In-game ignore...let's make it better!

got my vote i guess but i personally barely talk in this game only and ever only for dungeon stuff but i never had to block anyone for any reason, even ninjas. i just dont care enough lol but if people are sitting here blocking folks left and right then i gotta wonder if theyre the problem and not the supposed troll lol.
idk any game that complains this much of block/ignore features like its a rampant thing lol.

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Are you sure it’s other person and not other personality that agrees with them ?

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I see the usual trolls scuttled out of the woodwork to infest this thread as per usual. Classic examples of accounts that should be ignored. I won’t name names but you know who you are.

OT: We desperately need a proper account wide ignore both in-game and on the forum. There is no excuse in 2023 for their not be. Not when there’s been countles examples to show how to do it correctly already. Every character in-game has a unique bnet identity. Ignoring a character simply needs to also ignore that person’s bnet as well. Problem solved.

Make it happen, blizz.


I believe that your assessment is correct. In-game and on the official forums should be treated the same way.

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Being acknowledged that I’m told I’m right for once on the forums is making me laugh with tears of joy.

Happy Sunday!

The way you greet people like this sounds very disingenuous to say the least - like you are meaning to sound friendly and disarming when your repeated inability to understand the frustrations people experience seem like anything but.

To you, maybe. But you’re falling to one of the biggest fallacies that leads to so many heated arguments in WoW: Just because it isn’t a problem for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem for someone else. No one person experiences everything exactly the same as another person, and one person’s trials and struggles can seem almost trivial to another when they’ve never experienced it or don’t understand the full context.

Which leads you to filling in the blanks, thinking you have knowledge where you have none, and making dangerously false assumptions, while making yourself look like a giant fool in the process.

And - they get a nice, fancy message telling them you’ve ignored them. Which, if they have bad intent, leads them to be encouraged to work around that. And that can involve anything from creating a new character to asking a friend to pass a message along to even using a different account entirely. It’s not as foolproof as you think it is - it only looks that way to you, because you’ve been lucky enough that the people you’ve ignored decided it wasn’t worth the effort to try to reach you afterward.

Again, your own experiences, and …

Wow. BAD take. Very bad take.

Once again, you’re filling in the blanks, and making blanket assumptions, pretending that you know a person and their circumstances, when you really don’t. Whatever happened to this facade of politeness that you opened this post with? (And have opened other posts with) - It all but evaporates entirely with this paragraph alone.

This also implies that there are far fewer problem causers in the game than there actually are - and … best of all … it’s completely self-contradictory. If there are so few people who cause problems in the game, yet the people who feel the need to ignore other people (there are many who do) are actually the ones causing problems … well … that puts them in the first category, thereby growing its size, dontcha think?


I don’t know if you’re just exceptionally naive or just trolling.

People treating each other with kindness and respect and getting it in return is all good and well - and it happens quite a lot, until it doesn’t. As I have stated before, you cannot know the circumstances of every situation that occurs nor can you know the people involved every single time, and you assuming that it happens every time is just patently wrong, and you assuming that your own experiences are the golden truth of all of WoW is just patently wrong.

I can say, more often than not, that I have treated people with respect, and have very well gotten exactly what I put out into the world in return exactly as I gave it - it has fostered lots of friendships for me and I have had some genuinely good experiences with WoW players.

But I can also equally say that there are always people, and they do exist no matter how much you want to deny it here - that some people, no matter how well you treat them, have a chip on their shoulder, can’t get over themselves, or for whatever reason just want to make things miserable for the people around them. They do exist. And no matter how much you like to pretend that the world is perfect and lovely and roses, they do not simply vanish.

Actually - with how much you’re ignoring a simple basic elementary fact I think you are actually trolling - but I will repeat this again because it is so fundamental to this argument and it is fundamental to the point that I am making (that you’re ignoring) - your experiences do not reflect those of everyone else. Just because you have met very few nasty people does not mean they don’t exist or that no one else has seen them, either. You exist in a bubble - and you can’t see past it - it’s as simple as that.

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I don’t think this is right.

I’m going to go with this.


Since you’re still ignoring it, I’ll just quote myself.


And once again you are making false assumptions. I am not forcing anyone to agree with me, and you’re the only one between us who actually has to find someone who agrees with your views.

And here you were all sunshine and roses like there was nothing wrong with anyone in WoW. Yet here you are proving your own point wrong … again. With another wrong point, no less.

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Well then by that logic, I am correct too because there’s people who agree with me and I don’t even have to find them, they’re right there, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Two things:
A) You’re extremely over-generalizing the number of people who agree with you especially by saying “everyone”
B) You’re pretending the system is perfect as it is, when it very clearly is not. Perfection itself is a fallacy, nothing ever is perfect and even if you like things exactly the way they are, they could always be improved.

You’re best to put them on ignore. They’re intentionally obtuse so that they can pretend that they’re right. Unfortunately, they see things differently that everyone else and like to pretend that everyone else (in the majority) is wrong. It’s really not normal.

They cling to something one other person said as though that counters the hundreds of posts I’ve personally seen in the CS forums alone over the years showing just how broken the ignore system is.

And yes, they’re trolling for their own delight. It’s why the forums need a better ignore system too.


Obtuse is honestly probably the kindest way to describe your behaviour.


No, because you post in a self-assured way that is stubborn, inciteful, and refuses to look at any opposing view, much less reality.

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You tried. And failed. Repeatedly. There is no proof in your posts. Just your iron-clad opinion.


With ones like them, it is more like rusted iron-clad


"i just don’t understand why there are a handful of roughly 3-4 people who constantly complain that they need to ignore everyone all the time.

There are mirrors for issues like this.

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Sad thing is, the mirrors don’t work if the one looking in them only sees what they want to see


I love that they think it’s 3-4 when it’s literally everyone except them. They’re a prime example of the system being broken. I should not be able to see them quoted even. It’s a lackluster system that needs improvement.

The problem is that they NEED to be seen and heard in order to feel important.

I refuse to take them off ignore, even to report their trolling. They don’t get to be off my ignore list. Soon they’ll move to another alt so that I get to reply to them again (they need recognition so badly) and I’ll have to ignore that alt too. More proof of a badly made system :frowning: