I understand you’re unable to see the difference between the tropes.
But I’m afraid I can’t help you there.
Yeah, it’s basically just collection of many things. High fantasy it is not, space fantasy with low tech with knights of the round, maybe more like that.
It is not lord of the rings, that’s for sure.
if that is your take, you’re free to have that.
I just learned something about high fantasy today! I assumed this was high fantasy because it throws everything and the kitchen sink at you.
So would high fantasy here be going all ham strictly in a medieval setting? Dragons, magic, but no tech?
Yup, high fantasy is goblins not as intelligent and evil, orcs being the bad guys. Elves being all androgynist and high snooty beings with magic. You got the humans and almost no technology other than sail boats and maybe some catapults
Dragons and necromancers and the like. Maybe you have technology but it is purely magical with almost no electricity or fuel outside of magic.
I agree with this! Layering doesn’t need to exist to the extent that it does
Expanding on this—I think players should have the opportunity to jump between layers as they see fit. With maybe a thirty second cooldown or something in between, just so people don’t break anything. If people want to play in the #1 highly populated phase, at the expense of their latency, they should be able to do that.
There should be a very high cap just to ensure the server doesn’t crash, but the server can handle a lot, so that number should be extremely generous, to the extent that it basically never fills unless it’s like launch day or something.
On RP servers, there is no sharding—except in current content zones. But RPers like to use current content zones too! So having the freedom to choose a particular phase in current zones would allow us to engage with each other without having to group up for it. Grouping is problematic for RPers because a) we enjoy running into each other in the open world and letting interactions begin organically, and b) when we run large community events, the numbers often far exceed the maximum raid group size.
allowing deathknights and earthen to breath underwater. deathknights are corpses and earthen are rocks, why do they drown?
Naming your mount.
Dks should breath underwater but we know why earthen drown
They have breathing apparatuses installed to them that gets filled with water and weighs them down to drown. There is an NPC earthen that talks about this. He’s also a pirate.
I already do. I call my unit mech suit, stone mason.
For me Id just want voiced questlines at this point, theres a ton of little enjoyable story bits that I mostly ignore because I can only read ao much before i tune it out. This is a me peoblem, but Id like it to be more prevalent.
ESO does this and its pretty nice, everyone in the questline is voiced no matter how generic they are
ESO had a great questing experience because of the NPC dialogue.
I honestly thought follower dungeons would be from your warband
There was a pretty cool addon for Classic that added voice lines to all the quest dialogue. It was impressive.
Your character’s race could have an influence on their interactions with NPCs/slight changes in some quests. After your intro questline, most races are treated the same, but IMO if you’re a draenei or void elf on argus, for example, you could have something interesting as a bonus.
It’s far too infrequent across many zones.
I’d also like to add, waves. like waves on the ocean or beach waves. that have height to them. Heck yes.
Undervalued post. I was wanting to see attack animations from the first person, and have aperture changes to provide a “wide screen” effect on the perspective shift.
Truth is there are too many immersion breaking “big things” that there’s no small touches that could make the game world feel alive again. When you are immersed and someone goes riding past on their Shrek Balloon with a chinese dragon trail, adding worldbuilding breadcrumbs and NPC personalities doesn’t fix the holes.