Imagine removing a 16 year old emote

Nah. It comes down to respect for the lived experience of others. Something I learned from reading Patricia Hill Collins.

Do I have a naive understanding of feminism that says women are always oppressed by men? No, reality is much more complicated. The truth is that for most of human history, just about everybody regardless of gender was oppressed by a very small number of powerful men (and sometimes powerful women also). The hierarchies aren’t strictly linear. But generally women have had far less economic freedom while taking on more domestic responsibility, and have generally had less self determination. There are also issues that affect men more such as suicide, work related injuries. A popular one to cite here is warfare, but I wouldn’t try to measure the impact of war on men vs. on women (see wartime sexual violence, “spoils of war”, and other pillaging that happened in most warfare throughout history). Suffice it to say that war is terrible for everybody involved.

The trap all of these young people, and intellectually young people, are falling into however, is trying to apply real world mores to a roleplaying game.

In real life would I spit on somebody? I sure as hell wouldn’t without consent. It’s invasive, disrespectful, and completely immoral.

In a virtual world would I /spit on somebody? Absolutely. My WoW character is a ruthless murderer that has slain hundreds of thousands of other players, not to mention NPCs.

That doesn’t mean that feminism has no place in WoW, by any means. I’ve known women who hid their gender online to avoid harassment, and those who received horrible harassment, stalking, and abuse because they didn’t.

In retrospect, I regret bringing this up at all in this thread, because while I’ve maintained from the beginning that I don’t think this is a feminist / social justice issue, I actually don’t think Blizzard is approaching it that way either. I did at one point, simply because of the timing being highly suspicious, but at the end of the day this is all about protecting the whales who utilize the cash shop.

And if Blizzard is using the timing to try to sell the playerbase on this horrible change, then that is particularly pernicious and disingenuous.

Eventually everyone will be roaming around in their own safe space special edition bubble.

You are putting way too much effort in this troll. Its kinda depressing.

Not that I disagree but just because something has existed for a long period of time doesn’t mean it is ok, look at slavery for example.

Restricting /spit emote is just silly though, players will find a way around it or use something else that might be more “offensive.”

Using /spit emote on someone in a video game isn’t comparable to real world bullying.

We are talking about video games so nothing in WoW is akin to slavery. It is a video game that people play for fun. And Classic WoW is a game that people specifically play to revisit a slightly older of gaming.

Trying to force these modern changes on the game doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t defending slavery “because it’s always been that way” it’s just defending a way to voice simple displeasure with the actions and behaviors of other players. There is nothing unhealthy about that at all.

exactly… exactly

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I not trying to say it is. My point is that if people were, in general, a bit tougher (perhaps by bullying giving them thicker skin) they wouldn’t have an emotional break-down over an emote in a stupid video game.

don’t try to reason with these weirdos on here dude, they are soooo far gone


Weak simply weak .

The playerbase these days are far more triggered as well. You sneeze and someone takes offense. This snowflake culture only empowers trolls.

In any event, this change is completely pointless. It solves nothing. People will just use another emote and eventually that gets banned, and so on and so forth. The real solution is for people to chill out, relax, and not get offended by some silly emote in a video game.


Standard operating procedure for ancient and medieval sieges was kill all the men and sell the women and children into slavery.

The more people are controlled and their speech restricted, the more dysfunctional social relations will be.


Blizzard’s too busy trying to dodge lawsuits lol

This is so very true

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Weak bloodline soy boys

In fairness, you can’t have it both ways. if there’s a /spit emote there should be a /swallow one as well. Let the masses decide which is better.

Imagine being triggered by such a thing.

You know when a coolaid drinking lunatic who believes in critical race theory and actually thinks HE isn’t the racist one is offended, things have gone really coocoo


buddy you couldn’t even state what the definition of CRT is

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they also changed the /whistle emote too because the original one too closely resembles a “cat call”


Well you could, but wouldn’t people mass RCR on you? That’s why you don’t see it.