In game mail options to reduce harassment

I’ve flagged people who have followed me around attacking me and there was no action. Action doesn’t get taken unless enough people flag them.

I’m surprised a green wants to allow harassment and remove protections. All the while having access to those very protections himself.

Protections for me and not thee.

What protections exactly do you think I have that you don’t???

Literally the ability to ignore people.

Right, but I am saying that no one should have those “protections” not even MVP’s. And because of my position as an MVP, even on the old forums that did have standard ignore feature from the get go, I never used it because of the very reasons I preach against it!

It is not in the best interest of a forum, focused on discussion, to have a way to cut out portions of discussion regardless of if you like someone or not. It creates a situation of disconnect from a discussion.

I would sooner quit these forums before ever ignoring a user on these forums because the moment I use that ignore feature I am squelching discussion to a degree.

There are plenty of people on these forums who I personally do not like, though I do try to be impartial, but even with my personal distaste and some of the squabbles we have gotten into there are times when productive discussion can be made even among people you may not like.

I will always stand firm by the idea that an ignore function for anyone on these forums, especially when there is no PM or DM system, is a terrible idea.


There is a difference between productive discussion and following someone around harassing them. I had one guy follow me around thread to thread and even search my posts, found my main and was messaging me ingame. I blocked him ingame but he kept harassing me on the forums. I flagged all the posts I could but unless enough flag it nothing gets done.

I ended up making a thread, got fed up and calling for the mods to do something and I was the one who got banned, which I knew would happen but nothing was being done.

Blizzard needs to protect their players. There is nothing wrong with an ignore feature.

I had that for a while, a person on these forums followed me around bringing up a post I made in a thread that asked the question “Do you AFK in LFR?” as well as some people from the WRA server who were following me around in every thread I went to trying to defame/turn people against me while derailing threads because I called them out on their hostility/rude behavior in a WRA on the old forums.

It happens, those people do eventually get actioned through reports. Yeah, not as quickly as people who get mass flagged as it kinda jumps you ahead in the queue.

That’s not true at all, it just takes longer because the posts that get mass flagged get jumped further ahead in the queue, paired with the greatly reduced Blizzard moderation staff on a very large and active forum… It can take a while for things to get moving.

You most likely crossed a line, my dude, and broke a part of the CoC. I myself have made many a post about my disappointment with moderation on these new forums but did so within CoC and forum guidelines.

And before you say its MVP privilege or something imma stop ya right there. We are not immune to the rules. In 2019 (I don’t think it was 2018, though maybe it was) I got a 3 day suspension for saying something I honestly should not have and then at the end of 2019 one of my threads got locked. Us MVP’s are not immune to consequences either just in case you or anyone else might think that.

I know a lot of people seem to think we MVP’s get super special treatment and might be above the forum rules but we honestly are not.

Trust me, you are not the only one frustrated with these forums. I bet you that there are even CM’s unhappy with the current forums as well as their current manpower.

As Hamstar said though, they do do this. The problem is that player perception, because there is no visible feedback. Heck, even twitter has responses when you make reports to let you know “Hey, we are doing something! Please keep reporting people breaking the rules!”

Blizzard’s actions may not be instant, they may not give any form of direct feedback/confirmation, but they do act.

Depends on the setting. In WoW where there are ways to directly message a single person? Yeah, absolutely, an Ignore feature is great! In a public forum where the focus is active discussion and sharing of opinions? No, I am sorry, but I disagree. Maybe if these forums had a PM/DM system but the fact that nothing like that exists, I do not agree these forums need an ignore function.

Wait… Did you just say you reported people for PvP? When you have to opt in to PvP?

“But kardurst you don’t understand I didn’t want to PvP”. Then turn war mode off.

“But kardurst this was before war mode” then why did you roll on a PvP server?

Yeah reporting is not for PvP deaths. It’s for actual harassment.

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Uh you can’t pvp on the forums… I don’t think you read a single thing before pushing that reply button.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Ahh you meant attacking as in verbally? As in they entered a thread after you to say something. Yeah that is my mistake. I never read attack in a video game community as in attack with words unless it’s said explicitly.

You’ve never heard someone call it a personal attack? I just shortened it because of the context. The context was pretty obvious considering we were going back about forum features.

Hmmm that’s not what I said. I said I never read “attack” as “verbally attack” in a video game community. Because it’s much more likely you actually got your character physically attacked.

In the context it was quite obvious. Especially considering there is no “flag” feature in game.

To each their own though.

You obviously know nothing about the movement. Those that harass female gamers are guys interested in womens attention.

Ah well that’s the root cause of the problem. Honestly, after a year of this (which is way too long) I’d have disbanded the guild and reformed, only taking in people you know aren’t doing this. If it happens again, disband again. If I were her, I’d have left the guild already.

You have an extremely toxic person in your guild - and you feel it’s your guild’s responsibility to be safe - so it’s time to own up and disband - or eject everyone from the guild and have people come back in on an invite-only basis. And you could require that they join a bnet chat group so that if they try to screw with alts, you’d SEE them doing it.

I run a pretty large casual guild, but I would most certainly take this kind of drastic action if we had anyone being that abusive. In my experience, we can usually figure out who in guild is toxic and eject them reasonably fast - if they are doing that to her mail, I bet they are doing it in other aspects of the game that you can probably spot. (And if it happens to her “live” you can screen shot guild members and rule people out, etc). (If someone is that much of a *hole, they are poisoned so deep they can’t really hide it).

If all else fails, just disband the guild for good imo as it has been effectively ruined.


I agree that there could be a block sender option for mail. I like the idea of ignoring someone by entire account.

For getting unwanted mail at this time I think its best to let the mail chill unopened in the mailbox. That way after a certain amount of time it returns to sender. Then the nasty person knows that it isn’t reaching the intended person and the person doesn’t get upset with its content since they didn’t read it.
It is a pain not hitting that mass receive button in mail but worth it when its suddenly gone from the mailbox silently.

I looked at the sub myself. Every single post is crying about women and being sexist and has nothing to do with you guys personally bettering yourselfs. I even saw a racist post while I was on there. As well as a post asking your “community” to brigade a discord server and a phone number.

For a group talking about going their own way and ignoring women, you sure seem to focus all your attention on women.

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Check out the youtube creators not reddit.

Again check out the youtube creators. We dont cry we reveal the truth about the system and how its not good for men. Thats presenting facts not crying.

Those are everywhere sadly. You also gotta realize that there are many people trying to discredit the movement with fake posts. Check other sources.

We also are allowed to present facts to recruit right? MGTOW is growing and the gynocentric system fears it… Check out Sandman on youtube.

I am friends with the victim of this harassment situation and it has been heartbreaking to hear about the things she has been sent, and the level of persistence the stalker has shown. I am thoroughly frustrated and disgusted with how Blizzard handles blocking accounts and I would like to see a change to the way this is handled.

And if your response to this thread is to ask our friend to change her name, to ask her to just ignore the messages, to delete them and not read, to reply back— you need to step back and rethink your moral compass. This is not something she should have to suffer through or change the way she plays the game to avoid. Get off your high horse and consider that Blizzard can and should rethink their mailing system if it allows this sort of harassment to happen.

That subreddit is filth and a breeding ground for hate. Disgusting.

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That one coast guard dude planning a terrorist attack had that sub as their #1 visited place.

Your personal hate towards an entire gender is not facts. I’m not going to watch any garbage you recommend. That subreddit represents your people no matter how much you try to deny it.