In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

I’ve only had 2 people say anything to me about the mounts. Just /ignore them and move on.
Especially since ignore affects their whole account now! <3

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That’s very long :smiley: - maybe I’ll watch it later

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It’s not even Humanbeak, it’s an imitator.

Is it Chickenbeak in disguise?

Don’t care.

Kinda relevant for it to be the person you claim for it to be “at it again.” Good luck with the denial, I guess.

Unless you know [which you don’t] then I suggest you check yourself before you come at me with your supposed factual statements lol

Was realizing I have never got a whisper about my mounts. Then I saw the name.

The people I’m referring to make it pretty obvious…

Call them poor and move on

I dont get toxic like “hope you go broke” or something, I’ll usually be like “get a load of 12 month subber over here” then /point and /lol. Then we just talk about the future of WoW and hope it ends up good.

People who think it’s about money are hilarious :rofl::rofl: Do you think rich people got rich by engaging in business practices that are bad for them? Buying store mounts (or committing for 12 months sight unseen) contributes to the worsening of the product, and this you deserve ridicule.

Buying store mounts encourages Blizzard to monetize that which should be part of the wow experience you already pay for.

That said, you do you. Your money.

I haven’t had toxicity on my server. Yesterday someone asked for anyone with the Murloc to mount up so they could see, and it was all positive.

My server is generally not too toxic.

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They’re telling you they are poor without telling you they are poor. If you cant afford your utilities after spending $150 maybe you need to focus on your career instead of games.

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People still pay attention to what other people have in this game?


I don’t think something as petty as a 1-year sub to a game is an obstacle for success. I started making six figures after I got my M.S. in Computer Science and got a job offer at a Fortune 100 company. Not after I cancelled my yearly subs, that has nothing to do with success.

You generally want to be able to provide something of value to society. Once you have the training necessary to be high-value, that’s when you start making money.

reply with, “well, at least you won’t have to see me either way since you can’t afford to maintain a subscription.”

Which reminds me of all the people who said “wooohoo thank god I get paid Friday”.

For some it is a hobby, for others it is a cancer.

“Imagine spending $150 on a video game”
-Player who’s probably played since vanilla or at least wrath and has spent $1,000’s on the game.

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