In-game ignore...let's make it better!

increase the ignore list to about 10x what it is, or infinite, and make ignoring people ignore their whole account from my whole account.

Blocking bot spammers so I can actually read the chats

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i vote delete the chatbox. no one can handle the place anyway. chat is a cesspool and apparently cannot be contained.
the only time i talk is when i rarely say yes no ty pt n nothing more in a party lol. not the place to really hold any sort of meaningful convos imho even csgo is better lol

What if a person who was ignored was allowed to reply one final time, but only from a list of preset responses:

LOLGriefer has ignored you, communication between the 2 of you will no longer be possible on the toons you are on now or any ALT. If you feel you are a victim of “ignore griefing” or have a final thing to say, you may select one of these options which will be sent the next time he/she is online:

A. I am placing you on Ignore as well, have a good life.
B. Bastard! I was a hair away from ignoring you first! Your a terrible healer, now go away.
C. BYE! oh…one more thing- You’re so ugly, when you play Mortal Kombat, Scorpion Says “Stay over there!!”
D. LOL haha, better take me off ignore or me and your dad wont pay for your account anymore and you will have to get a job and start paying rent. And feed your dog.
E. I choose to take the high road, and not reply.

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did blizzard revert the ignore 1 toon on said account all are ignored ? iirc that was a thing

Based on certain replies in this thread, I think a better ignore system should only be the first step. Some of you need to call you mother.


I’m at my job and cackling at my desk because of this line, I’m dying.

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Maybe I’m an oddball in here, but I don’t ignore anyone lol… my ignore list has been empty for ages (literally 0 players on it)

If/when things go sour in a pug group and words are exchanged on the way out/as the group is disbanding; typically the pug in question just shoots me a one-time hostile whisper and then I never hear from them again :man_shrugging:

I think some of this could be helped if we actually had to accept friend requests. Make friendships mutual.

The fact that random people you find out in the world can automatically add you as a friend and then follow the shenanigans of your account as you log in and out of characters baffles me.

Maybe, I don’t want to be their friend, or maybe I give the friendship a chance and they turn out to be a terrible stalker. If I unfriend them or never friend them, they are still attached to me, and can see everything that I do because they friended me.

It’s like when people add me to battle tag, So&So wants to add you do you accept? Yes. Then we mutually agreed to this friendship thing, this works great.

But in game I just get random So&So added you to their friend list… Who the heck is So&So, why did So&So add me in the first place? and oh great now So&So can see everything I do.

I really think making in game friendships mutual would solve a lot of problems.

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Not only this but also a phasing so they can’t see you in game either, there’s quite a few cases of people stalking and since they know they’re on ignore bother the people that said person is Roleplaying/Interacting with. The main issue is still getting put in PvP groups with people you have on ignore, Random Battlegrounds, brawls, or Solo Shuffle namely - but also people could abuse it in Solo Shuffle at least to avoid getting put in groups against/with certain people.

On the flipside, blocklists/people telling others to ignore other players is also a smaller issue. It’s pretty hurtful to find out you were ignored by someone you thought was a friend because of what another person said, but I don’t think there’s a logical solution for in-game systems to fix something like this.

We already know they’re an alt hopping troll


From Blizz Support Article
While ignored, the player cannot whisper you, initiate duels, or send group invitations. You will not see their messages in public chat channels, and you will not be placed in a group with them via the Dungeon Finder system.


Certain forms of online harassment is defined as a crime, whether as a part of stalking in general or as part of cyberstalking legislation, in several US states. If Blizzard’s ignore functions facilitate online harassment in a way that could violate state law, then it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to ensure that illegal behavior is prevented, whether through system design, or via permanent non-negotiable bans on players who engage in such behavior.


well, i would first like to thank you for your contributions to this thread but i have to politely inform you that you are not correct.

The amount of characters a person has does not have a meaningful effect on the time that is required to ignore someone.

You can ignore each one of their characters by simply typing in the character’s name into your ignore list. It really is quite an easy process and doesn’t take very long.

Personally, I have no issues with the current ignore system in-game and i genuinely do not believe that it needs any sort of update.

thanks again, take care and have a wonderful day :slight_smile:

I support this thread.

Tired of people bypassing ignores and generally just having my account not count as my account for all sorts of things. This would be a step in the right direction.


not directed towards you. just a thought in general

i dunno, a part of me feels like if a player needs to ignore upwards of 50 people then chances are they are the problem?

been here since beta and never had to use the ignore feature. but it is nice knowing there is such a feature that exists. i guess.

I always feel badly for people who are genuinely trying their best to avoid contact with someone who is stalking them or harassing them while the in-game system tells their harasser exactly where they are, even if they’ve been placed on ignore.

Nobody in their right mind would think that’s a system that’s working perfectly.

I want to thank everyone who has provided additional suggestions too! I especially can’t believe that I didn’t think to include increasing the size of the ignore list. Really, there shouldn’t be a limit to the number of people you put on ignore.


I have only used the in-game one a couple of times, but this forum gets quite a bit of use from me.

Twice a year I clear it out, and it takes about a week to have it back around the 50 “posters” mark. There are a lot of muppets around here.


The amount of time it takes does have a meaningful effect on the time that is required to ignore someone. In the case of harassment that is a lot of time having to deal with the issue. It’s nice that your life is so carefree but not everyone is so lucky.

Not if they are ignoring spam in General/Trade.