Imagine if “Cubicle Woman” turns into a pejorative because of what was happening at Blizzard.
NPCs aren’t the same as other players lol. And you missed the top half of my post on why I think it got removed. Aint a leftie vs right thing and honestly throwing in politics to a move that’s purely about $$$ to focus and cater for sensitive whales as they’re the only ones keeping this game afloat compared to the monthly subs. Literal smoothbrain logic moment.
Blizz cares more about the whales who wont think for themselves, still think the company is their BFF and will shell out 70$ USD for a stupid lizard with 0 questions asked than doing good changes or bugfixes.
good idea but i tried that and the code doesnt work.
DoEmote(“spit”) is the current code for it, how do i change it to that? tried a few combos and it doesnt work
doesnt work with the weakaura, DoEmote(“spit”) is the code, how to edit?
If I were out fishing and someone leapt from their helicopter, charged me, and I beat them down. You bet I would spit on them.
thats a yikes from me dawg
You are so bigoted you can’t seem to understand that a persons whole worldview can’t be dismissed for their opinions on one topic. You are trying to make a false caricature of this person so you and easily dismiss their point. Just grow up bud, use that grey matter!
8 hours of left of my sub time and I doubt I’ll be back. I hate nu-blizzard
100% true… but don’t count on it happening
Blizzard removing so called inappropriate references from Shadowlands and Classic is a Red Herring. All this crap about removing bad content is literally to distract us from the lawsuit.
“Hey don’t look over here at the lawsuit and all the women getting abused, look over there at the inappropriate references in WoW instead!”.
Blizzard is like a Rogue trying to use Distract while out of Stealth. Also, I will continue to /spit on people with the pre-order mount, and if I can’t do it then I’ll do /fart.
I hear ya. It is quite childish.
Good thing the devs had time to implement this change before they walked out and did a photo op for the day
What lawsuit?! What are you talking about?
…oh, look, trolls!
I can still fart on you, insult you, make rude gestures at you, slap you across the face, and more with emotes. Guess we need friendly-only emotes since we’re playing Hello Kitty now.
If you can’t handle video game emotes, you are such a fragile human being that I have a hard time understanding how you function in life.
I agree thats probably the case.
So what? We are playing a video game.
A video game in which people have always been allowed, for the past 16 years, to act petty and disrespectful.
Is it childish? Yeah! And people should have that option after working long days being an adult in real life.
Some people like that.
Ever read Fifty Shades of Grey ?
wth, i cant cast spells in real life, i thought the whole purpose of fantasy game was to do things you cant/wont do irl
Hey some people might like people spitting on them by this logic! I still think majority would dislike these actions though.