In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

No one says tornadoes happen all the time. What a stupid analogy.

Oh really, no one? I won’t find 1 person on earth that says that?

Looking at this

It would seem there’s 1000 tornados a year, that’s at least 1 a day so I’d say someone might feel they do happen all the time :slight_smile:

So you admit they happen? Again, this is a stupid analogy.

Who said they didn’t :rofl:

I’m really at a loss as to how this can be a “bad purchase.” If a player knows they will be playing for a year, why not get the sub (which is cheaper than month to month)?

It is only a “bad purchase” if the player isn’t going to play during that time.

You have zero basis on which to call this a “bad purchase” for a complete stranger.

Dracthyr withdrawal.

Most of this anger and toxic outlashes will cease when dracthyr become playable~

:dizzy: :rabbit:

Go be poor somewhere else is always a good reply.

…Why is this always the answer some people go for and why they keep treating it like it’s a bad thing?

I mean it would actually be better if everybody’s real info is put out there publicly? (And before somebody says it, i mean in a way that is public as in right next to your username whereever you go, not hidden in some police records or such) Because it’s not going to stop people completely from doing what their doing. If anything, it would only worsen because now they know who you are and where you live possibly.

And i don’t know about you, but some people are ripe proper grape nuts.

LoL “hunanbeak”. Nice b8. I r8 an 8/8.

I think this is completely false, I might believe you if I didn’t know Facebook existed. People are just as toxic, sometimes more, when not anonymous.
When you’re anonymous, you have the option to start over, people can be more likely to double down when they feel like they are being personally addressed.

I believe it’s more because people see it as a form of pay to win with maybe a sight hint of jealousy that they cannot get the mount in a way they prefer to play.
Ever since TRH(RIP TotalBiscuit) came out in Wrath there’s been a fairly large negative reaction to players that buy these mounts.
I personally, have no issue with cosmetic purchases, and that’s all that the store mounts really are, the only difference here is that it pays for your subscription, which is actually discounted and the mount is a bonus.(maybe you should reply asking them why they can’t afford a sub?)
Of course, if you don’t play for a majority of those 12 months, you’re probably taking a loss, but that’s your business.

Just report players for being toxic and move on. Help rebuild the community.

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Is anyone going to tell him, or?

most new community is resenfult agains rare owners or rich players blizz need to do something about it too same deal with the free feldrake stuff some people making fun of the tcg owners that getting it ruined etc wow is full of envy

Asmongold told people to spit on everyone last time we had a cool mount like this that we got. I wonder what bully tactic he will come up with this time. I like him. But did not like that action that he did. :frowning:


Full of something anyways…

but no1 punishing it because rich players or ppl with expensive stuff has to feel bad for having tht stuff?? because other people don’t?? lol? they better start farming instead of being toxic.

Absolutely nobody has bullied me about my beetle mount. I got thumbs up emotes from other beetle mount owners in Oribos.

They made the choice to spend thousands of dollars, at the time they decided it was worth the risk.
They did not have to spend the thousands of dollars.
There was no benefit to them outside of the cosmetic.
It’s not like Blizzard charged them up to $3,500 for the amount, that was another third party.
It’s the company’s choice what to do with its own IP.
Being mad at that is like buying a burger outside of a restaurant for an exorbitant amount and then being upset at other restaurant goers for getting the same burger inside the restaurant for cheaper.

They made the choice, it sucks for them, but there’s nothing to do about it. The entitlement over that particular situation is ridiculous.

I don’t know man, I don’t care how people spend their monies, or reason for that matter.

removed a stray Y.


thats not the deal they segregating players tht had it and ruining the rarity and don’t giving them any reward from the new event that should be inclusive and for everyone of it not about the money some ppl got it on a booster by luck others bought it ingame etc its game ruining for a lot of persons all MMOs have rare items tht are like ‘’ wow tht dude have tht discontinued sword or mount ‘’ or set etc and tcgs are a rare vintage item with his code unscratched even unused they getting devaluated too.