, while healing the two hunters who were trying to tank (one of them about as new.) Me and the shaman about broke our backs in the under rot.


Then had a DH who claimed he came back after leaving in Wotlk, and wouldn’t take any suggestions on how to do the Waycrest manor mechanics etc. Both groups had players who quit out right. Y’all really don’t understand the level of crap people put up with for the sake of not being toxic.

To be honest its those same people who will message you again in a year saying the same exact thing. And while they have been paying the 179 plus tax over the course of a year. You dont have a single cost for the game comming out for the next year. The only diffrence is you paid in advance and got added bonuses.

I got the 12 month sub and unfortunately haven’t seen toxicity about it yet.

we didn’t ask for this system of peasants and lords. back in the day you just paid a sub and got everything that came with the game. by buying the mount you’re rewarding blizzard and incentivizing them to do more and more consumer unfriendly practices. we’ve tried protesting with our wallets but that obviously doesn’t work.

Because certain content creators make their followers target people who do things they don’t like. Granted, these people are adults and should be capable of thinking for themselves, but it does feel like a hivemind / wave of people who think it’s just ‘edgy’ and ‘cool’ to hate on others for no reason other than fitting in.

I’ve had people send me nasty DMs for my TCG tabard, assuming I ‘spent hundreds of dollars’ for the card back in the day, when I got it off the BMAH.

People suck, it’s not just exclusive to the 12-month sub items. They’ll always find SOMETHING to harass people over, and it’ll be whatever the newest ‘trend’ is, or an item they’re mad they don’t have.

Just /ignore and trot on.

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How did you acquire said mount?

That’s not how large groups of humans have ever worked.