In-game ignore...let's make it better!

Paging Lord Asmongold.

The issue isn’t so much the middle of the bell curve. Although that is still a major issue especially in respect to spammers/bots. The issue is the extremes. I had one person get butthurt after a PvP match who then proceeded to whisper me endlessly, then create a new character on my server for the sole purpose of sending me hate mail since you can’t mail cross-server (not sure if that’s still the case).

These kinds of extreme interactions may be few and far between, but when they do happens, they blow up in a major way that can lead to someone either getting banned or quitting then game outright. Neither prospect is good for the game if people who get flamed through no fault of their own start quitting the game in ever increasing numbers. We’ve already seen that DF has the lowest population in the entire games history.

At the end of the day, I just haven’t seen a single good argument for not having a simple account to account ignore system either on the forum or in-game. Other forums and games have it. No reason why we shouldn’t.


There will always be someone who finds a negative in just about any topic you care to name, no matter how logical it may appear.

I have been asking for true full account wide ignore for ten years or more. It seems no closer now than it did then and I can only assume that there is some technical reason that makes it problematic.

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Worrying about extremes is also a reason to not have it. (it’ll only be beneficial/ detrimental) for extremes anyway.

Imagine the group suggestion being implemented, now I can ignore everyone that’s below Ilvl X. Now I only play with good players, like how wow was intended to be played.

(Someone can develop an addon for it.)

I assume the ignore limit will be expanded to unlimited too (or is that not part of the request?)

I think there’s an addon that lets you ignore the same toons on all ~characters~*. The first thing that needs to happen in game is a much bigger ignore list.

[edit] Sorry i typed “accounts” instead of characters


If you cleared out your ignore list every like year, odds are, you won’t see the same people again anyway.

This is a new take. And also a nutty one.


Noobly seems to think account wide ignores will make it possible for people to find the ignored persons alts easier . Or at least that is the excuse he uses .

The reality is he just doesn’t want account wide ignores because it would hinder his ability to commit the acts he already does which are the same acts he says account wide ignores would create.

Lets just put it this way . Doobly is the bully that as soon as his victim fights back he cries that he is the real victim .


More extensive in-game ignores could have undesirable consequences across an already divided, dwindling player base.

There is also the suggestion that this ignore would extend to the forums as well.

They only work for chat. Addons don’t prevent you from grouping with ignored players in LFD or LFR. They also interfere with Blizzard addressing harassment because Blizzard only detects ignored players on in-game ignore lists.


Everything needs guard rails of some form. Imagine if vehicles did not come with seatbelts. How often have you had an accident where a seatbelt actually helped? I know it’s never been of any use to me. But I still use them because of that one occasion that may occur that would be far worse an outcome if not for the fact that I used a seatbelt.

That’s the thing about extremes. They don’t need to happen often for them to be a seriously big issue.

I never suggested that the ignore functionality act as a proactive blanket wide filter. In point of fact, that functionality already exists in game. But I bet you haven’t even realized it. It’s just a lot stupider in the way it works. Did you know that there is a setting in game that basically switches off anyone from being able to whisper you who isn’t on your friends list? At least I think that’s the way it works. IMO that is far more extreme than anything I have suggested thus far. See the problem with that tact is that it is proactive. Whereas my suggestion is reactive. Being reactive ensures that bydefaut, conversation still happens. Being proactive makes that impossible.

Now I’m not saying we have to run around with our heads chopped off. But we do need to at least make a modicum of effort to balance the good and the bad. And again, I still haven’t seen any argument that holds any water for no account wide ignore. Not when we already have far more severe (but badly implemented) ignore type systems already in place in game.


I never suggested that the ignore functionality act as a proactive blanket wide filter. In point of fact, that functionality already exists in game. But I bet you haven’t even realized it. It’s just a lot stupider in the way it works. Did you know that there is a setting in game that basically switches off anyone from being able to whisper you who isn’t on your friends list? At least I think that’s the way it works.

That’s not going to help me in LFR/ LFG.

And again, I still haven’t seen any argument that holds any water for no account wide ignore.

Rather people spend more time coding other stuff.

Most people would rather not be dumped into content with people they deem toxic.

And I’d rather they spend less time making raids and m+ and more time making player housing. :person_shrugging:


The system definitely has its issues, but you know what the worst part is?

They’ve had decades to fix this. Decades. I think if they ever were going to do anything, they would’ve done it by now. Like a lot of things in the game they leave in such a poor state, this is only one of many things they seem to absolutely refuse to fix. Which I guess should be unsurprising when you consider the whole cubical crawl thing they were sued for.

And for some people, a realm tag is enough. Now imagine ignore able to prevent you from grouping with those people. Ignoring Ragnaros and Azralon for example.

I also like the idea of a super ignore feature. if those on your list arrive into an area then they get phased out so they can not see you at all

I also like the idea of a super ignore feature. if those on your list arrive into an area then they get phased out so they can not see you at all

Losing in PVP? time to ignore.

Actually, literally ignore everyone on the opposite faction and enjoy solo war mode.

It’s what? only 90k players?

I mean, sure. Certain servers have a reputation. It doesn’t help that for some unknown reason, blizz insists on grouping English speaking and non-english speaking servers together.

Besides, no one here suggested the ability to block entire server prefixes. Again, that would be a proactive measure. Not a reactive one. Add-ons like Noob-blocker did that in the past and it got banned. So that’s a bit of a strawman argument.

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The reputation of certain servers like Ragnaros and Quel’Thalas is, unfortunately, well-earned. I do not know what it is with players from those servers that they have to bring their absolute worst to PUG groups. I have no issue with them being Spanish speaking, and in fact Spanish is one of the two new languages I have been trying to learn, so I don’t mind their presence at all. But the players from those realms and I am sure a few others - just absolutely really hate the idea of cutting the mustard.

No, it’s not well-earned unless if you actually kept track of every bad experience. Just a bias.