IMMERSION. What little feature would you add?

A Glyph that allows Shaman to use a random collected form when casting Hex.
A Glyph that does the same for Mages when casting Polymorph.

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I like the idea of class halls in Legion. Getting the summon at the start I thought was really cool. It made me actually feel like my character was needed, and not just for a poop quest.

Being personally summoned and having “meetings” in our class halls throughout the week to talk about important happenings that we need to deal with would be interesting.

I really dislike how disconnected our characters feel from the story. Always seems like we are taking care of everything but the big name NPCs still get the main credit.


Add dynamic changing areas.

Pending on the players actions, you can change aspects of areas that effect the degree of challenge which could affect reward quantities relative to the challenge level.

Similar to Legions Broken Shore or Mechagon or Siren Isles where you can choose what version of area you choose the play in or what main thing you invest in like Mage Tower that opens up an additional area to play with.

I like the Siren Isle storm aspect, but I dislike how you just shift as you please when you like.

I would prefer to have the trigger be more dynamically driven by the players actions.


The faster things are killed off will result in reinforcements that become progressively stronger and in greater numbers.

Assaulting key fortified areas and clearing them out could add a checkmark for things that will cause the next level of difficulty to increase.

Flying available when things are calm but once a storm starts surging, you can still fly but can easily be dismounted by the storm effects which becomes increasingly abundant as the difficulty level rises.

Storm surges or flooding could occur that temporarily change the terrain which would block some areas and open up others.

Monster type, challenge and density would shift and change alongside each difficulty shift.
Example being the more areas are flooded, the more Naga will be prevelant and in greater numbers and greater strength and difficulty to contend with.

Have a temporary accessible world boss that drops good gear once the max level of difficulty is reached and once it is defeated or after 30 min or so things will recede back to the lowest level.
An example would be a flood could cause some things to float to become a new path/route to take alongside open up a previously locked away underwater cavern leading to a world boss.

Have the lowest dynamic level able to be accessible to everyone regardless of the current dynamic level for people who either are not powerful enough to deal with the upper dynamic difficulty or just don’t want to deal with all the nonsense that comes with it. This could be the Siren Isles encroaching storm option but just in reverse as you select to go to simple easy times instead of swapping to the harder version of it.

So it might look something like this…

Difficulty scaling from 1-3 levels.

  • level 1: Monsters are easily dealt with, with few elites.
  • level 2: Monsters are now greater in number and more densely packed with noticable more elites.
  • level 3: Monsters are now mostly elites and even more greater numbers and density and can use creative abilities to really annoy you.

Reward scaling from 1-3 levels.

  • Level 1: Standard rewards are given.
  • Level 2: Standard rewards are more plentiful and more specific rarer rewards become available.
  • Level 3: Standard and rare rewards are more plentiful and have access to world boss rewards high level gear.

Terrain changing examples.

  • Storms resulting in downed obstacles like trees and other structures alongside flooding.
  • Volcanic eruptions resulting in landslides and lakes and river of lava.
  • Sandstorm resulting in Vision being reduced and areas being covered and unaccessible as they get covered in sand.
  • Blizzard snowstorm resulting in areas collapsing under the weight of the storm and other areas covered up and unaccessible.
  • Overgrowth of flora and fauna due to some botanica monsters causing the vegetation to essentially come alive and merging / mutating with local animal life and becoming enraged and attacking everything.
  • Invasions by major coordinated enemies that create artificial barricades and obstructions.

Monsters affected by the increasing storm effects.

  • Naga = Increased health and damage as flooding increases.
  • Elementals spawn in greater numbers and power scales according to appropriate weather effects.
    • Flooding = Water Elementals
    • Windstorm = Air Elementals
    • Volcanic eruptions = Fire Elementals
    • Landslides = Earth Elementals

Basically just want to make areas in the game feel alive and changing in reaction to the players combined efforts for how they choose to play.

Perhaps based on the enemy you fight can determine if they bring reinforcements with the difficulty increase change or they might retreat and come back later.

Perhaps you have infighting between enemy factions where if you clear out one area, the other areas expand into unoccupied areas of the difficulty change increase.

I’ll leave it at that for now.


<---- is currently hiding in a basket at the Celebration disguised as Marmaduke.

Really nice suggestion. I did like the Siren Isle idea although it phasing is a bit problematic by splitting the players up. I do like the idea of zone states and I think they had something going with Hallowfall. I would like to see something like that implemented to the levelling process as well.


If we have a randomized name then that should be in their files so that way NPCs can call us by our names in quests instead of just champion and stuff like that.

We used to have that in WoW and even sunsets and sun rises that were at the exact same times that our realm time was set to. They claim they don’t have the technology to make weather effect our toons…but when I played 1080 on my N64 back in the day, that weather could move me around and stuff, and wind in so many games back then would effect you. So saying they were able to do it decades ago but are not capable of doing it now…false. They can, they just choose not too. We pay more for games that have less to them.

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Came here to say this in case it wasn’t mentioned yet. Class skins would be an amazing addition. Fills in a lot of gaps to make more races feel thematically aligned to the class you choose.

I’d suggest glyphs be used for this, and ideally they should be greatly expanded and reworked as native to your class like the talent trees where we could just select the active ones we’d like. No finding/collecting them, they’re just there for you to toggle from the get-go inside the UI.


Let me have fun with my class and or spec. Let a mage set up a stand for, say, ten minutes where they can “perform” (small 3-5 button action bar) and cast spells to put on a firework performance. Or a monk setting up a Brewkeg and being able to start a party in the middle of a city for ten minutes where people can come for a drink together. Or Paladin getting a glowing light over and around them while they give a “sermon” and NPC’s gather to “hear the good word of the Holy Light”.

Admittedly, some classes are a bit tougher. As a Demon Hunter or Warlock I’m not sure what kind of social RP element we could offer that’s not… Questionable at best. But, let us hunt a demon and be able to put on a public execution of it in a capitol city where players who show up can vote about whether or not to do it, while ultimately leaving the decision to the DH/Lock.

But, I’d love to be able to log into my max toons I’m not playing because I don’t like their rotations or some aspect of the class. I’d log in to my mage to be a street performer for a bit from time to time.

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Actual continents again instead of closet island expansions. Pipe dream, I know, but I’ve always felt this game was at its best in old-world content, lost in a genuinely massive place where it’s hard to even see everything. Everything of any consequence since then has happened on small islands where it doesn’t even actually matter what’s going on. Rips me right out of the game world, to be honest.


More expansions set in the old world and carving new areas from the old world would go a long way and a good excuse to update them as well. Cata zones are older than the Vanilla ones now!


I like this a lot, great idea ideas :trophy:


Isn’t there a toy keg that already does that? But to add to your idea, if you don’t mind, me saying, make toys like that available to be used when you’re not in a group and then that stuff can be done.
They’ve already got the compressed ocean. There are things that people can join in, but there’s just not enough of them. I agree.


Glyphs are so broken in the game still that some glyphs just don’t work for specs. Like deep wound glyph on warriors to make deep wounds bleed more. Only works on prot warrior, not arms.

Crackling thunderstrike for the thunder slam spell. Doesn’t work on fury warriors or prot warriors as mountain thanes.

It is just so broken and shows how far glyphs have fallen in the game.

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I wouldn’t mind being able to craft from a character without having to swap over. Having some type of “camp” to visit would be cool. But I don’t know if they would have to make it instanced somehow and that might not be something they want to do as people might just hang out there instead of in the cities.

Of course people may do that with the player housing coming up anyway. Maybe if there’s a workshop area with profession tables inside the housing you could add that.

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Remove sharding

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Blizzard needs to learn to never put any kind of element over the center of the screen for any reason.


Exactly. I really like this variation. Instead of a Spec specific spell. Make class or racial toys that represent the RP or Lore of that class that allows other to interact with your class in some fun, niche way.

You made my idea better :pray:

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Ok, I mean most glyphs are cosmetic only anyway. But let’s say there do still exist glyphs that actually increase DPS numbers. You have to buy the glyph for each spec you want to use it with. I have Fel Wings in Havoc spec but when I tank I don’t have that glyph because I never bought it for my venge spec.

But I know it works with venge because another of my DH’s uses it in their venge form. So, perhaps this is a skill/“lack of knowledge” issue and not a bug.

But, what would a WoW forums post be without extremism responses I guess

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Aye, all the ones I was talking about are cosmetic but majority of them don’t even work anymore.

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People would use it as a means for quick teleportation somewhere and then just leave group :rofl:. But I do miss having to actually go to the dungeon

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