alliance premades made the sides pretty much even in terms of skill, horde act like the premades rolled through stomping everyone, the ratio was close to 50/50.
had a really good game just now, we lost, but was close. if last tower capped about 30 seconds sooner we would have won.
alot of people gave up on AV because of the premades sabatoging the ques (like whats happening in WG right now), but i think alliance could win alot if they tried for an actual win, not just a loss while killing captains.
I don’t want a participation trophy. You do realize that people are going to stop qing up and your q is just gonna get longer.
I fully anticipated it.
I’m not a ranker… I don’t care… but look at the amount of crying over horde q times. Y’all stop us from killing lts then why should I q up? I’m not gonna q to get camped.
Well, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be posting a Thread complaining about how much fun you’re not having.
I’m not one of them. I fully anticipate a drought, when Tourists are over the Classic hype.
I fully agree. PvP sucks. Always has. Just because I don’t que up for BGs, doesn’t mean I don’t foresee the reality of the situation. The Try Hard Horde will stop queing, once they hit their rank. Leaving the Casuals behind with long Ques. Same with the Alliance. And people (both sides) will complain about the long ques because there won’t be enough interest, from either side, to sit and wait in a que, for long periods of time, once the hype is over.
The Horde Meta is so lazy you might as well call it 4k+ charity honor. Take this choke point. Take that choke point. Barricade IWB. Let nothing through. use the terrain all in your favor. 30 minutes later 5k honor. Nothing creative. Nothing dynamic. Same exact plan every time. Maybe some cave camping tossed in to burn the clock. You might be winning but in no way are you as cool as you all make yourselves out to be.
If the Horde is that predictable, why do the Alliance appear to be losing, all the time?
No one is cool, for PvPing (if you could even call it that). You’re projecting your anger, at the wrong person, but you can keep trying.
Possibly come up and around said Lumber mill and down onto SHGY? You avoid the uphill choke, gain the high ground and come in behind the horde. Or break off and flank while your main force comes up the hill. There are always options but if it isn’t easy most people don’t want to hear or try it. Truth be told the same can be said for the horde.
There are advantages and disadvantages contained within the AV map for both factions, raising concerns over disadvantages but not being willing to admit the advantages is what aggravates a lot of the horde players.
Given the state of your Queue times you do have plenty more players that scum bag it and want a fast loss to max out their honor per hour gains where as the horde are always more willing to play to the end to simply gain honor due to the terrible Queue times. Everyone can continue to throw around the thought of players rolling horde for the easy mode, I am certain some did, but many of us rolled to play a fantasy non human character.
It simply boils down to the player base. It isn’t that alliance are worse at PvP, it is that they have a higher incentive to say screw it and let the match end quickly. Horde players are not better at PvP, again they have a higher incentive to go all in for the win due to less matches available.
Let’s be real. If Activision moves the cave back Alliance will win over 80% of games. This will result in Horde QQ and the game will break. Right now Activision can fall back on #nochanges and keep the Alliance is this bogus state of gameplay because what do they lose? 10% playerbase?
Zug zug!
I bet you loved it when the alliance broken premades were going full zerg with the pally bubble warmaster pulls , that must have been completely fair lol
How can a reasonable person realistically think that if a faction wins 99.5% of the time, its 100% because of the players ?
Really, unless that person has self esteem problem in real life and needs to believe that the 99.5% winrate is because of their skills, they are delusional.
Same humans play horde and alliance. You dont get magically gifted with epic skills in PvP when you press “create character”.
Ive been horde for 15years and decided to give alliance a try. Does that mean that suddently Im a backpeddler and keyboard turner because I chose alliance? Come on.
A 99.5% winrate can only be explained with other factors than player skills, cause there is no way that 100% of the horde pug are always 100% more skilled than any alliance pug. Thats just impossible.
Ya, what wasn’t fair? Are you upset at paladin abilities? I’m upset at Horde racial abilities but I’m not calling it cheating… When my stuns don’t work on orcs is that Horde cheating? The warmasters not resetting isn’t cheating either…
Get a clue…
This seems contradictory to me. You don’t want a trophy, which is the way it should be. I’m interpreting the following statement as “if you keep winning, we will quit, so you won’t be able to play.”
This is accurate - have not lost in almost three weeks. Probably at least 35-40 wins straight.
If by more defensive you mean we’re forced on the defensive immediately because we meet Horde on our side of the field and thus only get to be defensive then yes- we are forced to be defensive. And if SHGY is taken, because the choke is on the Alliance side of it we thus can’t get by to go on the offensive, then again, yes, we’re forced to be more defensive.
AV can’t be won with solely defense- and with there being no way to go on offensive because the map lets Horde turtle easily any pathway, the problem for Alliance is they can never get an offense going, NOT that they don’t have defense.
I only did AV the first week for Rep, so I have no experience in the current meta. Can anyone summarize what has changed since AV’s release? The majority of the games I was in were either easy 6-minute wins for Alliance, or very slow and hard fought games that could go either way. Horde never had an easy win during week 1 afaik.
Hell just a couple weeks ago a few horde rankers I know were giving up because Alliance was all but unbeatable in AV and queues were longer and longer. I was told over and over that Horde was losing because the map favors Alliance, and all we could do was hope they had enough AFKers to give us a fighting chance.
Yet this whole thread is filled with Alliance players claiming that AV actually favors Horde and winning is nearly impossible for Ally. It’s like the entire dynamic did a 180 in a matter of weeks.
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I’m curious if someone can summarize how exactly this situation changed so much from week 1. Both sides claim the other has a terrain advantage, the other side doesn’t have as many AFKers, the other side is all tryhards, the other side picked their faction because they’re not skilled players, etc.
Anyone have a neutral perspective on all this?
Horde hits Balinda’s bunker as Alliance is heading down the hills on the SHGY side. Horde pushes back the 20 or so Alliance on that side with their main force and easy reinforcements from IBGY. Horde then pushes them back to the SHGY chokepoint, and pins them in then pincers from the ramp in front of Balinda’s bunker and the hills on the other side. Any attempt to take SFGY is shut down by that choke point and/or 5 or so Horde taking it. For Alliance the only apparent path to victory is either wiping the horde enough times to prevent their IBGY reinforcements from interfering with SFGY/the SHGY push, or somehow rushing IBGY without anyone dying.
That’s great if you want to escape but if you want to actually defend the gy its terrible. And given that ibgy is the most important gy in the game for horde, its a massive weakness.
As a priest healer that focuses on defence, I used to see pugs run away from ibgy to go O all the time in December.
we routinely get spgy recapped by people who spawn in the cave. and then we’re in DB with our dicks in our hands, being sent back to shgy or sometimes ibgy / sf.