In-game chat restricted after my character was only flagged for a name change

The same thing happeend to me. My name was flagged and I had to change it. However, I can’t use chat or email, and now I can’t que premade groups. However, I can still whisper people, do work orders, and que dungeon finder.

So you all restricted his chat privileges for a week (and I’m assuming his ability to que in premades) because his character name was ‘wowsucks’?

Given the fact folks will use their toon names to stir the pot, more so when that’s the sole goal of the toon, the name will be change.


Yes, there ARE consequences for breaking the rules.


Simply put: If you don’t like the rules on the Blizzard forums and in game, then you’re within your right to not play it. The game isn’t a free-for-all sandbox to say whatever you want. No one is stopping you from letting you play other games.


Then why did you lie when you agreed to them to play the game? You could have just said no.

The rules are there for a reason. Abide by them or, yes, enjoy the consequences of not doing so. It isn’t an M rated game, M rated player content is not permitted.

Keep in mind it takes more effort to be a bad person than a decent one.

The “punishment doesn’t fit the crime” thing isn’t applicable here, either. Punishments are determined by any and all previous punishments on the account, not by what you were doing at the time you were tagged for one.


Maybe its time to lock this up before it totaly goes off the rails.


Did I say I want to play another game? I like how you all simply just agree “Them are the rules! Like it or leave!” If you disagree then you should be banned!

Punishment can be mild like in this case or harsher depending if theres previous actions that werent apeald and were successful they dont go away and double each time.

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Is it? If you do the same exact thing two different times you get snatched, the first time is a week’s silence and the second is a week’s suspension. A third will be a two-week suspension, etc. That seems equal to you? Interesting.

Whataboutisms are fun, I know. We’re talking chat suspensions.

But good to know you aren’t here in good faith and are just arguing for argument’s sake. You can have fun with that.


Also, you’re implying I a bad person because I want to keep my name?

I am extremely helpful in this game. I am always trying to help players, especially new ones, but because you don’t like my argument I am a “bad person”.

Let’s keep this on track folks.

Historically a name change (unless it was not the first one) was just a name change.

We are checking to see if that was intentionally changed - but I haven’t heard back yet.


It’s not about whether or not you’re a “bad person”. If your name violates the rules then it is going to be changed when you’re caught with it, and yes, you can be suspended for having a bad name.

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While extreme, the point remains. Not every action is given an initial mild response. Do they become more severe over time? Yes. But an individual can receive more severe penalties initially depending on their actions. How’s that for good faith?

He’s the one that said it, not me.

Adding on that, I know an individual can, but the bigger question is should they? If Blizzard doesn’t want certain names appearing on their game then they should be banned. Players shouldn’t just receive a random message indicating that their game is being restricted because Blizzard ruled their name as inappropriate. Why put the impetus on the player?

It’s basically nigh impossible to outright ban every inappropriate name.

If I wanted to ban “wow”, I’d need also filter:


That’s just one letter changed. People get much more creative than that, be it with contextual clues, in length, in conjunction with trends. You may as well be pushing back the wind.

Hence the need to rely on players’ good judgement, and reports when failing that.


Blizzard could not possibly list all names that “might” be inappropriate. That’s why they leave it up to the player base to report names they feel are.

There are lots of words, terms, and symbols that aren’t bad, until some group or person co-opts it for their own uses (one example is a symbol most associated with WWII) and makes it bad, or associated with something bad.

Although - I’m probably arguing with the wind here, and it seems you just want to argue.


WoW. How long did that take you?

That’s not entirely how it works. A penalty is applied for an inappropriate name if it is either a serious naming violation, or a repeated naming violation, even for names that aren’t explicitly profane or possess negative history. A first time offense for a bad name that isn’t egregious is likely to just get a warning, but suspensions occur when already-reported names are reused, or obviously-bad names are used on a character.

This is not nearly as difficult as you’re making out to be. If you possess common sense, then you know which names are acceptable and which ones are not.

Because it is impossible to make a catch-all list of names that are universally agreed upon as unacceptable, or could potentially be viewed as such. It would be a waste of time and energy and it is far easier to let players report the names they find problematic, which ultimately allows us to shape the game more to our standards, rather than having blizzard do it all for us.


Except the standards aren’t shaped by the community, they are shaped by the few reports that people deem unacceptable. If enough people reported my current name, they could make an argument that it offends them.

It also wouldn’t be that hard to make that list, especially when you add previously banned names to it. I got my character name from the WoW forums.