Imagine No DMG Meters

We should just make WoW a YouTube video since we’re gonna dumb it down so much

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You just kick them, don’t say anything, its not like it changes anything, even in WOW.

DPS meter is allowed, Square just can’t say it in public because slippery slope is something they’re concerned with, if they publicly said they allow meters, then their audience (especially the console players) would ask for official meter.

In many of Yoshi’s interview, many people asked for class buffs and nerf by X% and Yoshi addressed it well, which means both the interviewer and Yoshi’s team used meters, otherwise they won’t know which class is underperforming.

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LOL what a toxic post.

Did someone make fun of u for doing bad dps?

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Why, web page loggers that break down every aspect of the fight and compile and rank you with many other players are the new crazy per say now days, though they been around now for a few xpacs. If your not ranking in those no one really cares what the current meters have to say.

Logs are far more accurate and complete.

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i think wow need it. Room for error is thin.

In ffxiv combat res has no cooldown and no limit, it just takes 8 seconds to cast. So unless group is completely terrible boss will eventually die. WoW is far less forgiving


FF has a 3rd party app that tracks dmg/dps(at least it did back when I played)

Players will always find a way to evaluate each other.

FFlogs dot com is a thing, they do log, and they have a dps meter called “Advanced Combat Tracker” it also does boss timers and raid callouts with a discod bot, and the devs know and don’t care as long as you don’t tell the casuals.
As for the kicking thing you are free to kick them all you like you just cant tell them why.


Heck in the current ultimate (alexandar) dps can’t dps their mob’s health to 0. So that is like a dps check but to not over do it. Cause if you do it’s pretty much a instant wipe. /nods/

Min/Max culture would just transform into the blame game. It’d be more hostile than ever.

I honestly wouldn’t play WoW if I had no way to measure my performance. Regardless of what the meters tell me about anyone else, my fun comes from analyzing my play and making myself the best I can be. I want to be able to find my own weaknesses, improve them, and see measurable results from that improvement. If you take away my ability to measure my performance I have no way to do that. I’m just hitting buttons hoping that the boss dies, and if he doesn’t I have no way of knowing what went wrong so I can fix it.

I’m not big on picking the bestest flavor of the month class or making sure I’m always on the tippy top of the meters or anything, I mean I main Feral after all. But I do want to make sure I’m playing the best dang Feral I can.

I use damage/healing meters to gauge my own performance. I know back in the day that my DPS was suffering before I got Recount (based on comments of others). I think Recount was my first addon and it was totally worth it. I would hate to see them gone.

And yes, people underperforming can be a problem, so as much as they can be abused, the meters can be extremely helpful.

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Imagine a non-competitive world where nothing you do matters at all and everyone just holds hands.

Yes, in that world, the people will just tear each other apart as their only outlet.

I like damage meters, it really helps with experimenting with different builds. In the end, raiding goes better with higher dps.

At release Rift didn’t have mod or combat logging support.

With a class talent system that was geometrically more complex than WoW’s every build was effectively viable because nobody could prove that they weren’t. You either completed the content or you didn’t. The minutia of performance didn’t matter because you couldn’t see it.

The very people who led the charge and pushed the rift devs to implement combat logging actually apologized to the rift community for ruining the game for everyone because literally the day after logging came out 99% of the possible builds became “unviable” in the eyes of anyone who cared about minutia and toxicity surrounding “the correct build” built up so fast it put a hole in the sky.

Games are supposed to be fun.

Meters are poison.

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The counter argument to that is that meters didn’t change anything there. Those builds didn’t suddenly become less optimized over night (and I do differentiate between optimal and viable. It sounds like these builds were completing content. That makes them viable to me but not optimal) they were always non-optimal, it’s just that people didn’t know it until there were objective ways to measure performance.

Those mod makers have nothing to apologize for. If people want to be able to optimize their character and that’s how they have fun then they should be thanking the mod makers for making it possible to even chase that dream. If players don’t care about that and just want a viable way to play the game in a way they enjoy without being the very best like no one ever was, the addition of meters doesn’t take that away from them.

Meters are a tool and should be used like it. I hate people who use them inappropriately and use them as a club to bash other players over the head. But that’s a problem with the community, not the tool itself. That’s the tool being misused.

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They did though.

When Rift first came out, people could talk about builds but at the end of the day the only thing that mattered was “can this build complete the content?”

So long as the answer was “yes”, that was all that mattered. If you failed it was the player’s fault rather than their build, and people didn’t yell at one another for having a single misplaced talent point somewhere or the wrong sub-soul equipped.

You could make your build, and people didn’t tell you that you were doing it wrong.

When the data came in, the entire system–millions of possible builds–were distilled down to 12 “correct” builds and everything else was labeled “sub-optimal and worthless”. Entire souls were relegated to the garbage as “not worth equipping”.

Yes they do. They absolutely do.

The more a system is built around “variety”, the more will be restricted by looking at meters.


Some enrage timers are 10mins

AFK hunter autoshot would make a comeback

and the refusal of telling them why, will get you a suspension. Because if you tell the devs ‘Because they don’t do enough dps’ then you don’t get to do any dps/tank/heal for 3-7 days. :slight_smile:

But I do agree, just like Blizzard doesn’t abide by their own rules and enforce them I think FF should definitely enforce them completely to ensure this behavior doesn’t ever happen.