Impossible To Fill Crafting Orders The Failure of the System

I never said it was. The first couple of weeks of degenerative things that went on where people did amass KP outside of the intended KP gain system is where I’m pointing. Also the CDs that didn’t work, and other “malfunctioning” tidbits.

I leveled an alt in DF purely to cheat that quest by using my alt for private orders. If it wasn’t for that cheat method, I’d never be able to complete it. Pretty sure I’m not the only one using this method.

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The quest is dumb and should be removed, no question.


If you truly consider yourself a “crafter” and leverage the AH regularly to post, KP is far more mandatory than profession skill.

This is sort of fair. Assuming your sole goal is to hit 100 get your achievement and then walk away. If this is truly your only goal. I would just go wide on the profession talent tree and use the AH to get as many purple recipe as possible. Then just trade bark/camp work orders until you cap. Then walk away from crafting. You will be trash for months until you can actually fill out nodes with KP.

That proc - comes from inspiration, which relies on high KP. Nothing to do with skill. You can very quickly break the skill floor with maxed “Inspired Devotion” node. At that point, it will be all about maxxing out inspiration as much as possible for the most amount of procs.

Also - leveling encanting is one of the easiest. You will get there naturally as you craft fishing for inspiration procs on the orange recipes anyways.

Then trade bark. Yes though, small servers are harder. Grass isn’t greener on large servers though where crafting orders get sniped up almost instantly.

This system is not intended for the “casual” crafter. Like none of it is.

I’m not sure what percentage of people you think will hit 100 and then walk away from crafting satisfied. I think a lot of them will be in for a rude awakening when they realize that, “oh, I still can’t hit R5”, “oh, it is still not profitable to make anything because my KP is all over the place”.

Again, crafting orders do come in. They just get sniped up instantly by players trying to cap their profession who don’t truly understanding why.

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To be fair, KP isn’t the ONLY reason for the bottle neck. Current gear limitations also hinder this.

For example: Maxed out JC, all KP in proper channels and 3 pieces of 5* blues doesn’t guarantee a 5* Illimited Diamond afaik.

Maybe later when we all have purple tools, the bottleneck wont exist anymore.


KP and skill are not related. Sitting in trade or camping work orders likely has you crafting the same recipe over and over (so no first craft KP bonuses).

I do agree there was some cheese with KP acquisition. Very different thing to “skill ups”.

True. That wasn’t really my point though. This whole thread is about people thinking it is necessary to max out their profession skill, when 9/10 times that isn’t what is keeping you from the R5 threshold.

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I think that’s part of the point that isn’t being voiced clearly enough.

Actually they’re linked. If you didn’t min/max, consult thirty guides, etc., KP is the only way to skill-ups. Tons of threads going about that.

Points spent cannot be undone. So…need more to go down those specializations to the recipes.

Unless you have millions of gold to buy them. I sure don’t.

Or you exploited renown before that got hotfixed. Then you had point recipes to use.
Don’t know about you, but I don’t have a single one at 10 yet, much less all these people crowing about having had max for a while now.

But I don’t care about R5? I don’t think the OP does either? I would have just like to be able to craft it when it was going to be relevant-usable on my character, not a first-craft KP and transmog.


No. This is false. Like super false.

If you go wide to gain the most recipes possible. You will be the jack of all trades an the master of none and never find customers.

At this point, even without cheese/exploits, if you specialized in something, you should have an optimal tree build out (if you want to find customers the “proper” way).

I have had very good success with the PvP purple recipes, which are cheap. Some of the dungeon purple recipes do pretty well too and also sell cheap. These are somewhat server dependent.

Even without exploiting, you can be 20 renown across the board if not higher. Most professions only really require you to focus on 2 factions (majority of recipes come from 2).

I don’t deny that the exploits helped them get there faster. It wasn’t “all about the KP” though. It is certainly not what is holding you back currently either.

Sure? I mean a lot of those crafts faded from relevance very fast depending on the type of content that you do.

If you want to go at the pace of “doing it myself”, there is no real rush to get any of it or you’d already be there.

My goodness. Are people actually spreading their points around to grab a bunch of recipes that nobody will want because you’ll be bad at all of them? That seems super silly.

Specializing is the way to go.

Bingo and this is why people won’t be engaged or even try now. It hurts the player experience overall leading to more people unsubbing.

While creating this thread and responding I took an hour to take an alt through the questline to get to a crafting order to personal a draconic vial. So by cheating the system I can now complete this quest for the first time and will leave an Alt parked there. (doesn’t fix the main problem though)

With that said…I’m still stuck at 80 JC with no way to ever attain 100. Think letting the sub run out might be best or just focus on professions that work like gathering. Idk this is a really terrible player experience.

The Crafting order system failed terribly. The Devs need to put in ways for ALL professions to reach 100 without orders. Furthermore why would a new player ever start playing now? They missed the boat, no reason to even try out DF or a crafting profession when you can’t max it. RIP progression.



  1. Take level 60 character.
  2. Take trip to dragon isles.
  3. Fly to Valdrakken.
  4. Go to work order area and place order.

Did you know the mage tower has a portal to valk for alts once you get there on your main

I think there are at least 2 different conversations going on there and that’s making this a lot more noisy than it needs to be.

First convo: crafting to R5 and money
Second convo: crafting to be able to make stuff and maybe make money

I want to craft a bow for myself. Can’t get there any time soon due to bad KP things. So I need more KP to get recipes to get points…OR…I need crafting orders for points…OR millions of gold to buy recipes…OR more rep for recipes that give points.
Second convo material all the way.

No one’s really arguing the R5/profit thing. That ship sailed weeks ago. If there’s a market left at all, it’s alts and stragglers…nowhere near the market cap that people wish they’d been there for.

IF. And I can say with some certainty, a lot of people didn’t know they needed an optimal tree build.
And the word “proper” make another appearance.

Strike somewhat and insert absolutely.

You can? Not bringing the sarcasm here, but how do you do that if you only play a few hours at a time? You don’t. I’ve done all the sidequests in Waking Shores, almost done with the Plains…and I’m not at 10 on any? Include all WQ that aren’t PvP (so that’s 3 or so at a time I won’t do)…I’ve done Feasts when they coincide with being online…literally just got the ability to do Hunts in the last few days…hit packs and dirt piles if I ever see them.

I guess if you know you have to optimize and min/max and…there’s a theme developing here isn’t there?

People know that now. And if they read the forums, and a lot of 3rd party stuff.
But people who don’t? People who read the text in-game?
Who doesn’t like the sound of multi-crafting, saving materials, etc.?

If there were a chain of quests that a crafter had to do to show players what some of this stuff means?..that, of course you could skip after the first time through…THEN people wouldn’t come across quite as badly as they are because there was something there to begin with.

The recipes that nobody will want part is a system flaw.
One-time recipes should be for things for the particular crafter.
Recipes that have a steady, but low, demand…like profession tools, crafted reagents, etc. aren’t a bad thing (despite the moaning).

I like the idea of going to the bow-crafter’s craft union to get the top-of-the-line bows.
I don’t like the idea of going to the bow-crafter’s craft union for anything less than that.

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I’m not maxed on crafting skill, and I am loving the new crafting systems. Trade chat is full of people spamming crafting services, I can place guild or personal orders up for crafting orders. And if I want something instantly I can make it a public crafting order.


I hadn’t even looked. Great tip, thank you!

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Anybody with a purpose in mind.

Like my Jewelcrafter has lots of that stuff. But his only job is to make glassware. Not gems.

When I read this what came to mind was bots programmed to instantly snatch up any orders that are made.

Those…may exist…but I’ll deny I wrote this.

They kind of killed that after vanilla.

I have no idea, but it seems like it would have been an ideal botting project for people who design bots that can automate the AH.