In-Game Combat Log Range Decreased

Thank you for making spy add on more accurate. I only really use it to detect rogues and now i know for sure one is gonna jump me now rather then having to guess if they are near me or on the other side of the zone. GG thx blizz.


It helps with the zerg groups tremendously.

If you are questing more than 50 yards off a road, you no longer pop up on spy for the roaming groups which triggers them to do a massive search of the area to find their 25 points of honor. Unless they are specifically going to questing areas to find people. Which most don’t, they tend to hit the hotspots for farming things like essences. I was able to actually get more than 1 kill on a kill quest before being killed and camped for the first time in a week.

It is more accurate, but at that point the player is already within view distance. It used to be they would show up before they were in range.

It helps rogues be sneaky, but also makes it more accurate if they stealth within 50 yards. Which is still a fairly large radius around a player, but not so large you can’t cover the gap in a reasonable amount of time. If you’re a rogue and you see someone you wish to gank, you no longer have to run to the next state over to get an opener without being detected, just make a gap and stealth there. After a few tries you will learn the distance, because most players start AOE and using stealth detection when it pops up.

Too many rogues think they can roll up on an epic mount behind a target 10 yards away, dismount and stealth and get an opener. At that point you aren’t actually playing a rogue, you are playing a DPS warrior with a 30+ second stunlock and are mad you cant get it every time.


Interested to see how it affects PvE addons such as DBM-I know recount is affected; before my guild was aware of the changes we were confused at the discrepancies in Recount’s damage log.

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I have been using VanasKoS since LK I believe, and I’m really sad about this stupid change.

Vanaskos was a good way for me to get content (I’m a 99% wild pvp player) and I feel this change really breaks something I am used to play with. Also, since I’m playing feral, it also makes spy much more efficient against me because it decreases noise generated by too large detection zone.

The fact you even use spy is disgraceful sir.

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What to you propose? Forcing people onto another server? How do you “fix” imbalance exactly?

Nothing will signal their presence should they stealth 50+ yards away, as any skilled rogue would.

Awesome news. Thank you Blizz.

Well, they did what I argued for so I’m not complaining. I think you are right and that’s a GOOD thing. Immersion-wise, it corresponds to your battle-trained ears picking up the distinctive sound of
a guy with a PW:F applied
 it’s close anyway :slight_smile: It makes sense though.

If they went into stealth less than 50 yards away, you would have heard the “whoosh” anyway

You wouldn’t have detected them before if they were ALREADY IN stealth, and you still won’t.


The point I am trying to make here is it’s still possible to track rogues in stealth.
Spy ain’t 100% fixed for stealth

What do you propose?

The problem with your proposal is that things like threat meters supply information that’s impossible to determine otherwise. For time-sensitive DPS checks in particular, you have no way of knowing if you’re holding back too much or not enough. Your only clue is the moment you pull aggro, which will spin the boss and likely result in people getting immediately munched if you have anyone else in the “higher than tank’s threat but not enough to pull” threshold.

Ironically, it sounds like this log range change actually nerfs rogues to me, because now you’re no longer able to troll users into paranoia with false stealth reports without even being on their screen. Now it’ll be much more effective, because the odds of detecting genuine ambushes go up because now you know the rogue had to have seen you before going into stealth.

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For one don’t use recount it’s not even precise when being compared with other users when within 50 yards of each other (because it fundamentally records damage in an incorrect form). Skada and details are better because they factor in combat inactivity. Recount doesn’t do that, aka you hit the boss and then afk (or die) for the rest of the fight and your dps doesn’t decrease. How can your dps not decrease when you add more time scale to the situation, that goes against even the concept of an average.

Skada is lightweight and reasonably accurate/precise, but I would suggest details. It is the best of the three most tuned to logs. And thus the most accurate overall. Not to mention that if you another person have it open both of you will be precise (having similar values between both).

Or rather having dps addons with cc/cooldown/healing/etc usage is bad for players that don’t know how to play. Stop trying to hide behind obscurity, having such addons in the end when put in the hands of a group/guild/raid that cares about your performance (not min-maxing levels of caring) will typically result in you increasing your skills.

Threat meter is extremely useful for dps. Dps going all out can pull off the tank pretty easily. Without a threat meter to help them guage where they are, they just have to throttle hard and slow the whole thing down.

If you cant really effectively target and attack someone at 50+ yards this really does nothing more than filter out more long reach characters from displaying in Spy right?

I believe this change just made Spy work better :slight_smile: Who cares if there is an enemy beyond 50 yards?

Why I dislike this for 2 reasons

  1. I used my combat log to see things LONG BEFORE SPY. Now I cant even “see” AI actions that are happening around me / to friendlies.

draw distances are HORRIBLE. Now it ONLY displays units within 50 YARDS. Can we have the ability to see people / units more than
roughly that same distance?

I can look clear across / down Frostwhisper Gorge in Winterspring
yet I can only see 2 GIANTS!!! close to me. :confused: They are Giants
why I can see them just as well as that rock???

(i know the technical answer)

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Delusional people that believe this is a buff to Spy addon

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Thanks for the update, Kaivax. To me, this is a start, but only a start.