In-game ignore...let's make it better!

I have to assume you are being sarcastic here, and if so, good take. :sunglasses:

On the offchance you are being seriousā€¦that would seem to be the desired effect.

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Doesnā€™t ignoring players in game bar them from joining your groups and LFR and DF already?

And thatā€™s a bad thing? If you manage to get ignored by THAT many people, you might want to check your behavior.


Yes it does, I was mostly reiterating how it should work.


ah, okay :grin:

I agree with your statement


ā€¦so this is a forum issue.

Playing Devilā€™s Advocate on this one. Iā€™ve been stalked by crazy women too, as a straight dude. Itā€™s not just dudes making unwanted advances. Thereā€™s crazy women out there too.

That being said, sure. Improve the ignore function.


I want to add BG queue to this as well, including opposing faction, because this could help with avoiding 40 man premades by blacklisting their leaders/regulars.


Normally ,when you do ignore say person you wouldnā€™t have a problem with them but they do take it to the extent to follow you then reporting is better,plus add the ignore to character. Just donā€™t give the person any fuel to burn.

I have folks on my ignore that I donā€™t want them to know if Iā€™m online or what not.

Like, there are folks out there that go stalker levels when it comes to stuff and itā€™s weird and creepy.


What in the world are yā€™all doinā€™ in game o_O

If you ignore someone, you wonā€™t see their group listed in LFG nor will you see their groups.

I donā€™t think ignoring someone will work on LFR because that could cause a chaotic matchmaking, like, you ignored someone and who is going to be the one LEFT of the raid that is going to be formed first? you? the other person?

I also donā€™t think it is effective right now in LFD and Iā€™m 100% certain it doesnā€™t work in Arena or solo queue, for the same reason of the chaotic matchmaking of the group.

Itā€™s currently working that way. If you put someone on ignore, the system will not group you with them in LFG or LFR.

It definitely does NOT work for those sorts of groupsā€¦but should in my opinion :wink:


How can you prove that it is how it is working? I hardly doubt that. Is there any blue post confirming that is how it works?

Not sure if I have a Blue post on hand showing thatā€™s how it currently works, but I can guarantee thatā€™s how itā€™s programmed currently.

But youā€™re totally correct that it doesnā€™t work for PVP-style matches (BGs, Solos, etc.)

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I support this :100: %.


I definitely approve of an account-wide ignore. I donā€™t personally see any reason why this shouldnā€™t be a thing. With that being saidā€¦

I think this should be coupled with the option to choose whether you want to temporarily or indefinitely ignore an account. For example, maybe things go south in a PvP match, I get some heated /tells after, and I want to ignore the player. Maybe I donā€™t want to cut them off forever, and it can be hard to remember to come back and un-ignore them. So a temporary ignore that just lasts for like 30 days would be nice.

Quick edit: Sorry, posted this in the wrong thread. This is where I meant to post.

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That is why I donā€™t think it works.
Imagine how many people have each others on ignore. How chaotic is the code to NOT bring them together and still make sure they will be grouped.

We could make a social experiment. Get 50 people and everyone ignore themselves, them proceed to queue for LFR. I hardly doubt everyone would be in different groups.

Welp I know who to ignore now thanks to this.

Sorry was afk. AH pvp.

Basically they track right when I go offline to post their stuff lol isnā€™t as prev anymore but with some items it can be a pain. Makes it harder to sell stuff.

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