In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

They do it because they want to see people cry. Just like how you are doing right now. Some people are just mean and want to see people cry.

The toxic people you mentioned are probably enjoying right now seeing they made another person cry on the forums

You, yeah you. The piece of crap sitting in that big house! You trying to show off, Bro? You think you’re better than me? Think your too good to live in a mobile home?

Oh, now don’t you start, Mr Ferrari driver. Driving around in your shiny car. You’re an idiot for spending that kind of money when a Chevy Trax does the same thing, fool!

You and Mr Sits-In-Big-House are gonna get what you deserve. You know what that is? Huh? Just watch as a I furrow my brow, tut-tut and insult you on the internet. How dare you spend your own money how you want. Didn’t you know you have to check with me first, Mr Big-House and Mr. Ferrari?

Huh, didn’t ya?


I do not believe you have gotten any such whispers over riding a mount. Spend more time leveling that level 55 DK and less time manufacturing lies.

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I don’t care, if the mount makes you happy then that’s positive and good for you!

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Who cares?

Its your money, do whatever you want with it.

As long as it doesnt hurt anyone.


Doesn’t mean people need to be nasty.

I paid my sub a year a head of time. Saved 25.44 in cost and taxes and I’m the idiot? I get 4 mounts, and almost two free my months and I’m the birdbrain? REALLY?


Yea you tell’em Mr. Drama Queen…

Report them, global ignore list addon block them, move on.

Has anyone actually posted screenshots of things like this actually happening? (with names blacked out of course)

Cause like, apart from Asmongold’s followers when he tells them to do things like /spit on people, I’ve never really seen anyone actively harassed for buying store stuff. It’s only after a big creator does something like that.

I’m not doubting it might happen, just asking if anyone has provided proof, or if we have to go based on the OP, who I don’t like - but can’t say past that at risk of a silence.

Names shouldn’t be blacked out. People should be called out for this toxic behavior and removed from the game.

Yes, they should, because otherwise you will get a forum silence. Lol. It’s in the Code of Conduct. :stuck_out_tongue:


Farming better?

Nobody is making fun of people who bought a brontosaur (well, even then there is nuance, but we will never live in a world where brontosaur exists without tokens).

Because you spent real money on a mount, Blizzard is compelled to make more mounts to sell for money and less to make the game better. Thus, you are directly responsible for making WoW worse, by spending money on things that should be part of the game experience you already paid for.

Nobody is spitting on you because they are envious or jealous of you. They are spitting on you because they dislike you. You are making the game worse.

For the record, I never spat on anyone and don’t think it made a difference anyway, but I agree with the sentiment entirely. If you spend money on in-game items you deserve ire.

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So because I bought a 12 month sub to save myself $25. I am making the game worse?


Correction. I am not buying the mount. I am buying my 12 month subscription at lower price of 12.99 instead of 14.99. The mounts are free.

I am pretty sure that I would be here for 12 months since I’ve been with WoW for 18 years and I had a blast on the last 3 expansions: Legion, BFA and Shadowlands.

And the best part of it is that I would get it as a bday present from my sister. ROFL. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not true. It’s a common assumption and misconception. But anonymity has nothing to do with poor behaviour online. People who are toxic online are usually toxic IRL also. I am afraid the problem goes much deeper than an online issue, and it’s likely a reflection of tougher times in combination with a deminished respect for other people who are different. You see toxic people online more because physical boundaries don’t exist, in other words you meet more people, and the toxicity can get to you, because there is no physical boundary to stop it. But it has nothing to do with people behaving differently from real life. It’s a pretty well documented fact.

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Having /spit via /em now is such a pain.

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At best, it means you are so addicted to this game that it doesn’t matter what Blizzard does for the next twelve months, you wouldn’t even consider not subbing. This gives Blizzard carte blanche to be as lazy as they choose to be.

This is the best version of you.

Literally nobody cares what you think about anything.

I’d be surprised if you care what you think.

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This is demonstrably not true, since both he and you replied. Furthermore, this thread is 400 posts deep, at least half of which consist of people caring that other people are hurting their feefees about buying mounts.

That’s the thing about words. They don’t matter when the actions of the person saying them disprove them.

If people “didn’t care” about the opinions of people who dislike them for buying mounts, this thread wouldn’t exist, and /spit wouldn’t have been deleted from the game.


All I want is a murloc costume…