In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Just tell em to cry about it.

Ooo ooo oo, or you can just use the overused phrase all the gen-z kids are saying

“Go touch grass”

It’s sure to be effective.

Why are subscription-based mounts frowned upon if you’re going to be playing in the next 6 to 12 months anyways?


because, as with most terms, people around here have redefined the word “whale”. in this case it means “anybody who has anything i don’t”


While they are still available to buy after for those that wouldn’t want/couldn’t afford to do a multi-month subscription, I agree. A milestone method like that would be fair, and a nice way to do it, those on 6/12 month subscriptions would get their free promotion mounts same as they have before, but it would still let those on standard subscriptions get them after the same amount of months subscribed.

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My fave moment was when someone shamed me for it, and I said “We’re gonna be subbed for the period anyway - why not save some money in the long run and get three mounts out of it?” Then they were like “Huh. Fair enough”

A few hours later I saw them again in Org, riding the sub mounts too. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Jealous kiddies who’s parents won’t give them the 150 bucks.


Eh the social contract doesn’t do much, but if they are flat flaming you. Cursing and spam, thats an easy report and muted.
You’d be surprised how many players I’ve gotten muted in wow and overwatch for toxic chat.



Well, at least they know what they’re getting in to.

Things that didnt happen for 500 Alex.

Oh, I do.

I also enjoy my Spectral Tiger.|tkp%3ABk9SR4LZvraIYQ

And my 5,000,000 gold Brutosaur Mount.

And my Big Blizzard Bear

I could also enjoy any of the store mounts, BlizzCon mounts, or special promotion mounts - because I have them all.

I could get in the Refer-a-Friend airplane or ride Tyrael’s Charger around to show off the last time I committed to a year of WoW.

I have a lot of options to choose from, and I believe just about all of them would make you angry.

Life is good.

Stay angry, my friend.


Shadowlands had such little content and adding mounts to the game instead of the shop (even if they’re ‘free’) would’ve helped.

Is it right to take this frustration out on other players? No, obviously not.

In my opinion buying things from the shop is bad for the game, but at this point its unfortunately been accepted by the community.

but you cant ride your mount with an unscraced code uncracked code

and yes i’m jealous lol

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The new mounts are cool. People envy and can’t afford it so they envy in mean ways

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True. I scratched my kitty’s cute lil code within seconds of finding her in a TCG pack.

It has been a long time, and we’ve been through a lot together.

But our journeys have only just begun.


I mean the issue is people are always like this in some regard even if it’s a troll it has a damn good meaning behind it. For example if you wanted to save money in the long haul and people attack you for it it’s on them and the funny part is they can easily just pay $25 for the same mount later or just get it free with their sub people just hate feeling less important than other’s around them due to their bruised egos

This this right here people

Sadly it’s actually better for the game as then they can keep the servers up and still keep it a sub based game instead of what happened with Diablo Immortal for example

Whose parents are that broke?