To be fair – if I could kill same faction credit card swiping boostie scum, I wouldn’t need to /spit on them
One problem with this: the opposite faction only sees ‘%n makes some strange gestures’. They won’t see you actually spit on them. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
wish i had done more /spit when it existed :?
2006 WoW player: wonders if they should cancel their subscription because $15/month is too expensive and games should be free. Or might fail their college degree or girlfriend threatening to break up with them.
2021 WoW player: wonders if they should cancel subscription because they can’t spit on other players or get spat on.
critical race theory… grow up… /spit is used to grief. just kill players with your spells? or do u agree that hitting ur emote macro is cooler?
the objective belief that blacks have a harder life … than what whites??? (made by some white guy who isnt even black) grow up dude this is a video game
dont bring critical race theory here… enjoy not /spitting on players.
Spit is a immature and stupid macro that had no place anywhere in any game ever. It is disgusting and who cares that it’s gone.
I don’t “believe” in either feminism OR critical race theory.
These two things are ruining American society.
For the record, the emote is still here. It just no longer mentions your target. I fail to see the point of this change. It seems they are trying to appease SJWs (a terrible idea) while not actually wanting to remove the emote.
Absolutely pointless change, why tf would they spend a single second on this?
No they have not. You have no idea what you are talking about.
sure thing mr level 64 classic poster with 3 posts. this account has existed since wrath. i can prove (though i’ve played longer, but switched accounts) that i’ve played since 2008.
august 26, 2019 at the earliest, with no proof you got to max at all even in tbcc. with no links to achievements otherwise. you can look at mine and see i’ve consistently played since this account has been active, minus missing one of the MoP anniversaries. pls go on about how i’m full of beans when i’ve obviously played all along. i’ll wait for you to post on your vanilla ce account.
Blizzard employes getting sued for sexual harassment and the way they fixed is removing a emote inside the game. Thats why your game is dying.
I never started visiting the forums until WoD but in game I have never seen anyone complain about being spat on for whatever reason in the 14 years I have played.
It only seemed to have become an issue once TBC Classic released and players were constantly being spat on for buying the store mount, buncha softies.
real question, how can you spit on azshara to get her to one shot you now on retail?
Imagine caring enough to start a forum thread about it…
Idgaf about the change personally, but its cringe virtue signalling at its finest
How about just dont sexually assault women at your literal workplace instead
its always been a meme by people clutching pearls. i made a joke but no one got it was a joke. it’s always been a “think of the children” type thing from the perpetually offended. (i should know, i am one…) but was taking the pee out of it. for me? if someone is annoying me greatly they get a /spit. if they keep going they get a /fart or a /slap depending if i got angry or not. my pearls are clutched over more serious things. did you see the “night elf genocide” 347593478593487593845 posts one loon made on the retail GD? same type of posters posting that stuff. i am a liberals liberal but i a not crazy (i hope) so there’s huge divide. i am also a gay woman who loves men (platonically) so i guess i’m too complicated to exist. anyway. i have been silly in this thread long enough and you’re someone i actually respect so i’ve come clean. have a nice day, trunch.
Imagine playing a 16 year old game…