Imagine No DMG Meters

No. It’s a sincere question. I’m not gonna link or reference anything. I’m just not sure what you mean by trivial.

Trivial is different for different people based on gear. So its a fluid mark. There are some things that can be considered trivial for everyone. Say, open world questing.

But I feel its generally based on people going into content they drastically outgear.

A heroic dungeon might not be trivial for a new toon, but its trivial for a mythic raid gear toon.


I never really cared for meters.
imo io is more cancerous than anything else.

Understood. Thanks.

at this point DPS meters are needed. People need to know how much DPS is being done. Because, the game is balanced around people performing at optimum ability. Now, if there was never DPS meters to begin with and the game was balanced around lower DPS I can see it working. But, the way the game is now there really isn’t a way.

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I dont have to imagine. Ever since LFR became a thing, I uninstalled my meter and never looked back. With LFR i just have to pass the gear check. That´s it. From then on, i just focus on experiencing the content. No stress, no meters, no pressure.

Objective tools aren’t cancerous.

Just people.

People could be cancerous before IO. People will continue to be so after it.


Huh? There is a such thing as friendly competition, you know. I’d argue that competitive people in a team based activity tend to be even more cooperative. You can’t parse unless you get a kill, thus it behooves you to work with the team.

Perhaps if you’re talking about a solo activity, then competitive people probably aren’t going to be as cooperative.

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Players will find a way. Look at FFXIV. Squeenix does not allow any addons and warns people of potential bans for using them.

Meanwhile the community developed combat logs for themselves because they do not care what the company thinks. They want to see the numbers.

Blizzard can try to remove it. The community will always find a way to measure your worth. So this thought experiment is not realistic imo

It would be: :sun_with_face: :lollipop: and :rainbow:

Bro, they don’t need to be Blood DKs


But now I’m just posting as an excuse to ask you how you’re doing and if you’ve had your Patty Smyth fix yet today:

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I have played mmos that don’t have damage meters. They’re not any better.

ffiv is sounding better and better considering the decisions made in this game are no better than banning damge meters would be.

It’s literally always been that way. He was just reiterating it. The reason behind that rant in the first place is the morons using nudie mods and then posting screenshots of it all over social media. If they keep it up I wouldn’t be at all surprised if SE finds some way to ban mods altogether.

Also keep in mind there’s virtually 0 chance you’ll ever get banned for using ACT unless you’re shouting about it around other people. If you don’t use it to harass anyone you have nothing to worry about.

Its very very very rare i link meters… I use them to help me.

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I’m more of an imperial measurements kind of human.

The thing about a Patty Smyth fix is that its never enough. Always leaves you craving more.


Some system that is less accurate but more enforced would take its place.

I always enjoyed her music but it wasn’t until the deluge in that thread that I learned how talented she was. +1


I’m torn between associating this thread with Lennon’s “Imagine” and KISS’ “World Without Heroes Meters.”

For a more serious comment, I think the dps meter is helpful on both an individual and group level. It documents quantitative, mechanical character progression in a meaningful (to me) way. It can be used to create false or unrealistic expectations from others, though, and I think this is the issue most folks reference regarding “tool is good, the users are suspect,” kinda mentality.