In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

It’s really incredibly simple, my man. You’re directly supporting anti-consumer practices from a company with a horrific reputation in this area, and you seem to have absolutely no self-awareness. It’s alarming common - and not just among young naïve people. Middle-aged naïve people are just as bad.
If I were a businessman, I would adore people like you.

I’m a communist. I don’t approve of any form of capitalism. I am forced to participate in capitalism or die. I don’t care about anti-consumer practices. I dislike all capitalists equally. Society’s complete disregard for my personal ethics has resulted in my complete disregard for society’s ethics as well.

I’m quite self-aware. I was born into a society that is centered around getting what you want at the expense of others. You must claim what you desire before someone else does, and so forth.

I want the murloc mount. I have considerable wealth. Therefore, I now have the murloc mount.

How did you put it?

That it is.

Perhaps you are confusing apathy with naïvity.

There’s no ignorance here. I hope your entire economy implodes. And look at that - it’s well on its way. I’ll sprinkle a bit of gas here and there to coax the flames along.

Good. Give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want until there is nothing left but my pleasure and your profits.

Not to mention the 1yr sub is a better investment, assuming you would re-sub every month anyway.

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Oh god, you really thought that was a well-considered reply didn’t you :joy:
“I’m a communist, so I throw my money (or more likely my parent’s money) around with no regard because my petty, shallow ideology absolves me of any responsibility!”

I barely know where to start. So I won’t. I’ll simply say:
Good luck getting through highschool and the rest of your years, because with an attitude and personality like that, you’re really going to need it.

Report them. They’re embarrassing themselves… let em be angry man-children.

When I boosted my shaman on classic… I got aggressive whispers, spit on and camped in the open world. It was rather amusing.

I mean I know it’s uncalled for, but the fact that you let it bother you is your own issue.

There is nothing that hard about hitting ignore and moving on with your life.


Still do.

I don’t need to be absolved of responsibility. I never accepted any.

Good choice. Whatever you came up with wouldn’t have done any good anyhow.

I’ll be 41 on Valentine’s Day.

Hail Satan.

Genuinely embarrassing, thanks for the read!
I’ll bookmark your comment here in case I ever need an example of a weak-minded person hiding behind narcissism and self-induced apathy as a substitute for critical thinking.

Cool, you play classic so I take pride in the rancor you harbor for me. I appreciate you expressing how much I rub you the wrong way. It’s good for the old ego.

I’m going to sleep now, and when I wake up, I’ll ride my giant murloc around my favorite server and think of you.

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Glad to see you learnt absolutely nothing. Enjoy your $155 video game toy, lmao.

LOL you save more money skipping a month during the content drought period

Honestly unless it’s a whisper from someone I’m playing with,in my guild or someone I know I place on ignore just to avoid things like this.

“Content drought”, meaning “no more things to do in the current expansion but there’s tons of stuff to do in older expansions?”

Kinda strange that there’s no additional discount from the 6 month sub bundle though. Why not just stick to strictly 6 month incentives?

Jealousy. They can’t afford it so they’re jealous. They’re paying and playing now, so if they could afford to put out that $155 in one shot for a year sub and the goodies then they probably would.

because as much as people said it it wouldn’t happen purchasable mounts have led to an exodus of cool mounts being rewarded for gameplay.

when you trot around in one of these mounts it just reminds people how much they hate the system.

and then you become the face of that system.

I’m not saying it’s fair or right but that is what it is

There are the regular haters and trolls of course… but a lot of people associate these extremely long sub buys with “pre-order/early access” crowd which many people believe lead to the downfall of the gaming quality. The belief is, because you are paying 1 year upfront, you are locked in to the game so they only do the bare minimum during that year to keep you happy

I mean, for me I’d rather bite the bullet and pay for a 12 month knowing that I don’t have to worry about a payment for an entire year and knowing it’s slightly less expensive than seeing that $15 charge every month.

Especially coz I can cancel it if I want and then if I have an urge to play again within the next however many months I have left in the sub, I can without needing to resub.

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If it happens often enough, which I hope it is because you went through the effort of crying on the forums about it, there are in-game systems in place to either A.) Ignore those players, or B.) Report them.

That or just don’t use the mount if it’s affecting you this much. People suck, ignore them and move on.

You really missed an opportunity to troll the harassers back.

Simply reply with only Murloc speak.
