Imagine No DMG Meters

The program that people use as a DPS meter works by sniffing your network packets.

:joy: haha no thanks

like what? Downloading the logs and pulling them into excel and creating a pivot table to sum all of the activities for specific players?

“Guys, gonna need about 10-15 minutes to run through these numbers and see why we didn’t hit the enrage timer. brb.”

The game changed over time to incorporate more dps checking into its design. You have more strict requirements in term of enrage timers, bursting down shields, M+ speedrunning, etc. You also have your general dps come from more active gameplay (doing your rotation properly) and less from passive gameplay (gear, spamming the same few spells in specific situations). Azerite, essences and corruption are semi-passive because they rely on procs, and those procs can give big dps boosts if they align correctly with your cooldowns. For the lack of dps meters to make sense, the game would have to revert back to more passive dps gameplay, and the content would be less dictated by strict dps requirements.

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i only do WQ, but I need those meters so I can improve my rare kill times so I can stop playing this game faster.

That would suck. As much as I like FFXIV, the lack of add on support really sucks. There is a damage parser, but it runs separately and you have to play in windowed mode which I hate doing.

Damage meters are a good thing.


Without dps, tanks and healers wouldn’t kill anything. Without tanks, dps and healers die. Without healers, tanks and dps die. Each role is important to success.


Personal accountability might be the main thing keeping raiding together.

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Yes, but clearly my role is the most importantest.


If there were no addons, blizzard would adjust the fights accordingly so there would be no enrage timer. The game would go on, meters aren’t really necessary in this type of game.

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Yep, it would ensure I never run any content outside of my friends and guild mates. Removing good features from the game because someone’s feels might be hurt is a horrible idea. If you get bent out of shape because someone mentions your DPS is low, take that as a challenge to get better.

Last time I checked, you can’t actually heal a mob to death. So you can thank your local DPS for working as a TEAM with you to defeat them :slight_smile:

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Nuh uh!! I’m the importanter one!!

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Yeah except DPS is expendable. If you’re low on the meters in a raid, no one will feel bad about kicking you. You’re easy to replace. To get kicked as a healer you have to be pretty bad. Right now, tanks can be terrible in a pug and stick around just because no one wants to wait in the queue for 20 minutes…

Not to brag but I’m the Champion of Azeroth… so, think I’m mostest important 'round here.


be far, far easier, and far more boring


Sure but if you have dps failing to do their job you will fail, hence the need for kicks.

Maybe for the experience you’re having. To say they aren’t necessary for this type of game is absolutely baffling. This game is almost purely about numbers. Raiding, M+, pvp… numbers are crucial.

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Even in normal dungeons:
If a tank messes up, a healer can correct that.
If a dps messes up, a healer can correct that.
If a healer messes up, everybody dies immediately.
Clearly, healers are the most important role.

100% agree, ACT is a mess


What if the damage meter was person-specific, and only measured how close to optimal the player was? And after the fact, you’d be compared to other specs on the same fight.

To be fair, we dont know that now thanks to Corruption RNG :stuck_out_tongue: