IMMERSION. What little feature would you add?

Something that makes the Horde different than the Alliance. Factions maybe?


Different idle poses that could be chosen with a command and emotes such as /lean.


I saw some similar opinions to my own posted here already but I intend to voice them regardless :smiley:

  • :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Updates to the regions that have been quested through.

    • ie, Felwood being cleansed (?? it’s been literally so many years) or evidence of your characters completion of a regions quests. Such as the Broken Isles no longer being demon filled. It seems silly, to me, that I’ve completed the entirety of quests in the Broken Isles and several regions within Kalimdor and have ‘cleansed’ and ‘killed’ my way through corruption and enemies and yet there is nothing to show for it in-game.
    • Updates to the hubs/ buildings. Stormwind City has literally looked the same since forever. I’d love to see the progress of growth!
  • :smiling_face: More customizations for all races / model update

    • We have now had these current models longer than we had the originals. I believe it is high time, if not over due, that we get another model update. It’s a little jarring to pop into a cut scene alongside Anduin / Thrall / Tyrande / etc and my character looks like she’s stuck 5 graphic levels below the rest.
    • More customizations in general, hair and FACES (Blizz I am BEGGING) would only do better. The more to pick from only grants a wider variety of unique looking characters.
    • Different body types to pick from. And maybe even a way to adjust height. Add dynamic to a group of humans standing around, they’re not all going to be 5’7!
  • :yum: Dye for transmog

    • Semi self explanatory. I just think having the ability to dye armor (cloth, leather, mail and plate) would simply be amazing. I’d love to be able to match shades of white as a Priestess of Elune RPer.

This! Very much this!


While they said they couldn’t do this for old armor, cause it has no color channels, they can always put remakes of old expansion armor models in the Trading Post or as new content armors WITH new 3D rendering like how the anniversary ones were.


I like your idea, and maybe they can add it for new armor. I mean, I know they can, it’s are they willing. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would like Last Names and a simple in game character sheet. Not everyone wants to use TRP but would like to have a way for their character to have backstory. Just like we can inspect gear we could inspect character sheet to find out more about a character.


Nice looking boot/shoe models.

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  • Using my alts for follower dungeons and raids.

  • A new account wide Warband Garrison, where I can place crafting orders to my alts, or send them on missions to level or gather resources. Can see all my alts walking around.

  • Magic casters being able to cast spells through their wands, staffs, swords and books/tomes.

  • Selectable idle and afk animations. Like leaning on the nearest object, or having my hand rest on my sword, or using my staff as a walking stick.

  • Allowing casters to summon their weapons, during combat. Basically a hidden weapon mog.

  • Making mechanical vehicles feel different than other forms of mounts. Different animations.


player collision.

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Blizzard seriously needs to hire, or even just contract a group of very passionate conlag enthusiasts and actually write out languages and regional dialects for their various races. There are people, I’m sure, who would do this for free because they’re that passionate about it.


I’d be freakin tickled for an updated Mooncloth robe model T-T


Why is it always a no post alt?

I’d add battletags to the forum to improve my immersion.

Also a real day night cycle, with some customization for people not on realm time. Yes the potions exist no they are not a real solution.


Please elaborate. I thought it’d be more immersive if you’re going on a boat instead of a dozen portals in a room.

A bar where the NPCs are just continuously gossiping about player characters (essentially a sort of continuous scroll of achievement toasts from across the server)


I’m new to the forum and didn’t want to use my main. It also swapped to a different alt for some reason?

I’ll happily swap btag anyway though.

Most quest dialog is very dated compared to other RPGs.


Those poor portal NPCs deserve a break. Like, they’re literally there, 24/7 making portals.

You Alliance got Gnomes, Horde’s got us; don’t know why we don’t just make portal bots. Some of these poor souls have undoubtedly missed a spouse’s B-day, their kid’s first steps… hell, their graduation.

Funerals, weddings, recitals. All so they can give out free portals to ungrateful adventurers.

Will no one think of the NPCS! Let em go home to their families for Aman’thul’s sake.

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I like a lot of these suggestions. One little tiny suggestion from me would be: make bows actually sling over our torsos. Also maybe add an option for sheaths for our swords/daggers/etc. Never been a fan of our weapons just magically sticking to our characters.