Imagine No DMG Meters

But you didn’t learn, because In the absence of data, you can’t learn. You have no idea how you personally are playing, or how changes to rotations or stats increase your damage.

Learn the fight mechanics? sure. But other than that, all you did was throw your bodies at the boss until he died.

WoW would have to drastically change it’s damage requirements if they want to exist in a world where there are no damage meters.

thankfully, they don’t want that.


More-so they want it to be competative in the wrong area. PVP is supposed to be cooperative, not competative. PVP should be both, for obvious reasons, it has both a cooperative and competative aspect. There is absolutely NO reason for PVE to be competative.


Then connect their discord name with their in-game name and report that as well, same thing happened to a streamer that thought he’d be fine. If people stick to in-game means or the forums(here) Then they know they can post here without people harassing them for such things. :slight_smile:

no, it would make people stress more because they wouldn’t be able to see if something was a slight upgrade or know if they were doing poor damage compared to others and thus wouldn’t improve quickly.


I’m sure FFXIV doesnt ban people over discord screenshots.

OMEGALUL if they do though, since that can be so easily faked and photoshopped.

It’d be very easy to work with Discord to get that figured out, just like Nintendo did for ‘leakers’.

I’ve seen people with great gear do terrible DPS, sooo…

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Obviously, they did, otherwise boss would have still been standing.

Refer to previous statement/fact.

They did want that, they have considered disallowing addons multiple times because of what it creates.

You simply dont want to go back to a time of having to learn things for yourself, and would rather have a little program do it for you.

I dont bother running DBM anymore. I know when to interrupt, I know when to move, I know when to step into the pool for stygian annihilation on Maut. Why? Because of experience. Ive done it before, made a mistake, learned and havent done it since.

God help us, we would have to actually do something rather than tunnel until a little flashing icon came up or an alarm sound that snaps our attention away. God forbid we should be responsible for our actions over some program telling us what to do all the time.

Yeah I’m sure discord is partnered with the NSA to leak ISP information from around the world to a Japanese company to stop log shaming.

Your tinfoil hat is on too tight.

Sounds like a bunch of people that get kicked a lot for doing terrible damage.

I also partially blame the LFG/LFR system for that. If you can go into group content, use a tool to be a jerk, then leave and have zero consequences then some people will do that.

Came in here to post exactly this. We don’t use them flexing (well, we do when we have everything on farm), we use them to see where we made mistakes and what we can change.

Fortunatley for our past selves you are incorrect about this.

It seems a little odd that you would imagine this but its a big world and people have all sorts of notions. No, we did indeed have to learn the mechanics and how to use our skills and abilities.

When you have to vacate an area instantly because the lighting icon just popped up, some classes are learning what their movement abilities do while others are discovering their defensive cool downs.

I remember the tank instructing me to use a particular attack because it had a little dash in it and didn’t need a target. Which I hadn’t previously considered.

I think we both know that there is nothing WoW could possibly do to detoxify the blame-game community.

No meters is a rather moot point. A lovely thought that could never be.

There aren’t enough leaders to lead, but everyone has plenty of fingers to point.


My only ever encounter with a DMG meter in WoW was on the timeless isle in its early days where someone who didn’t know about the buff items and shrines took offense at the fact that I out-dpsed them on a rare with gear 20 or 30 ilvls lower than theirs.

I think that would suck. One of my favorite things in this game is seeing my improvement.


Damage meters are great.

The problem isn’t really damage meters. IT’s that 75% of the player base doesn’t know how to interpret the data and knows next to nothing about other classes other than their own.


Agreed, there are even people that do it in M+'s. Theyll get into a group and because its not going exactly how they want theyll leave, screw the key up for whom ever’s it was. No penalty, no punishment for that either. In LFR/LFD sure theres a 30 min debuff, but pffft, thats nothing.

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imagine you…

DPS would be kicked if boss didn’t die still, no it wouldn’t improve.

and the Deathbringer’s Will and Phylactery of the Nameless Lich It would be a dream for everyone in WotLK times.