Impossible to win AV as alliance

Now I’m 21 games deep 3 days now no wins. I’m trying my best but its infuriating. If horde wins this much clearly there’s a fundamental issue with AV. It’s unfair.


Damn that sucks

Well, you got The Alliance who’s motto is “LET THEM WIN” because they are thirsty for blue PvP gear and then you got The Horde which is full of a bunch of people that picked Horde because a streamer told them Horde is better for PvP. So, there’s one faction that rolls over at the first sign of trouble and then there’s another faction who waits in 1+ hour long queues so they can blow 5g worth of consumables camping a graveyard.


Alliance can win AV in 6 minutes… no lies!


It seems so challenging I think I’ll start a gnome mage and try to win AV

so can the Horde


The sheer fact that the Horde was able to begin successfully defending against perfectly comped premades that were all on coms prior to the fix makes any Horde retort a load of malarkey. Alliance tactics are not enough. I know you like your gravy train. Who doesn’t like winning 99% of the time? I’m sure you can produce and number of questionable facts to try to prove your point. The fact remains that the Alliance trying every thing will never have a better than 5% win ratio. Ignoring that, dismissing that, mocking that, puts the game as a whole at risk because that player base will eventually stop playing a guaranteed loss.


blizzard made it worse. blizzard needs to fix it.


The fundamental difference with Alliance is with the players, yes. Because a disproportionately large number of tryhard and serious PvP’ers didn’t roll on our realm. You can continue to thump your chest (or insult alliance) as though rolling the Easy realm is some kind of accomplishment, but that’s not going to fix the issue. If the situation stays the way it is, more Alliance are going to opt out.

If people (and more importantly, if BLIZZARD) want to stick with #nochanges, that’s cool by me. I like world PvP more, anyway. But if the deck is going to continue to be stacked in Horde’s favour, people are going to opt out Alliance side. It’s just the way it’s going to be.


First, the premades formed in the first place because the Alliance were having more and more trouble winning with regular pug groups. While sweaty tryhards will always look to eke out every possible advantage, the average WoW player doesn’t bother if they can do well enough without.

Second, the 6 minute rush was only feasible with an elite group of geared and coordinated players, which was a small elite fraction. The larger premade discords could not reliable pull this strategy off, and if you couldn’t, it was far better to reliably go slow and steady. Some of those did that, some tried anyway and then AFK’d out when/if they failed.

And when the initial spam-queue was broken, the premades that used the initial workaround weren’t doing 6 minute wins anyway, because with the induced queue time (~5-10 minutes due to how it all worked) made that strategy less valuable than a paint the map strategy.

The problem isn’t “lol the alliance don’t know how to play”, because the elite players very much do, and are quite capable of adapting. We could easily tell the pugs how to win, and we usually try to.

The problem(s) is/are:
-People don’t/won’t listen
-People scream out their own (bad) advice/orders
-Many are there to just afk and leech honor/rep
-People that don’t give a toss about fighting/winning, they just want the rep for PVE

Even when you have people that want to fight, the map positioning puts us at a disadvantage that we have to overcome. One setback can lose the game for an Alliance team, whereas a Horde team can get wiped multiple times and still win.


Go to WSG, ally win most of them

How does this differ from horde PuGs?

All it took was coordination. It was a matter of coordinated players vs aimless PuGs. Discord communication and queue sharking made that reliable.

Exactly the same on horde.

Completely false.

What’s clearly playing out is that most alliance don’t know how to play an AV that isn’t just rushing down Drek. The idea of spending over an hour in a tug of war per game has been foreign to them up until the past 2 weeks.

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All the good ally players got their rep the first week and quit playing crappy nerfed AV. It’s as simple as that.


if they can’t exploit, they quit


Nothing is impossible if you work together.


Its not impossible… the Alliance would rather hold GYs than go south. The horde goes north and caps what they need to… when one or 2 rogues go south they recall and stop us… if the entire alliance would move as a unit like the horde do… we would win.

Nothing is impossible if you work together.

This right here. The horde work together. We don’t. Guess how many times ive seen one mage holding Stonehearth Bunker? Every time. THere is one horde there. Not one alliance tries to take it back.


There needs to be more communication. People usually listen if they’re told to do something.

Although from what I’ve seen since the AV changes, horde seems to make sure the alliance don’t have anything captured and are forced to respawn in their starting cave. We’ve even beaten them a ways into the cave itself.

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21 games huh? 3 days now huh? Been going at it for close to a month now and I have won one single time so get used to it.


Not impossible. Organize!

How to Win AV - As Alliance


Again, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

It’s like you seem to just think that effectively taking random pugs and putting them into discord is going to translate to a 100% winrate. That’s not how this works - that’s not how PVP has ever worked. Pugs can and do beat low-tier premades that are little more than 10 people in voice. Groups of top-tier geared sweaty tryhards that stockpile and burn consumables is an entirely different matter though, whether we’re talking about WSG, AV, or really any battleground.

And yes, bots and idiots are a problem for both sides, but if you really don’t believe Alliance, the PVE faction, has more people that are just there for rep and couldn’t PVP their way out of a wet paper bag, I have a bridge to sell you, because Alliance has always had the weaker pug teams. Add on top of that the fact that Horde’s stupidly long queues tends to weed out everyone but those who really want to go hard in the paint, and we’ve got ourselves a recipe for disasters.

On top of ALL that, the reason this map got fixed historically was because Alliance finally had to stage a full on boycott of it. We’re not there yet, but give it time.