In game mail options to reduce harassment

But its not true MGTOW. Never forget there are those that fear the movement who want to sabotage it.

I feel like if we can do this on social media, there’s no reason we couldn’t in game. Options are always good. It shouldn’t be too difficult to add a friends and AH/system messages filter. Bnet may be more difficult, though.

You dont know me so your fake news and tired hate card means nothing,. I dont hate anyone I just believe the family court system is stacked against men and prefer to go my own way.

Because youre not open minded and probably have hate in your heart unlike me.

Doesn’t represent me or many men I know but you do you. MGTOW is growing despite the fear and hatred of it. Have a good day .

It’s not about that, though. It’s about knowing who triggers you— not because they disagree, but because of the way they act— and keeping oneself from being triggered and getting into toxic arguments with those people and derailing discussions. By ignoring those you know trigger you, that’s keeping things more pleasant. I don’t ignore people who disagree with me. If I did that, it’d be the entire forum. LOL

There’s a difference between knowing what people breed toxicity and blocking them to curb it, and what you’re describing. I don’t believe people are using the block feature for those who disagree. There’d never be any discussion at all if that were the case.


In a perfect world, I would agree with this. Online, it’s not realistic. The /ignore feature has been a primary tool, indeed the only tool, that Blizzard has provided to players experiencing and dealing with harassment in-game. Very recently, I had the unusual experience of having a player use the forums to circumvent /ignore and requests to cease contact. This player posted various messages on the forums, using various alternative characters (which I was able to confirm thanks to the Wowarmory pet collections page). In one such forum thread, a confessions thread, this player admitted (on an unrelated alternative) that they took pleasure and amusement in the fact they were able to circumvent /ignore by using alternatives to play with persons whom they knew no longer wanted to have contact with him, because he had harassed them. This manner of behavior does occur, and it’s very unsettling when it does happen. The fact of the matter is, he made people uncomfortable and was asked to stop, when he failed to do so he was placed on /ignore and reported (per Blizzard policies and recommendations). The forums then became a secondary platform for them to continue this harassment. When this was discovered, I took quick action to contact Blizzard. I provided screenshots, links to forum posts, as well as timestamps for the in-game requests for this player to cease contact. After speaking with a Blizzard representative about the issue I saw results of Blizzard’s action within 1 hour. The related forum posts made by that player had been deleted.

To my knowledge that player is still playing the game, and did attempt one other time to use an alternative to swing by and badger myself and my guild, but again we discovered this quickly and reported it. The player has not come around again since that secondary report.

Had the player been interested in a rational discussion on the forums and had not been solely interested in unsettling or upsetting players he knew he had made uncomfortable, I would agree with the scope of your purview. But it’s not a perfect world, and if Blizzard policies in-game rely on the /ignore feature to assist players with avoiding and stopping harassers, then I believe it’s imperative that Blizzard remain consistent with that policy across all community mediums and platforms; especially when those mediums and platforms consist of the same players as the in-game communities.


I feel like if you are getting triggered by people on a game forums, you have more important issues that you might need dealing with lol.

Blizzard should be able to figure it out and ban the account if the harassment is as bad as you say. I didn’t know you can send mail from temporary accounts.

No one fears a bunch of neckbeards. Sorry to say my dude. In reality people just find it pathetic and sad.

Then why the resistance to it? Your insults just validate what we teach. There are literally Drs and successful business owners etc going MGTOW everyday. You lose. Your shaming tactics fail.

Also just an FYI for you that fear us. If a woman says she wants to be sovereign only focusing on herself while saying she dont need a man, shes labeled a strong independent hero. When a man does it according people like you hes a neckbeard etc. Your pathetic insults just feed the fire my friend. Its growing and it wont be stopped.

Wait, trial accounts can use mail?

Terrible idea.

/ignore and dont care about it.

You would have to leave your house first my dude.

Face it, you’re all a bunch of misogynistic, racist pigs who use the internet to feed your tiny little hate group. It’s disgusting.

I pity you.

I have a very active life as do many of us. Your lies and hatred are so obvious.

See former post about women doing the same thing. You fear is unfounded.

How can you say im racist when you dont know me or any MGTOW? If you gotta lie then thats on your. Im no more racist than you are. Your fake news race card is old and tired. Also we are growing exponentially and arent tiny. Your fear in showing.

DItto. Im free my friend. I dont hate anyone like you do.

You don’t hate anyone yet the group you openly support is quarantined on Reddit for being a racist cesspool.

Sure thing buddy. I hope things get better for you and you stop blaming women for your own faults.

Oh no a liberal PC based website censored the truth. I am shocked. I dont even do reddit. Check out the MGTOWs on youtube for the truth. Try Sandman first.

Oh no shaming tactics again. Whets your facts? You lose. Move on.

Here it comes. Blame the liberals because they don’t like when you spew hatred and misogyny. It’s literally classified as a hate group by the southern poverty law center. It’s the same old MRA nonsense.

Blame women for all your problems when in reality you never wanted to better yourself.

First thought is that she’s dealing with a mentally unstable person who’s obsession knows no ends. These people’s minds don’t stop no matter what until they get locked up or cops called on them, in which this case its not possible.

Honestly all she can do is gquit and name change, then join a new guild. They won’t know who she is after that. But if she persists on staying, nothing you can do.

The alternative, is the guild moves to a different realm with everyone(yes this is pricey…everyone must server change, and also create new names) but you can keep her in it with you all. Also new guild name.

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So when women go their own way its ok but when men do its wrong. You cant even see that fact. YOU LOSE

Which is a leftist group that labels anything they deem non PC a hate group. Your source in beyond biased to say the least … YOU LOSE AGAIN

So again when a woman says she dont need a man shes labeled a hero but when a man goes his own way hes a bad person and a hate monger? YOU LOSE

Meh we dont blame women so stop the lies. We say that the family courts dont favor men so avoid them by going your own way but you do you and watch us grow.

Growing in waist size is about all that is growing with your group. We all know your group is going nowhere. It is just a bunch of incels living in their mothers basement worshipping Elliot Rodgers, James Jackson and other sick individuals.

Your group is sick and you should be ashamed.

Again more insults not based on facts. Your hatred ins showing. Before corona I was gyming 4 days a week as so millions of men that go their own way.

Its not my group its just a life choice I follow.

You lie so much LOL. I own my own home as do many others. Well the ones that didnt lose it in a divorce.

Ive never even heard of these people. Have no clue who they are.

LOL its not my group. I just choose to be about me and keep my money. YOU LOSE and im done with you. You have resorted to insults and hyperbole.