Imagine No DMG Meters

You say that, but I’m curious to know how many people joined vs how many people left because of such things. Silent majority and all that.

that’s not true at all though

not to say that all three roles aren’t critical to the success of a group, but a healer messing up doesn’t mean the situation’s a loss.


WoD probably would’ve been a fine expansion for me endgame if it wasn’t for damage meters. All anyone was pugging after awhile was heroics (I think) and I still had a heroic dungeon weapon. Every. Single. Time. Someone would pop a meter and demand they kick the bottom tier dps after the first boss. Weapons always dropped from the last boss, so you can imagine why I got frustrated and unsubbed.

So my opinion of meters is this. As long as we down the boss why should anyone care? Kick me because I wipe the group, or because I keep dying in the first phase (which will happen if I’m totally undergeared), or anyway something tangible. Just not that the group overall was a success but I didn’t meet an arbitrary threshold.

People don’t seem to use them nowadays, but then I don’t pug anything but LFR. Personally I’m glad I don’t see it anymore, there was a time when people would pop them even there and I’ve always seen it as more or less a pissing contest. I understand their application but in my case do not want.

That’s one of the problems with meters. Meters don’t give you the full story. You can do big DPS and still be an awful tunneler who can’t do mechanics.

Meters for healers aren’t great because healing is situational. All that matters is the raid survives for as long as possible. Holy priest in particular has tons of aoe throughput and saves, but isn’t going to compete for single target early on.

The very-competitive would not be happy. It’s important to some people to be able to see who’s “better.” Essentially: the video-gamer equivalent of RL ball-gamers.

Casuals, ie, people who play more for fun (especially solo-ers), probably wouldn’t care. I, for one, wouldn’t. How fast I can kill something is more important to me than seeing numbers flash on a screen or fill up a leaderboard.

If the mobs don’t die, everybody dies.

Checkmate. The earth is flat.

Your move.

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Even the tanks and healers do damage.

Not enough!

And I mess up as a healer, and have had dps/tanks bail me out.

we’re not arguing facts here :stuck_out_tongue:

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Losing a DPS isn’t the end of the world. Losing a healer early is an easy wipe. Worst case you’re losing a bunch of CDs and 1/3 of your healing potential, best case you’re wasting a brez.

Healers are the lynchpin of the group. We are the most important. Everyone else’s job is easy. I have spoken.

That is because people like you made them about numbers.

Laughs in 40% leech


Losing a dps isn’t the end of the world for trivial content. Called more than one “wipe the raid, reset” because a dps died early.

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No videos of the fight and going over what everyone was doing.

Yes, this does not apply to DH, who are immortal golden gods. We bow down to your OPness.

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unless its a five man DH crew just emoing their way through content.

TO be honest I really don’t care how much damage another random person does in a group as long as the boss goes down .

I like to use the meters to gauge where I am at and look for ways to improve my out put.

Would I kick a person for bad dps ? No they may have just gotten to the point where they could just get into the raid or dungeon . I would for afking or not controlling their pet causing unneaded trash pulls or if it someone trolling the group but just for bad damage meter numbers no.

you had me at “Reply” <3

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Sure if you only focus on the damage part of it. It also tracks interrupts, damage taken and other information to give you a complete picture.

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Sure but the mob may die of old age first :slight_smile: