In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

They aren’t.

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They aren’t going to remove money that makes money.

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on some low pop servers you can get stuff for 11k i got the tcg rocket mount from a 35k bmah box sold it for 4m i already had it

or make token not able to be sold just to give game time maybe ??

I think the AH is all servers now.

Years back my friend got the rooster for like 15k.

you buy token someone sells token = gold / gold = token.

the ah is server merged between some servers not all and BMAH no i check it daily on diff servers only on bmah you get discontinued items

but imagine is not tradeable or you can’t gift it or put it on ah just reedem it

People can’t buy gold, then people can’t buy time.

Blizzard makes too much money off it.

wb trsnmogs in rp servers professions pets and ingame economy ? like people can do tht to generate the gold and buy the game time token

People buy the token for sub cost, they would stop buying them.

Blizzard gets 2 months sub for the gold the player gets.

What would every player get for the token cost?

Well if you’ve been a paying month to month subscriber for at least a year, you would have paid $180 instead of $150. So who is the dumbass?

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I mean sure, if you play an entire year, but don’t play an entire year even 150.00 makes you a dumbass.


The 6 month sub is the same value for money as the 12 month, though. It seems pretty obvious that the few players who went for the 12 month deal are more interested in obtaining the drake recolour than taking advantage of a “good deal”.
Which pretty much means they fell for the marketing trick, and are now embarrassed and trying to defend their choice. Just my perspective.

vegan nuggets.

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  • What’s your source for assuming “few” players bought the sub?
  • I got the deal because of the Murloc and Telix. I don’t know what drake recolor you’re talking about.

I didn’t fall for anything. I would’ve paid $155 straight up just for the murloc mount.

I’m extremely proud of my decision to buy the 12-month sub. My choice was the intelligent one and it requires no defense.

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So tell us
How do you tell if someone is enjoying the mount (apparently to gloat according to you), or those who simply are using and enjoying their mount?

I’m honestly incredibly curious about this


The toxicity is definitely not deserved. Obviously just report anyone trying to be toxic over people spending money how they want.

But I think the promotional mounts are an awful system. Not everyone can afford to pay up front the $200 or so (AUD for me) to get the mounts (or can guarantee they can play consistently for that period of time). Considering they’re all unique/better than a lot of recent things they’ve actually added in-game, it kinda sucks. What’s worse is people that pay month to month (for varying reasons) are actually paying more but missing out.

The system should just be a sub milestone reward. For e.g at 6 months total sub for the account you get X reward. At 12 months you get Y reward. Rewards everyone that subs to the game for a specific length of time regardless of their sub model and allows people that pay for the bundles to access them much earlier.


I’ve had a 6-month subscription since they first offered way back when before the mounts they have with them were a thing. I knew I was going to be playing for a while and I liked paying a few bucks less per month. As I don’t use any of the mounts they give, I don’t care about the extras they give.

RE: the 12-month sub, I have no reason to get that because it doesn’t look like it gives any additional savings, just more in-game stuff that I’d probably never use. Were they to make it so the $/month was even lower than the 6-month sub, I would consider going that route once I determine whether or not DF is worth that much of a time investment.

“I didn’t fall for anything. I would’ve paid $155 straight up just for the murloc mount.”

“My choice was the intelligent one and it requires no defense”

I want you to read those two sentences back to yourself slowly and have a bit of a think.

You’re going to have to just come out and say it. You’re not going to recruit me to your way of thinking, nor will hinting at whatever you mean yield the results you are hoping for.