Imagine No DMG Meters

People would figure out a way to test dps even if blizzard banned meters.

See: FF14. Meters aren’t technically allowed, but everyone knows they exist.

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As someone else said, Damage meters are great, but it’s the people who like to rub it in your face or point out you need to be kicked because you aren’t pulling your weight and need to be kicked.

The main reason I stopped playing DPS, most of the time I just didn’t understand the ‘rotation’ stuff, I would follow guides and builds, yet I wasn’t up to par still, I ended up being kicked a lot as a BM hunter.

I ended up rolling druid for the tank and heals, turns out that’s where I do really well.

I have many stories of, low DPS = bad = kick, then the tank was kicked or the healer who was dpsing as the rest of the group was really well geared

It really is a doubled edged sword

On one hand they’re good because you get information to improve yourself and identify if you’ve got someone that really isn’t pulling their weight

On the other if someone isn’t pulling their weight or just not up to someone’s standard they’ll just abuse the kick option

My dps has always been good, so I’ve never been kicked for damage - I’ve only been told once my dps was too low and that’s because I got pulled into to a raid with dramatically bad gear and had to come help on a boss that just required some more CC and the next boss was a hard dps check

Why not ask the lalafell discord that got shut down because the people there were doing very bad things. :nauseated_face:

Or the streamer who got suspended for going after a fellow friend for doing low dps.

Depending on the situation,etc they will take action…heck if your twitter,etc is connect to your account they can still suspend,etc if it deems fit and within their reach of them being allowed too,etc.

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Because we use DBM or Big Wigs because we don’t want to take responsibility upon our mistakes, sure that’s the reason.

You don’t even raid heroic, let’s not talk about Mythic were there are a lot things to keep track off so boss encounters addons come really handy for that.

Discord choosing to shut down a server is not getting an account banned.

If you are on stream you are in game and it’s super obvious who your character is.

Maybe, I doubt it though. It would have to be a verified twitter and have your real name in it. Otherwise if I knew someone’s name I could just make a fake twitter, spew a bunch of racist nonsense and get their FFXIV account banned? That would be ripe for trolls.

Most people’s discord names are not their first and last name, or even their in game character name for that matter. How would you prove who is who? You would just have a screenshot of xXAnimeLoverXx flaming someone’s DPS and ban a random account? C’mon.

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I think your confused I’m talking about the devs taking action against players…not players going after players.

You can connect things to your discord account. You do know that right. Like the app, FB,etc. Not hard to figure out if you got the info,etc.

Lol ok keep living in your world where u think devs are banning ppl for private discord conversations about DPS meters

You know what the best feeling is? Crushing the guy who usually posts the damage meters.

You know who I’m talking about. Every guild, or at least every server has that one guy who cares way too much about the meters, and either at the end of of the dungeons/raid, or after a pull, he’ll ask for someone to link it or post it himself so people can see him on top. Kind of funny how all of that comes to a grinding halt when they’re not the one who’s pulling top numbers, or how they quietly seethe when you link yourself above them, or go on a rant about how the class you’re playing is OP and doesn’t take nearly as much skill as their dps spec of choice.

That said, I love meters. Being able to get a solid breakdown of performances per pull to dissect where we’re having trouble with a boss/run is far too useful for me to ever want to give it up.

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no DMG meter but then how would one determine the exact level of screaming required that you have to do when the hunter screws up and it comes time to yell at them?

Not really. He could have done the same damage with a rock or a sharp stick.

What are they gonna do? Ban rocks and trees next?

but then the orcs would starve :rofl:

Let’s just say, this topic has been… enlightening.

Mostly about the WoW community’s psychological and likely terminal dependence on DPS meters, they can’t even envision playing the game without at this point.

Of course, considering that DPS likely CANNOT be removed from the game at this point, it’s probably more apt to ask what WoW would be like if it never permitted DPS meters and log recording/analysis (though not necessarily add-ons) to exist. Many have already, quite appropriately, that FFXIV exists and has officially banned DPS meters (while unofficially turning a blind eye so long as people keep the data to themselves and/or don’t harass other players with that data).

The thing people aren’t realizing?

The nature of the game would change IMMENSELY.
WoW would have evolved in an entirely different direction.

FFXIV’s own evolution over time is arguably a good example of this, becoming increasingly focused on the story and trying to provide a well-rounded experience for the player while not over-indulging in the endgame. It’s still there for those who look to do that sort of content, but it’s not the main focus nor put on a pedestal; many can argue it’s for the better.

To consider some specifics of what would happen to WoW if there never was any DPS meters?

  • The focus of the game wouldn’t be on metrics and damage output. Optimization of throughput wouldn’t matter as much, but other aspects of the gameplay would become more important. Surviving the mechanics, evading attacks, and even puzzle-like mechanics would be more prominent. The ability to stay alive would be MUCH more important that your raw throughput.
  • DPS checks would likely exist, but in a different form – the mid-fight DPS check to beat or everyone wipes. FFXIV makes heavy use of these DPS checks across all difficulties, including story-mode / normal. Speaking of which, auto-wipe mechanics would probably be more frequent as well; do the mechanics or it’s a wipe, powering through with raw damage output would not happen (or at least not very often) as doing so could trigger the auto-wipe mechanic.
  • There probably would have been less pruning of “unique” abilities, simply because they’d see more utility and “class identity”. Because optimization is no longer a concern, there’s no point of getting rid of fun extra abilities the sufficiently creative can make use of. One could also argue there’d be more class complexity (but not necessarily difficulty) and abilities in general.
  • The hyper-competitive players which currently dominate the game would be pushed aside for the most part… or at least be confined to PvP in general. Instead of being put on a pedestal and having their egos swollen to bursting point, they’d just be another niche; probably a rather unpleasant one.
  • I suspect the community would be nicer and more inclined to help people out. You know, much like WoW’s earlier days.

It’s difficult to say if the story would be better – that’s never been Blizz’ strong suit – but the game would be ENTIRELY different that what we have now. I’d argue it would be for the better.

Many would probably not agree. But as we can clearly see, they just can’t imagine playing the game with DPS meters. It’s all they know and they will NEVER willingly let go of it.

No, it couldn’t possibly be that we enjoy playing the game that way… it just must be our lack of imagination! Everyone knows that you can’t play both WoW and FF at the same time! >.<


lol so what do you tell people that you kick from your group for doing literally 2 dps?

I don’t understand, how am I supposed to improve as a player if I can’t see stuff like my lifebloom uptime is 80%, should be over 95%? I won’t just feel something like that in my bones

People would be playing the way I have, for 15 years.

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You can find out right now. Don’t use them.

Sure. I know I do. :slight_smile:

Who cares?

try a fight with out a tank… everyone dies quickly… try a fight without any dps ( my guild did it in wotlk for kicks) its a LONG LONG fight
try a fight without heals… every one dies once the tank dies…
bluntly strategically everyone is a support class for the tank…but without support the tank dies eventually before the boss does

Raiding is a numbers based game and as others have pointed out it is necessary to have information readily available to make changes.

Unfortunately I have often found that unless you have a specific talk with an individual and point out to them what they are doing wrong and what they need to change, they rarely fix the issue. Doing it passively where you address the whole raid as a single unit doesn’t often motivate the problem people to step up.

Would be nice if nothing is trackable no dps heal meter, no raider io no score no nothing, even deadly boss. Make it where no addons work.