In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Rare gated items in MMOs are just FOMO content meant to create artificial scarcity to boost subscriptions and do not serve gameplay in the slightest.
If we were talking about a mount that you could earn in game and not with real money or through a trading card game, this would be a different conversation, but only sightly.
You cannot be mad when there was no guarantee for you.

still is game ruining and segregating and blizzard feeding tht against wealthy players or rare owners i don’t have feldrake i will get it on drops but i have another rare stuff and i find tht is unfair events need to be for everyone and rare vintage items need to be left alone a recolor will please everyone except people happy about ruining the original owners for being rich or lucky or wealthy.

If you think unfair events should be for everyone, then you should probably have an issue with vintage items as well, since they are in limited supply and not everyone can have one.

Keep your vintage paraphernalia separate. It’ll lose all of its worth when the servers go down anyway.

events like the TCG PROMO THT WAS BACK IN THT DAY GETTING THE UNIQUE REWARD FROM A LOOT CARD if you wasn’t there will be a new event with new rewards or make tht rewards not unique rare stuff just like a extra mount for the pile btw the only region with no tcg was asia thats why they gave spectral tiger in 6 months sub there wich is fair im from south america and was able to get tcg boosters the other stuff are excuses tht resenful people use to get free stuff with no effort .

Just enjoy the game, the day they kill the servers, no one will have anything.

Blizzard has segregated the players, that 1 more layer isn’t going to change anything.

but they selling this new inclusive image plus been here since 2008 and its sad to see a game i love being destroyed with the years but this is the drop tht overflow the glass for me thats why i try to share my opinion here.

And it was quite literally impossible for everyone to have one, especially with cards being given to the highest bidder.
Meaning is unfairly in favor of wealthier folk.
Your stance on this contradicted your earlier statement.

What’s ruining TCG stuff are those people that are selling and taking advantage of people that love the game.
It’s entirely Blizzard’s choice if they wish to re-release old FOMO content.
FOMO content actively discourages people from playing the game, because the thing that they wanted is no longer available.
Re-releasing that content is probably overall good for the game and even kind of funny because: if someone bought something from a third party for an exorbitant amount of money, that is their own fault.

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The day you figure out that you don’t need pixels, you’ll be a lot happier.

I started early '05, I’ve seen a lot of change, opinions on this go way back to the sparkle pony, they are not going to change.

it is what it is.

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They can’t think. Playing the game for one year is exactly the same.

thts not true im from south america im not rich irl i was like 12 years old back in those days and i was able to order boosters from blizz store in tht day stop putting excuses because you want free stuff

i know i don’t need them but i like them and i want them and i well earned them not for free with time effort and years its one of my hobbies i love to collect stuff and felt faceslapped on this blizz decision even if i don’t have feldrake and will get it on drops,

they just need to make recolors punish troll ppl tht insult rich ppl and everyone will be happy ;d

Vote with your wallet, if being a loyal customer doesn’t feel rewarding, maybe its time to find a business that will.

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Haven’t you seen the 5 million otter recolors? They gotchu!


If you want special TGC content, you’ll likely have to buy more than just a few boosters, meaning you’ll have to have a lot of money.
TGCs are all pay to win, and the warcraft TGC is no exception.

And you’re making a strong assumption on whether or not I even want the mount.
Whether or not I want it, is irrelevant to my opinion on the content.

I put in a lot of work to get my fair share of unique content and I would rather it still be available for others.
Of the Black Harvest is one of the coolest titles in the game, and I find it shameful that no one will be able to get it again.

but i enjoy the game i just don’t like what they doing with it and sharing my point of view and a legacy player and collector thts all

If you enjoy the game, then they are successful, a lot of people are happy with what they are doing, as well a lot are unhappy.

They picked random directions to upset everyone.

blizz store only sold booster boxes so you had to buy a lot a lot of ppl got them ingame too some back in the days where on action house for not a lot of gold like 200 600k some on bmah tht im down to add tcg to bmah if they increase gold cap and turtle can be fished but they are not for free on a twitch drop lol

Black Market is P2W as long as they let you buy gold. Lol
Can we at least agree that they need to be tougher on botters and remove the wowtoken.


Oh thank goodness, I was worried for a second, but since it never happened to you that must mean this is not a common occurrence if at all.

Close the thread guys, rage whispers about in-game store things probably only happened once out of the millions of people who play this game.