Imagine No DMG Meters

Up until now I didn’t even know there was a way to check other players damage or healing output :smile: (still kinda new) without using some third party :tada: add-on .

Now that I know, I still don’t plan/or will
as I’m a casual player (not heavily involved in raiding, mythic+ dungeons, or PVP).

The only “negative” experience I’ve had with a dps meter is I now no Longer do lfr.

Other than that dps meters, have basically been a net positive for me. If it was not for my friends telling me about recount or gear score in wrath I don’t think I would have ever raided.

Since I use use the LFG/R tool, I haven’t been bothering with the meters. I just heal the best I can in each scenario. If I am doing poorly, nobody has called me out on it. This sorta thing really only applies to high end progression.

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Surely not.
In a raid, if your group is wiping due to low dps, you kick the bottom 5 on the dps meter and invite other people.
Without the dps meter, people would just leave the group and join another one.
Or even worse, the RL would check everyone’s equipment and decide who will be kicked based on it, and there are a lot of examples where some low ilvl people is doing more damage than a person with over 20+ ilvl than they are.
Dps meters are a good thing. If you don’t like it because you are getting kicked for low dps, just get more gear or improve your build and rotation.

I’d stop participating in end-game content.

There are guilds to join that go into raids and have a gag order on meters and performance and all that - they are called social guilds and the entire point is to enter an instance, press buttons while targeting the thing in the room, and chat about things going on in life and in WoW. Nothing wrong with them.

I don’t join social guilds and tell everyone “now you must use meters” - don’t take away my meters because I enjoy a different playstyle than another portion of the userbase.

We can both exist quite nicely. Find a nice social guild out there and never worry or install a meter again.


With a damage meter you can practice your rotation and measure yourself, investigate how skills really impact each other and try new skill combinations and can measure how much better or worse something is.

It’s the difference between knowing and having a vague feeling.

The state of the game would be worse off.

People would stress more. Anyone inclined to blame others for bad performance would still do that, they would just be wrong most of the time increasing the problems in a raid.

It wouldn’t affect the world first because they would just do what people do in games that don’t support damage meters, use an unsupported, and possible against ToS 3rd party utility.

People that think damage meters are bad probably think the only value of a gold brick is to bash someone’s head in.

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I’d hate not knowing who’s watching Netflix and mailing it in.

Just because some take it too far doesn’t mean I want it removed, If I’m hitting all the buttons and only doing 10-11k I wanna know. If hitting them in different order and skipping some buttons means that number jumps up, I wanna know. Nothing is gonna stop “Jonny Carry Me” from requiring 100k dps min with 500ilvl, AOTC and the love rocket from being a jerk.

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Game would be a million times worse without damage meters or logs in my opinion.

There would be no way to tell how you are performing. This would make it difficult or impossible to improve your gameplay.

And if your raid or dungeon group got stuck on a boss fight due to low dps, there would be no way to tell who is holding back the raid, and no way to help them improve. You’d just have wipe after wipe and not know what to do about it.

Simply put: the game would suck without meters.

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In reality, if Blizzard were to ban meters and logging tools in general this is what would happen.

Ppl would find a mob, let’s say one of the rares in uldum with 10m hp. They would then have to go solo it and record their kill time.

A 3rd party website, like warcraftlogs, would allow uploads of said kills. They would verify them, and you would have your DPS verified through said website.

You would then get an ingame addon for said players that linked to your recorded verified DPS and like the raider io addon people would be able to hover over your name and see verified DPS of players that had uploaded their kill of said rare.

Never underestimate the willpower of nerds to optimize their characters.

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This conversation started out with me saying blizzard didn’t have to design the content that way.

Then you claimed the game couldn’t exist with them…

Also, you really don’t know enough about me to make this kind of personal attack.

Couple of games have no damage meter.

If the game has combat logs, however a small program called ACT will parse your logs for you.

And yes, it works in FFXIV.

It’s easy to imagine

It would become the cupcake transmog simulator that is FF14 and would lead to the active population being decimated even further than it already is


Without things like DMG meters and gear scores, great guilds and groups of players would take longer to form. It can still be done overall but most of the playerbase will experience horrible groups.

It’s not a mess.

I’ve been using it since well before FF. At least 2007. First used it in EQ2. It’s not hard o.o

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This is why I stick to curseforge.

This is how I feel in ESO, an 810 hits like a 160.

WoW really pushes us to chase ilvls, but knowing rotation is a factor that in PvP makes you better even if with worse gear. I’ve seen a frost like myself but 50 levels lower just decimate. I went up against a WW as a WW and got destroyed same way.

Addons are an integral part of this game, now Classic is different with the purist crowd. watching Recount is how I know if I suck DPSing, healing, etc.

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Perfect analogy actually.

When players in a groups want to learn, then it’s a wonderful tool, but if raid leaders or other players just ride people until their backsides hurt, then it becomes a weapon. In either case, the “tool” is innocent.

There is great profoundness here.

Ragnaros demon hunters in levelling greens and soccer moms who afk for half the boss fight to check on their kids would rejoice.

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I like that in FFXIV you weren’t allowed to shame people with talk about DPS meters, but that’s sad if they are now banning people for using them

I think the best way to use them is as a tool to improve your own performance. Too many use it as a tool to complain about “carrying” others even when you beat the fight or are doing easy content.

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