Impossible To Fill Crafting Orders The Failure of the System

I live off my alts for the weekly.

if there is a known bug making it so alts cant use the portal then why the responses the way you said them? maybe lead with it if you know there is a bug right?

you are grounded, and I’ve told you call me DADDY.

There is. Get 35 points in Glassware and you’ll unlock a recipe that is guaranteed skill-ups all the way to 100. It has a 3 day cooldown so it will take a while. All the professions I’ve looked at also have such a long cooldown guaranteed skill-up recipe, producing mats that won’t sell very well, somewhere in the trees.

The public order system is terrible because Blizzard wanted to force “socialization” (or at least their delusional idea of socialization) onto people by making you use garbage trade chat to find a crafter that can do X at max quality or have a decent chance to hit it.

They aren’t improving it in 10.0.5 because they are stubborn and refuse to acknowledge that herding people in this way is bad game design and not fun for many players.

They need to:

  1. add more recipes that can get you to 100 that don’t involve things like sparks

  2. let you add minimum quality requirements to public orders

  3. add public re-crafting orders

  4. let you add commission based on the quality hit so you can have lower commission if they don’t hit max quality to attract people with higher chance to hit it to fill your order OR

  5. have a system where someone can try to fill your order if you have a minimum quality set the crafter can potentially hit but can’t 100%, but if they fail to hit it, they get nothing and the order goes back up for someone else to try (meaning the mats aren’t used up until someone succeeds at hitting the quality). You could also grant a skill point for people trying and failing to hit an order in this way. Also probably don’t let the same person accept the same order more than once.


nvm go back to fighting with mom.

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All they had to do was change a bit of code that made bop to boe and sparks from the start were drops.

The crafting order system unless you got ways of snatching up orders super quick regular plays are left out in the wind.

I’d say pull the ripcord and scrap it, but I think it’s gonna stay the way it is which blows


wont matter. they already have a default system in place. eventually players should be able to have lots of sparks but like the creation catalyst its all time gated.

the public work order system needs more common general, every day use items. maybe a daily quest to post a work order via the public system for the npcs. npcs provide the mats. and you get rep for posting the work order and then bringing back the item once complete.

atm most work order come in at the start of the week and tapper off the further into the week it gets.

work orders for good tools are slow because it costs so much artisan’s metal that you can only realistically cover one professions worth of upgrades. not 2.


I think the crafting order system is too complicated for the WoW communities thick monkey brain.

Me no understand crafting order system.

Me understand hit rock with pick and pick up plant off ground.

Me good at business.

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And then M+ drops unlimited quantities of 418 ilvl gear.

Do we really need to explain why that’s a terrible idea?

Are you saying shouldn’t be anywhere near m+ upper Keys and high-end raiding?

I’m saying that the game is already immensely tilted towards M+ being the fastest, easiest, and best gearing method BY A HUGE MARGIN, and the only thing keeping it in check is the limitation on Sparks. Take that away and you should just rename the game to World of Mythic+ Dungeons.

Ill agree work order system needs the ripcord pulled. allow people to craft items and sell em on AH. Its impossible to catch up crafting for those that are casual. People spam trade but no way you can compete there either if you are just casual.

At least the old way casuals had a way to craft and sell to a degree


Again, I picked up leatherworking 2 weeks ago. I was behind everyone else. Still am. I’m doing fine.




Anybody who uses their head will be fine, too.

The problem is, WoW has a chunk of players whose first instinct is to run to the forums and complain, rather than figure out a solution.

Ok haven’t seen this posted anywhere. So what I have to do is take 35 points into something I don’t need. I don’t have the Knowledge to do that laying around either. Then abandon all progression on what I do need.

Maybe if we could refund all our knowledge and rebuild our tree I would consider this. Looks like my only option is too let my sub run out. I’m just trapped with no way to progress in a meaningful timeframe. It feels ultra bad and is just infuriating. Think I’m done with this expansion. Good luck.

Gonna go play some games where progression isn’t impossible and feels good.

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Well can’t you just say you don’t understand the problem instead of writing all that Brewa. You are constantly very detached from reality if it isn’t about m+ or raiding so clearly this area isn’t really affecting you or you’d be bothered to TRY to understand the issue.


No, you don’t need to do that at all. This entire thread has been telling you how wrong you are, about everything. You just seem bound and determined to throw a snit, is all.

It’s such a irrational fear that if crafter had more access to the mats that m+ and raiding are DOOMED!

Let me tell you that y’all have nothing to worry about I don’t want to take my gear and raid with it or m+

But I am forced to raid for primals. I get 3 per boss on normal. Don’t know what ras drops but I’ll find out tonight