Imagine removing a 16 year old emote

Yeah, it’s soft as hell

Blizzard, and by extension the fans they love to cater to, are so exceptionally mentally weak / mentally soft


People will just use another emote to taunt players. And they’ll go at it even harder now. Blizz really are clueless. And they try to appease crybabies who will just find another way to get offended.

Meanwhile, actual harassment going on in real life gets ignored. Why address that when they can do this nonsense, which is nothing but a distraction.


Yes, because actual game development and quality is too hard.


Why are you suprised? Blizz has extra time to spend now that they aren’t sexually harrassing staff and we know they won’t spend that time improving the game. Looks like it is getting close to the time to cancel my accounts and stop funding this moronic company.


Eh, I don’t think I ever used the spit emote anyway.

Its how some people say hi, nothing wrong with that.


No it isn’t.

  1. Blizzard wants to sell boosts.
  2. Blizzard doesn’t want boosters to feel stigmatized.
  3. Blizzard wants to sell more boosts.
  4. Blizzard removes /spit for money.

Exhibit A:

Blizzard is doing this simply because they don’t want any negative consequences for boosting. It’s a money thing.


If you even remotely GaF about the /spit emote being removed, you are a literal man child.

In my culture, spitting on someone is a way to wish them good luck.

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so what you saying is, that by removing /spit on players from the game, they are offending your culture?


Man that is an odd as hell change. But if you’re gonna remove emotes, at least replace it with other emotes.

Please Blizz, give us /pet so I can pet my dog. ty

If they removed /e or /me for custom emotes that would pretty much kill the RP community. And the other faction see it anyways as "You make some strange gestures."

I personally don’t use the spit emote but I still don’t like them removing things from the game just because people were offended by it. As someone that was bullied irl as a child constantly I can say most people are too soft. I personally think while that experience was unpleasant it made me a stronger person.


People play stupid games, we all win stupid prizes. :disappointed:

The predilection with coddling goes well beyond these devs, and we’ll see much more of this as time moves on.


RIP WoW – may the slowly sinking dumpster fire have plenty of trash to burn off.


Beg For Mercy
Track 18

If this is the case then the player base is being spit in the face to remove it now of all times. We didn’t matter before.


Is that you Ja?

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I’m all for /spit being removed honestly. The only time people used it was in PvP after losing. Guess you’ll need to spam some other emote while being hammered into the ground.


If you use it I think you’re dishonorable trash, but I wouldn’t remove it from the game. Sad.