In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

wait until they find out canadian players got to spend $200 for it.

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I’ve never received any of these messages when using one of the store mounts, am I doing something wrong?

And you tell these numbskulls that you’d be subbed for those 12 months regardless. So, your just getting free rewards on top of what you are already doing. >.>


Dont worry about what others think. They are just jealous of you because they dont have that kind of money to throw down themselves. :wink:


There are ppl that are jealous but not all push back is jealousy.

I think the mounts are ugly as sin but I’m not going to harass someone for what they wanna do with their money.

I usually just tell them to mind their own business(I seem to have to say that a lot these days), but if you’re feeling nice that works too.

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I just noticed OPs name. I gotta git gud.

“Hunanbeak” I’m laughing now, Ty.

Man, people suck so hard these days. If you want it and you can afford it you absolutely deserve it and have earned it by gaining lvls IRL. Haters gonna hate.

Cool mount, bro.


Anonymity, as some1 said before. But also because of hatred for this company they feel has defiled and warped WoW. Don’t take it personally. Even though they’re messaging you- it’s not about you. They’re mad at the game and the people who make it and don’t know how to reach them with their anger so they point it at you because you’re an accessible target and, in their eyes, an accessory to the evil company.


Free mounts. Anyone on GD that is naive enough to not think they’ll be subbing is kidding themselves. Just pay it upfront and enjoy a year without paying Blizz again. Also, you’ll have a month and a half or so to see if you like DF before making the commitment.

sounds like this is happening in classic

these mounts aren’t free to a bunch of people because we pay for our game time with gold not real money. you have to spend real money don’t you - you just can’t use bnet balance for instance?

Because you are supporting corporate greed.

How you spend your money affects how this company runs.

Duh! wtf? are you new to life?

Everyone who installed classic also contributed to blizzard releasing recycled content and the downfall of retail.

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Usually when people have toxic or negative things to say about someone else, its because they are having issues within themselves in some sort of capacity. I don’t let it affect me in the slightest. Tearing people down and trying to upset people is the lowest form of self satisfaction. It shows who they really are and it shows what you really need to stay away from. You do what makes you happy!!


I’m supporting myself

People are dumb. If you going to be playing for a year anyway, highly likely with a new expansion coming out even if you’re not someone who always subscribes, then you’re actually saving money…

These children are just salty that mommy wouldn’t give them the money to buy it themselves.


I’m on a high pop server, so I think most of the people on it are like me and just sub year-round anyway. Maybe that’s why I haven’t seen the hate. In fact, if anything, I pop one of them and someone pops theirs out too.


These people are just jealous and petty. I ignore them and move on. The mount is free, who cares you saved money on 12 months you were going to play anyway.


It’s also reasonable for people who invest in products to pay less and earn more because it is their money up front that allows the business to hire to improve the game. Waiting is a self fulfilling prophecy because less money equals more cost-cutting which results in a worse game.


A person can go broke if they purchase the 12th month sub thing.