In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Fun fact: I’ve gotten more jealousy over the Swift Zulian Tiger than from the Swift Spectral Tiger. So…

Mine actually as we sadly only have 1 income and 2 hoas to deal with

It’s called “parenting”


I refuse to believe that anyone who can read this is a minor.


Well, you do you.

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And technically the game is only rated T so a 13 year old can play the game and sometimes stores don’t care who they sell to as long as they get a sale so your point is 100% valid

Sadly its not. With the $$ from Classic plus subs they’d have if retail was good. We def don’t need store mounts. See osrs, new content and less players but just a sub fee.

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Hey, kids! Welcome to an MMO that’s older than you.

I’m sure you’re actually reading this and are not merely a figment of our imaginations based solely upon WoW’s ESRB rating.

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a substantial amount of americans, believe it or not

there was a study from a year or two back indicating that most americans couldn’t scrape together $400 in an emergency without going into debt


As some people have said “Good thing I get paid this week”.

1 bad choice after another, but hey, free mounts!

It’s literally just jealousy. Believe me. In BFA I farmed as much gold for months on end for the brutosour mount, I got a lot of people saying wow, you spent how much real money on tokens for that? How sad? Ect ect. Funny because people often cry for a brut mount during raids and such so people stopped yapping about it. Remember people don’t love you for you, they love you for what you can do for them. That’s why everyone is so nice to healers and so on.


I hate Capitalism.

What’s a bad choice for you may be the best choice for others.

If having the mounts matters to you, then you should get them. Otherwise, you will remain unhappy and regret your choice not to get them.

If they don’t matter to you, obviously, it would be more frugal to skip this promotion, play month-to-month, and cancel when money and interest are both low.

I understand prioritizing food and rent, but I would choose the yearly subscription over paying the electric bill. Why? Because it’s a 12-month subscription, and I could live rough without electricity for a month to get caught up. When the lights come back on, I’ll have my murloc and 11 months left to ride it.

paycheck to paycheck isn’t a good time to splurge on a hobby.

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It is when you’re paycheck-to-paycheck all the way to the grave.

You gotta live sometime.

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Is key to what I said.

Why else are you alive if not to “splurge on a hobby?”

I don’t understand your reasoning.

Money spent on personal enjoyment is never wasted.


That is a whole can of worms.

Right now I think the stats are 63% of Americans are paycheck to paycheck, very rough. :dracthyr_cry_animated: I haven’t financially recovered from covid-era.


I agree with you. Its ridiculous that people will pick on other players for how they enjoy the game. If you want to buy from the game shop, they are free to do so. It shouldn’t even matter. We are all paying monthly for this game. People need to learn to leave others alone, especially if the person they are picking on are just chilling and minding their own business.