In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

It most assuredly not the BEST version of me.

Not sure what you are getting at… You currently have an active account.

I do plenty of things besides play WoW.

Why pay more than I have to for something that I enjoy?

I have friends all over the US that I play WoW with…

So am I addicted to the game or is it the socializing with friends from the east coast, to the west coast? Literally have friends in Massachusetts, Florida, Michigan, Texas, Colorado, Washington and Oregon that I play with. I can’t be in all of those places at one time unless I am in Azeroth with them, and is hanging out with friends an addiction?

So be jealous that I paid my sub ahead of time and I will enjoy my time with my friends.

Guess which one of us will be happier?


If $150 makes you broke, you need a better job.

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How is saving money supporting corporate greed?


The same people who PM players with hate for buying cash shop stuff are the same players who say “LOL so happy those idiots who spend REAL MONEY on Feldrake are mad XD”

You see, it stems from them being mad at the world and jealous whenever someone else has something they do not. They’ll use “Gatekeeping” as a way to deflect it. They hate “money hungry corporations” and capitalism with a fiery passion, so when they see you, an innocent bystander on their mount locked behind $150 they absolutely Lose it. While humans like this have always existed, the real problem is the number of people like this has rapidly grown over the decade


What kind of idiot spends $150 for an entire year’s worth of entertainment??? KEK

ding Got to go, my $60 door dash meal is here!!!


Actually, I mock those that spent $3000 for Feldrake. I mean really? You spent $3000 on it and now Blizz is trying to pay streamers back for streaming their games and hoping to garner more people to play by increasing the people streaming or watching streaming. A single mount isn’t worth $3000.
Even though I REALLY wanted the broto. I couldn’t see spending hundreds of dollars on it. I did try for about 6 months to raise the gold in game, I think I got to about 2.5 million but alas, I didn’t make the cut.

I bought the year sub because it is more economical and I hate having to budget for it every month, or every couple months. Just paid for it and moved on.

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People were the same way back in 2012. They treated Tyrael’s Charger riders like we had a giant scarlet letter stitched to our chest piece.

Which is why I hope they never, ever bring that mount back.

Yes I’m spiteful.


RIGHT? I mean don’t want it to go up but it’s a good deal if you enjoy it.

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These types of people would go nuts in a game like Valorant

They’re narcissistic sociopaths who are missing empathy and kindness DNA.

Report. Block. Be grateful you’re not them.

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You = Math Fail.

If you’re paying full price each month for your sub, you’re the idiot “supporting corporate greed.”

You could be saving $24 a year with either a 6 month or full year sub and getting free bonus items.

Instead, you’re literally giving a greedy corporation more of your money than the people you think you’re mocking are.

That’s quite the self-own. Even worse if you can’t see it.

Google: own-goal.

It’s also so weird I can still access new content today in retail. I guess Blizzard hasn’t received your memo.

It’s ok. It’s not your fault. Just stay in school. You’ll get there.


I love my Tyrael’s Charger.

I don’t mind if they bring it back. I have gotten to enjoy it for roughly 10 years. I play the game to have fun and hangout with like minded people. Doesn’t always happen that way even in the guild.

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We’ll be the judge of that. No mercy for whales.

Some people just wanna hang out with friends. My sub was up and I said. What the heck. I have been 6 months, now I don’t have to worry about it for a year. They also measure engagement as well. So if you aren’t liking they xpac. They do listen. They may not put your special butterfly in the game but they do listen eventually. I enjoy the game. I enjoy hanging out with the people I play it with. In fact, I wish I could gift more than 60 days at a time.

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I was being flippant so all joking aside, I don’t think that mount is ever coming back. If you remember, we signed a contract to stay subbed for a year and one of our rewards was an exclusive mount and it was worded that way.

If they brought that mount back, it wouldn’t be exclusive and they would be going back on their word.

Matter of fact, a few years ago you could buy Tyrael’s Charger from another country’s Blizzard store and put it on your NA account. When Blizzard fixed that bug, they removed the Charger from everyone that got it that way.

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Because it’s correct. There have been a lot of studies about this, one of which is quite famous. And quite heinous.

I’ve been subbed to this game for several years and I have no reason to cancel my sub anytime soon. If someone wants to throw me a cool new mount for being a long term fan of the game, I am all about it.

There are so many insanely amazing mounts in this game that any typical argument to remove sub/store mounts is so watered down at this point. These arguments would be valid if there is ever a wow2, but there has been over a decade of content created with easy to obtain beautiful mounts that who cares if 12 month sub players get another one.

So many people watch insanely toxic twitch/YouTube content creators and having an anti-blizz rhetoric is easy content for them. Asmongold himself started a campaign to have all his viewers /spit on players with store mounts. Unfortunately, many players are not able to formulate their own opinions and need to emulate their favorite content creator.

Aggression to other players taking part in things you don’t like is just a exceptionally low IQ way of life. You would have to be a huge hypocrite to be toxic towards people paying for a wow sub while paying for your own sub. If you truly don’t like the game, simply quit, cancel your sub, and go on about your life.

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That’s the reason OP is posting from a 55 DK on classic, not the reason people who play the game hate self-important whales

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I get the same crap on my void elf every time I’m on my mystic rune saber or use anything from the various top end “special editions” of past expansions. It’s ridiculous.

If people hate this game so much and despise anyone who gives Blizzard money, why do they keep doing the same thing every month?

I have been using the free mount and no one cares. I was hoping to get a wisper from a brain dead asmon fanboy, but no luck.

I think OP is trolling tbh.

Commitments are not easy, but after playing for 18 years, if i take a 3 month break during my yearly sub, no harm done. I got my moneys worth years ago already. WOW is low cost entertainment.