And it has already been explained a couple times that you will fully level your profession, in time.
What do you believe not having maxxed JC at 100 is preventing you from doing? I think you are going to be in for a rude awakening once you get there.
It is not what is holding you back from “profit”. I promise.
As an example, I’m a Leatherworker. I have 94 points in the base skill.
If I go to make a leather helmet (which I’m specialized in), my skill is 415.
Am I freaking out that my base skill isn’t 100? No. Because it doesn’t matter that much.
Well skill with inspiration, but yeah.
In this example, the extra 6 points in base skill from maxing out profession would not do anything. Since an inspiration proc (which is needed to get R5 anyways) would just go over the recipe skill anyways.
It’s preventing people from playing and accomplishing the very basics of the game. When progression is impossible people quit. If you want a dead game this system will accomplish that.
It’s really that simple.
I’ve figured out who to ignore in this thread from here on out at least. So we have progression there.
I get the I want to level my profs to 100 thing. I swapped to Double Gather on all new chars at the end of MoP. My Shammy has Engineering/Mining, my goal is to get to 100 Eng on that char. Every other char doing DL content is Mining/Herbalism.
I’ll get there just fine. First 50 levels were like the old expansions. Next 16 points were just doing “First Craft” of trainer stuff. Plus one Darkmoon Faire Eng quest.
I know I’ll get to 100 just doing Darkmoon Faire if nothing else. There are 1 3/4 years of DMF left. So that’s 12+9 = 21 more DMF quests. Can’t remember whether they give 2 or 3 points.
This system requires a complete rethink of how you approach crafting. For years people have been going alone. This is the time where you need a community.
- I did public crafting orders for all the profession equips for my gatherers that my Eng could not do.
- I run by the crafting place and throw up public orders for low level stuff at least once a day. (Serevite Bolts, vials, missives. etc.)
- This last Thursday, and every Thursday from now on the guild I’ve got my DL chars in will be doing 1 to 2 hours of Crafting/Weekly quest help sessions.
I only started the craft thing last week. So last week was when I figured out how this system worked. Guild members had been complaining, about no orders, now I could see why.
In our first guild “helper” session we (about 5 of us) traded among ourselves to complete the weekly. Several folks had ignored the system as they didn’t know how to engage. Walking them through the process of submitting, and the fulfilling orders on Discord and in guild chat helped a lot.
Anyway, part of the solution is to be the solution for someone else. Don’t just sit around and complain. Throw some orders up yourself. If everyone did this it would help a lot.
Gotta break the mindset of I can do this all myself. 'Cause you can’t, this is a system that works better the more people in your circle participate. Help a friend and your friend can help you.
Hmm… Last part really needs to be expanded into a post of its own. Oh well.
This basic of crafting is making things, which you can do.
Only you have decided on behalf of everyone in the universe that the only thing that ever matters is having a ticker hit “100”.
Well no, now you are just trolling. You can absolutely “play” without a max profession.
You seem to believe it is preventing you from being a crafter. Also false.
So at best, you could argue it is preventing you from getting an achievement you’ve always had from this point and moving on from professions entirely.
That’s a good point, I should point out that I picked up leatherworking just 2 weeks ago.
And am having no issues making things I want to make for people.
Yes I can but that’s not how the system is supposed to work. What’s even the point of it if I’ll just use my alts?
The “do 2 or 3 crafting orders” quest is definitely dumb and should be removed; I’ve said this many times on this forum.
In a few years using the 2 points from DMF.
Why are you in a hurry?
Blizzard need to read the multiple threats about the crafting and crafting orders system. There are dozens of suggested improvements.
The problem is that the threads are from people who don’t understand how the system works.
I want to use while it is relevant.
For me a big part is that I learned a long time ago… not to be a Pioneer. Never be the first. lol
Let others be first and they can complain on the forums about what doesn’t work. Then I can come along later and read about the pitfalls. So I can use their experiences to learn about what works and what does not.
Plus, I’ve always been on my own calendar. I do stuff for fun and because I like it. I’ve moseyed along enjoying the story. I just set foot into Normal Raid for the first time this week. On my slow schedule I just hit iLevel ~370 on my two chars for this expansion last week.
Please read above, I don’t have 100 skill and it’s not holding me back in the slightest. Base skill is not important, this time around.
That quest is incredibly easy because you just send personal orders from one of your characters to another.
Exactly. Not only that people are still not going to reach 100 crafting. Which is a very basic part of the game.
This is a progression game and when progression is impossible people lose interest and quit. People aren’t excited to log in when there isn’t a possible way to progress. Subs will be lost.
There should be a clear path to 100 crafting for everyone to attain. It’s not impossible and new players will have it even worse. I love the new profession talent trees but the core design and crafting orders as a requirement are bad. It will drive people away.