In-Game Combat Log Range Decreased

I know for a fact our threat meter synced. 100% sure of it. Pretty sure our damage did too. It was either Recount,or DamageMeters. Cant for the life of me remember what our threat meter was called.

Anyway. At the time, you wouldn’t see someones threat on the meter if they didn’t have the mod installed. So it was easy to pick out who wasn’t using it and syncing with the raid.

well technically Neurology is a science…

Was it called Omen? I remember picking it up in TBC and it’s like a new dimension opened up for dungeons.

It might have been. Its hard to remember. I remember some mods and not others. Like Titan Panel, CTraid, bigwhigs decursive, etc.

Could be true, we all used threat meters (soon as they came out)

That and overhealing were really all we were worried about because the early vanilla experience was wildly different due to class and gear updates.

+spell damage and healing on epics was kinda rare in actual early vanilla and almost unheard of on blues.

This late wow gear has made things really easy… that and the ability for tanks to both crank out sick threat and not take damage is a massive departure from original MC / only.

Doesn’t matter much overall because 95% of the push for this 1.12 crap is due to kids who want to raid naxx.

That’s fine, but kinda soils the entire rest of the PvE experience.

I know we don’t need anything to clear these fights that have fewer mechanics than a retail m+ mob (and no that is not a bad thing). But that still doesn’t stop people brainfarting and not knowing to only use abilities that are actually helpful. Meaning dps meters to see if mages are casting arcane missiles, hunters breaking CC with SS or using serpent sting, rend, etc.

Auditing and openness of what is occurring allows more people to see what is going on. Say for example, people in your raid interested in what makes that rogue do lots of damage. They can have details installed which allows them to see the players talent build (if said player also has details installed) along with tracking percent-wise where most of their damage comes.

Lastly, and this is where I think most people’s hostility to addons come from is that said addons will reveal just how abysmal people’s performance really is. If addons are gone, people could just blame it on X when it was really a long chain of problems from A-E (standing in bad for half a second, not potting, not using a def, etc). Also meters are good at tracking utility usage, who decursed/dispelled/cleansed and how many times. That stuff is important at reigning the non-contributors for any group.

LOL, my mage is Arcane spec because it is the only spec that I can stomach playing on the Mage class (hate frost & fire). Oh well, luckily I am not interested in anything past dungeon content I guess.

Play how you want to play, don’t be a meta slave. Just be mindful that there are obvious more optimal ways to play (as of right now FB spam for mages), and since that reality exists there will be people that will harp on you for not playing “efficiently”. Efficiency meaning copying whatever private server guild/streamer is using after number crunching with bro science (the numbers are 80-90% of most cases accurate, but require gimmicks, excessive/unneeded gearing, etc).

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This isn’t meant to sound judgmental, but when you say you spec arcane, is it mainly arcane spec with Fireball/Frostbolt or do you actually use Arcane Missiles? I always thought the spell was too clunky and expensive for the damage it deals.

You’re right that it ultimately doesn’t matter for dungeon content but I wonder what makes it attractive to you, if you use it.

I always had an affinity for channeling spells for some strange reason, and Arcane Missiles is the best one for that since you can talent it for 100% innate non-interruption to damage unlike Warlocks & Priests (Star Shards & Mind Flay). Plus, love the spell effect (same with Star Shards). When soloing, I generally open with Frost bolt for the slow & initial hit, then Arcane missile as needed & then finish with either Fireblast or wand. I sometime Frost Nova & jump back as needed as well for additional DPSing while they are out of hitting range. AoE farming & killing & kiting around like a maniac isn’t my thing. Arcane Missiles is just a cool, fun spell to cast (to me anyway).

You sound butthurt

It has been so far. Kargath early this morning - a bunch of around 3-12 alliance camping the border. Spy did not pick up the players behind mountain anymore. Allowed me to gague when it was safer to attack the closer ones, and i could definatly tell when more players came closer. Heading back to the saftey net of the guards - i managed 2k honor waiting for a lbrs group to arrive.

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That kind of thing is really obvious and would get called out immediately.

SS breaking CC is obvious because the debuff is on the target for all to see.
Arcane missiles are obvious and would be seen in raid.

True, but what if you don’t want some one copy / pasting your build just because it’s spectacular? This sort of "openness is what armory kinda did and it’s the sort of thing that strongly promotes copy / paste.

Given the very easy nature of 1.12 WoW again there is a lot of margin for error on the DPS side of things simply because DPS is is easier than falling off a log… I could have a raid of all rogues using a single weapon with literally only SS spam and no other ability used and it would be enough because 1.12 damage is high due to tank threat being also very high compared to its original state.

Couple that with healers all having + healing from the get go instead of needing spirit to endure a long fight allowing the raid to entirely skip raid mechanics… Well you get the idea.

The cringe is real.

Will you be giving us a statement on the faction imbalance? or are you just going to keep promoting alliance players to transfer or quit the game entirely?

this did nothing to rogues

Please continue fixing things to make it more like original WoW Vanilla. All these problems are caused by the incomplete port of the client from WoW Vanilla. I’m surprised there’s so many whiners in here about this change. This is a great thing for all players that aren’t cheaters. If you don’t like classic, go back to retail, we don’t need your type around.

I don’t understand why Blizzard has allowed 90% of the addons that are out there. Most of them did exist and were’t invented until late BC or more commonly WotLK. IMO all of these present date style addons is the main reason Classic seems so easy.


Yeah, except it’s a buff.

Way to look dumb.

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You have no clue what’s going on with this. Lol.
The addon is now more effective. It doesn’t false flag alert you to players on the other side of the zone or flying overhead on FP’s.
Honestly i turned the addon off because the constant beeping was useless.
I’ve turned it back on and it only alerts me to players within a range that I may need to concern myself with.
The affect it has on the accuracy of meters in raids is what people are questioning.
Which idc about because if it’s that important there’s always warcraft logs and the addon developers of meters may go old school and have the addons share data through chat to stay accurate as someone already pointed out.
It’s old content and min/max to the 0.0001% is just not needed imo. Look at the raid. Are people dying a lot? No. We good. Are bosses dying? Yea. We good. Game on.