I need to get it to 75 to unlock the 3rd specialisation.
You don’t need a 3rd specialization to make profession equipment.
How do you get the recipes for those?
But why?
What are you trying to spec into? If you wanted to be a master crafter of gear, you only need 2.
Are you trying to correct a mistake from having chosen the wrong 2 specializations?
I know that. He was asking why I want my LW higher than 63.
I feel your pain. I stood at the table and submitted Serevite Bolt orders last night.[1] When I was done there were 8 different char names in the completed order emails I received. It was interesting that people did their 3 and then didn’t do any more. (Leaving the other orders alone for other chars to fulfill.)
When I was leveling my Engineer from 1 - 50 I did public orders for the Eng components on all my crafts. (If they didn’t give skillups for me.) They were all filled instantly. I did all the Profession Equip orders for stuff my Eng could not do as well.
Since these are all low level orders I supply the mats and just throw in a token tip. As my expectation is that these are going to be filled by people leveling or doing the prof quests.
That was what led me to post our first guild weekly quest party on the Calendar this week.
[1] - Too be clear I don’t need the bolts. I’m just using up stacks of the singe bronze start Serevite Ore and trying to get some public orders out there. I’ll do this at some point once a day on my linked server group if I’m over in the crafting area.
Edit - add a sentence.
You buy them from the quartermasters. Expedition, Centaurs, Tuskarr, Valdrakken.
Yup, lol. I specialised in mail gear but now I want to craft the bow.
Ah, gotcha. Thanks. I don’t think my renown is high enough yet.
Ok. So first legitimate use case I’ve seen on this thread.
So where are you on mail gear? Like how many recipes do you have unlocked in there? Or did you bail out before you got to the new recipe nodes?
I have all the large mail recipes. Base large mail skill is maxed but the recipes are not (bracers almost maxed). I don’t really have any use for intricate mail right now so I’m saving my knowledge to put into the bow, but I need to get to 75 skill first.
So you do realize that if you go bow spec, presumably to craft it for yourself, that you are miles and miles away from being able to get to R5 right?
Like you could get the bow today via a public work order, give someone their free +3 skill ups and then slowly work on the bow for recrafts on your own later.
Still though to break out of the 75, the options aren’t pretty.
You can farm renown to grab more profession tools if you want, you can buy some of the purple pvp recipes from the AH, or you can stick to the mail recipes you have currently. Basically get some breadth in skill up recipes.
Either way, your options are to either sit in trade barking for customers, or to camp the LW table to try and snipe up crafting orders for folks who don’t care about quality currently. If you can’t hit R5 with your current spec in any of your recipes, you will have a very very hard time via trade barking.
Again though, once you hit 75 in order to unlock primordial, you would still then need 10 in the root node just to unlock the bow recipe. You would then need to max out the root node as well as bestial primacy in order to hit R5 (assuming you already maxed out the inspiration tree). So you are looking at over a month’s worth of KP to get there. If you don’t have max inspiration node yet, it is even longer than that.
But you cannot get to Skill 100 without crafting orders (with the exception of Alchemy).
And you simply cannot craft at the higher qualities that players are demanding without high skill.
And you cannot get a competitive level of knowledge progress without both high skill to unlock the right specializations, and the crafting orders to give you first-time bonuses.
And players that actually could use the crafted gear and put in more crafting orders don’t get nearly enough soulbound mats (or any at all) from the content that they do.
The system is broken on every level, and the issues all intertwine.
Crafting professions are largely a waste of time and gold for the average player. This is a problem because DF doesn’t offer any other major new features and is basically a copy and paste of Shadowlands gearing systems if you consider the fact that most players aren’t engaging with the system beyond the green and blue crafted BoEs.
Weekly quests should offer minor skill-ups. Players that don’t do raids or M+ should be allowed to put in crafting orders, too, to stimulate the system.
This is one of the epiphanies I had. People disdain the low level stuff, but that is a mistake. You can help someone else out, or help an alt right now. Plus you get to enjoy, maybe not the best, but a better solution while you gather/get the mats/skill to recraft later on. (At least for some of my armor slots.)
This is where waiting for perfect or rank five doesn’t make sense because it will take too long.
I think…
Edit - Added the last two paragraphs.
Nah, it’s fine, guildies have been helping each other craft stuff because public orders are nonexistent.
Already have more than that saved up, haha.
Which is better anyway. Cements the relationships in guild. Allows you to specify quality.
Just be glad you have a guild active enough for folks to be helping each other!
So then yeah, if I were you, I would pick up as many blue/purple recipes from AH/renown as I can. Then camp the work order tables until you break 75.
Or if your guildies are helping you out, you can just wait for them to hit you up.
Work orders do pop up, however they get sniped up quickly by folks trying to “skill up”. A lot of people are under the false assumption that capping out their profession is what is keeping them from completing their goals.
Yup. People are focused on getting to 100 when that probably isn’t the most effective thing to be looking at right now. I figured that out when I got to 50 and discovered… things are different now.
Ummm, did you realize that skill affects quality? And the few competitive players that have the soulbound mats to craft really care about quality?
Those 25 points to get from 75-100 will not be the difference in her being able to get to R5.
Not if she is specced properly.