Imagine No DMG Meters

The tank you would get destroyed without healer support and then all the rest would be turned into mush seconds later.

I know what you’re referencing and I believe that was said about classic wow…which tripled wow subs when it was released.

They think they do, but they don’t.

Back when my guild was raiding we encouraged the use of damage (and healing) meters so folks could find ways to measure and improve their performance. However, it was stated to all puggies, they would be insta-kicked if they published the results in any group chat. It was strictly the raid leader’s job to decide if someone’s performance was subpar.

We had a few dungeons where we paused and actually gave someone better gear and a quick tutorial on improving their DPS. Was very rewarding to see someone go from struggling to shining. Also a great recruitment tool.

I generally believe that taking the opposite of trade chat consensus has a more positive effect on things.

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Uh huh… :+1:

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Some people derive pleasure from those meters. It’s also the only metric used to gauge how you’re doing in game. Rewards (gear) aren’t awarded by how well you perform. Mediocrity also doesn’t down bosses on higher content.

I understand your point; but, I’m not sure everyone would be satisfied with LFR content or where everyone gets a participation award.

Considering damage is gear/traits/corruption/enchants + class meta how well you do on the meters isn’t precisely just showing you how good you are at actually playing the class.

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Eh… Corruption isn’t a representation of skill; but, not sure on the widely obtainable things are… Such as enchants…

“Considering damage is gear/traits/corruption/enchants + class meta how well you do on the meters isn’t precisely just showing you how good you are at actually playing the class.”

Agreed, which is why the damage meters should just be a “dummy light” that something needs to be attended to. Likewise the top DPS may still be under-performing and a group leader can’t get tunnel vision on just the lowest DPS.

People use it to brag and ridicule others on low dps and heals. I wouldn’t miss it.

Not enough for what?

People would likely stress more because they wouldn’t know that the people in their group didn’t know how to play.

Don’t blame the tool for people being jerks.


Which is why you use those logs/meter and do an ilvl % comparison on a spec breakdown.

Anything that isn’t trivial?

So anything that’s not endgame? Raids/Dungeons?

I am really not sure what you are asking.

Are you asking me what content that a tank/healer duo can’t do on their own?

I’m asking, what do you mean by trivial? What content?

any time anyone posts a damage meter or pretends they don’t have one and asks for someone to post it even though they know they are on top, respond with a negative stat for them. Like damage taken, lack of interrupts, deaths, that sort of thing.

Or best is if they are doing top dps but lower damage than another, post that one. Amazing how many players just look at their dps score.

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I feel like you are trying to set up a “gotcha” moment. And you are going to link to something like 5 Blood DKs doing a +10 in time…which is completely irrelevant.