Magical portals or not, they’re literal star gates. Gates to travel through the stars to another planet
Also it was shown in warcraft RTS that demons came from space. Orcs are literal aliens and magic is just a form of energy source. The only medieval aspects of Warcraft came from the orcs, elves and humans. Literally all the other races showed more technological advancements and humans were also catching up with the dwarves and using boomsticks.
Like it or not, warcraft was never high fantasy. Diseal punk/steam punch was shown in W2 with literal mechs.
Which all makes sense when you realize that warcraft and star craft just used the same models but different from the Warhammer assets they had from the deal that didn’t go through.
Warcraft and StarCraft were supposed to be Warhammer.
You literally had mech, oil tankers, submarines, flying machines and bombs, guns and bullets in Warcraft 2 units. What are you talking about.
It’s like you choose to ignore half the races and just focus on the humans, orcs and elves and even the human had oil tanker ships so even they were showing industrialization aspects.
A Star Gate is typically a sci-fi concept, a technologically advanced device that creates a stable wormhole to travel between distant locations in space. A magical portal, on the other hand, is a fantasy element, often created by supernatural forces or spells, allowing instantaneous travel between realms. In Warcraft, this is Arcane or Fel Magic.
The Twisting Nether is not “Space”.
Night Elves, Trolls, Tauren, etc.
Actually, it’s only goblins and gnomes. That’s their unique selling point.
Using flintlocks or steam engines to prove Warcraft is a “space fantasy game” isn’t particularly convincing.
However, ‘industrialisation’ encompasses much more than that. I recommend AC Syndicate for comparison.
The twisting neither is astral space. That is science fiction. The reality between realities.
Nothing I said was wrong
Using flintlocks or steam engines to prove Warcraft is a “space fantasy game” isn’t particularly convincing.
Literal mechs, flying machines, submarines and tanks.
Space fantasy because orcs are literal aliens from another planet via a star gate. Magic or technology doesn’t matter, a star gate is a star gate to travel the stars or rip a worm hole between dimensions.
Where is the medieval in anything I said? The magic? We have magic in space fantasy. The technology? The technology is way more advanced than a medieval setting. Is it the plate armor?
It’s just space fantasy with a different aesthetic than other space fantasy games. How many planets have we been in?
Yeah, that doesn’t change the industrialization of wow been having. Warcraft to wow seen the upgrade clearly. Now the alliance have flying ships and trains now.
Space ships now.
Only the humans are using the gnomish and dwarves with cleaner tech, and the dreanei crystal tech to the horde and the goblins with diesel or magitech.
Then Warhammer Fantasy and Wizards of the Coast would both have to be “Space Fantasy” as well. But these universes are very different from, say, Star Wars or Star Trek.
Well, do they have an alien sci-fi invader or a medieval trope?
You’re sending mixed signals.
Yes, sure. But, how much screen time does it have? One percent? Not even that? That’s why it is not an identifying factor. It just doesn’t fit in with the other stuff “from the past”. That’s why it’s out of place.
Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the various tropes and what distinguishes them. Individual outliers, such as the ones you mentioned, are not sufficient. It is important to consider the bigger picture.
Well, I just miss all the factories, the railway, the chimneys, the workers’ movements, the “atmosphere”. WoD had some of that with the Blackrock clan.
From Metzen:
Hit #3: World of Spacecrafts
Another concern I’ve been hearing about is the inclusion of certain sci-fi elements into the setting. I appreciate that this stuff is pretty far out, but that’s the whole point: Outland – and the greater universe out there in the void – ARE far out. Change is always difficult – I remember people getting really upset about dwarves with guns, steam-tech, Gnomeregan as a hi-tech city – many people had a hard time rolling with those technologies in a fantasy setting. But I ask you all – can you imagine WoW without those elements now?
We’re definitely throwing some new concepts at you all, but I’m very confident that when you’re able to see these elements in context, over the course of the gameplay – you’ll understand why we’ve been so excited to include them.
To be clear, we’re not talking about having the Millennium Falcon cruising around the Twisting Nether (I’m certain there would be some legal issues there, to say the least). The draenei ‘nether-ship’ you’ve been hearing about is far more than it seems. It’s part of a larger dimension-traveling fortress called Tempest Keep that essentially teleports through alternate realities. It doesn’t bank and roll or shoot proton torpedoes (not yet, anyway).
While we will be introducing a number of naaru technologies (like this ship, for instance), we’re not planning on going hog-wild. Conceptual balance is everything. For those of you who are fearful of seeing jet-packs and laser pistols filling up the AH, never fear. If you did see them, they’d likely be goblin engineered and get your character killed anyway.
It does not entirely support my point of view, but it does contradict yours.
Not going to read all that but the fact is star wars is space fantasy. Star Trek is pure science fiction. Difference is that star wars also uses magical star gates and has magic, necromancy, soul manipulation and technology. Sounds like warcraft to me, only difference is aesthetics.
Also, you never heard the term “space orcs”? Wow can be a mixture of the two themes but it never was strictly one theme.
I’m not going to read the rest but have fun. Maybe you should play EverQuest instead.
Just juggling a lot of things, don’t have the time. Also metzen? The dude who made thrall Moses then not? I mean, I like his stuff but he sometimes says one thing but his actions shows something different.
Let me guess, he said something how it isn’t space fantasy although they’re adding space stuff and star gates and what not? Yeah, I can guess the PR talk right now to appease people who think warcraft is just a fantasy game.
I knooow! I can’t even cat call my friends any more with /whistle. I don’t get it, really. FFXIV offers a myriad of emotes that have full character involvement, thus plenty of emotes that you could use in a crude manner. No one complains about that because they just report the player if they feel harassed, then keep it moving. I just want emotes, man.
Lol does it really? I can just guess PR talk when it comes to trying to appease people when they get mad. Like we know the obvious what the game franchise is about and I can see people not liking some elements of the game not being strictly like EverQuest. So when things like space demons, alien orcs, or guns and submarines or mechs come along, even though they have been in the game before the game was even out, you gotta say something about “do not worry, it is not x, it is Y even though it looks and acts like x”.
It’s like EA when their loot boxes “it’s not gambling” shtick they tried to pull
I don’t even know what the original argument is because I’m too lazy to go back to the start of it all, but all I know about WoW (and this is me coming at the tale end of Legion) is that they don’t seem to really know what genre they’re aiming for. So I enjoy the game for the medieval space mechatech disco-party-in-the-caves wild fantasy it is.
The setting makes about as much sense as the story to me, so really I’m just here for the good times. Space goats and space orcs? Hell yeah.