In-Game Combat Log Range Decreased

OK, well that does seem a peculiar change then. Who knows, perhaps they did adjust it as you suggest but just didn’t indicate it, or they will see how it works and adjust it later. They surely must be aware of things that are in long-term use such as meters and losing those or having their effect greatly reduced would cause a shytestorm.


But isnt that /combatlog just a recording of everything that shows in your combat log? Does this mean the entire raid will need to upload their own parse and warcraftlogs will have to merge the files, because just one player will no longer be able to ‘see’ all the entries due to range issues?

Just shut it down. WoW died years ago.


No, Blizzard specifically said the text output logs remain unchanged. The out of game combat log is a separate entity entirely.


Cool, now open paid realm transfers.


I replied to a thread that claimed for spy to be banned because it was against TOS, while I did not agree with that, that it was against TOS. I did think that the radius should be reduced to visual range which it just was. I really appreciate this blizzard, and thank you for the update!


is this going to break logging Molten core? if i’ve got a friendly outside the 50 yard radius and im logging will their actions not be recorded?


So is this going to break in game damage meters? If so that’s really bad in my opinion


Nope, you can be like the pioneers, and do it from scratch.

Game is easy enough without all these addons anyway.


Welcome to Classic, dont like it? Leave or switch realms.


So long spy! Now just to remove Stealth from the combat log… (I hope!)


Dude, if you need a damage meter or a game log for your PVE content in 1.12 Classic then you’re bad; really bad.


Allow free fraction changes so we can actually enjoy the game.

110 Pandaren warrior

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I personally love these changes. We need more to make classic a easier game for players like me. I am not 20 anymore as I was when I started in 2007.

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I was 33 when I got it in 04 hehe, and I totally understand.

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clearly you never actually used the addon, I was able to pick up and target people outside the BRD portal walking into BRM gates, and can target people in the caves under Felwood while on the paths above ground. A bit more than 50 yards dont you think?

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How do you think threat meters work?

If they were to open faction changes it would not be for Alliance to go to the Horde…

They would allow Horde to go Alliance and that would be to help balance the population.

If you want to play Horde and you’re alliance then you need to re-roll.

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